How do you react to a weight gain??

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  • Very curious to know what your first reaction is to a weight gain?? Do you cry? Laugh? Throw the scale at the window.

    What I do is immediately tell myself to increase exercise and decrease food intake as a goal for the upcoming week. Other than that, I don't adjust my lifestyle to much.

    I think the only time I shed a tear or two is when an unexpected gain happens. Otherwise I take the good with the bad.

    Please share with me your actions and reactions to weight gains.

    Thanks so much....gail
  • I start to feel incredibly hopeless. And then I decided enough is enough and plan, wait a few days (because its sometimes only fluctuation)
  • I think of gains much differently now than I used to.
    I realize that they aren't the end of the world. I get irritated if the gain is unexplainable, but I also know that those are just temporary fluctuations.

    If I gain because I don't have good control of my food, then the gain confirms that fact and I use it to get myself back into control.

    I don't think you can get through the journey without those periods where the scale goes up. Many people use these as an excuse to give up, or beat themselves up instead of as a tool to get focused again.
  • Quote: I think of gains much differently now than I used to.
    I realize that they aren't the end of the world. I get irritated if the gain is unexplainable, but I also know that those are just temporary fluctuations.

    If I gain because I don't have good control of my food, then the gain confirms that fact and I use it to get myself back into control.

    I don't think you can get through the journey without those periods where the scale goes up. Many people use these as an excuse to give up, or beat themselves up instead of as a tool to get focused again.
    I agree 100%

    For me, most of the time a gain is from a huge binge or when I've fallen off track for a few days or so.

    As I mentioned in another thread, nowadays I just sigh, accept it, and then do something about it. Most of the time that means just getting back to eating right and working out again. I know that the weight will come back off as long as I don't throw in the towel and just give up completely.

    Someone else on 3FC once wisely compared it to having a flat tire, then getting so angry about it that you immediately slash the other three. Makes no sense when you look at it that way!

    So I guess you could say that I'm more accepting of temporary gains. I know I'll have them, but I also know I can get past them, too. It's not the end of the world, and not a reason to give up.
  • Usually I know when it's going to happen.
    If I think I've been good, I will review my Fitday and figure out what went wrong. That is how I found out that granola is NOT a healthy snack!

    If it looks like water weight, then it probably is. I just keep in mind that it's the trend that is important, not just the number I see today.

    I've started weighing every day (same time in the morning) so I can more accurately follow the trend. If it keeps going down, I'm doing well. More important than the scale is my knowledge whether or not I have made good choices the day or week before. And that I know even without looking at the scale. All the scale is, is checks and balances.
  • i plan to work harder the next week in order to loose mroe....
    i hate gains especially when i have been working hard all week....
  • If it's unexpected, I just think "that CAN'T be right!" And then I do something to fix it.

    If I knew it was coming, I sigh, feel down for a bit, and then remember that this is a journey, and it's going to take more than one slip up to keep me down.
  • When I put on 4 lbs over night I know it's because of all the carbs I ate the night before... so I become more careful about my diet the following days. I weigh myself everyday to keep me accountable.
  • I take what the scale says with a grain of salt. I focus on more tangable ways of measuring my success, literally, I measure myself weekly. I can see a gain yet I'm still shrinking. Usually that is a good thing if I've been staying within my calories, doing my cardio and lifing weights it means I'm gaining muscle not fat. I also avoid really salty processed foods becasue water weight gain is something that will not only make me feel bloated but show a gain on the scale.
  • I sigh and tell myself I just have to be really good that day.
  • i hate it, i get upset, angry, depressed, especially if i have been trying really hard that week. Then i try and use it as motivation for the next week
  • Depends if the gain is fat or muscle. If I have been away for a weekend for instance and eaten not so healthy meals and not worked out and I weigh myself and the scale is up a little, I feel bummed out and annoyed with myself.

    If it's a muscle gain I get stoked! I know if it's a muscle gain if I've been eating extremely healthy and busting my butt at the gym daily and swimming.
  • I usually don't take it hard, I have never been shocked by my weight on the scale. The scale is just telling me what I told my body to do. I will get a little happy or sad when I see a - or +, but overall I am not DRASTIC with my weight loss or gains, dieting or working out.
  • I don't think anyone can gain muscle in a week. it takes a long *** time to gain muscle.

    I cry when I gain
  • Quote: I don't think anyone can gain muscle in a week. it takes a long *** time to gain muscle.
    I disagree and I never said anything about a week time period anyway.