MOVE IT TO LOSE IT - August 2008 Bootcamp

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  • Alright girls - Here it is the August 2008 Bootcamp Challenge!

    This month our Motto is: MOVE IT TO LOSE IT!

    Here's the guidelines:

    1. SHOOT AND SCORE!Set a goal for the month. It can be exercise or weight loss. Make it REALSITIC! (no you're probably not going to lose #40 in 4 weeks!) Put this goal in your signature and update at LEAST once a week. It helps you to have a visual of what you're doing (or not) and helps us to motivate you to KEEP GOING!

    2. WORK! COVER GIRL!!! You MUST do at LEAST 30 mins of exercise 4 days a week!

    3. COME ON IN THE WATER'S FINE! That's right - In order to get the great support from us girls you have to post! We don't know you're here if you're lurking! I want everyone to post at least 3 times a week! (for most of us that's not an issue! )

    4. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW By popular demand (and because I can't count ) This is where you create your monthly Mantra... the words you're going to live by for the next month (and possibly longer) to keep you motivated and moving forward!

    5. TODAY IS TOMORROW'S YESTERDAY! Schedule tomorrow today!No I'm not expecting everyone to plan out every morsel you're going to eat... but schedule that you're going to work out after dinner, or if you have a date night then schedule when you're going to have time to get it in. Also if you're a points/calorie counter, schedule an approximate of haw many per each meal. Plan for snacks as well.

    6. WITHOUT ENOUGH SLEEP WE ALL BECOME TALL TWO-YEAR-OLDS! As part of this challenge I want ALL OF YOU to get AT LEAST 6.5 hours of sleep a night! If this means going to bed before the dishes are done - SO BE IT! You can't lose weight on a sleep deprived System!

    7. BALANCE, PEACE AND JOY ARE THE FRUIT OF A SUCCESSFUL LIFE! Find one other aspect of your life that needs work. Finances, Housekeeping, cooking at home (see my big 3? ) and pick that one thing to work on to become more balanced in your life. "When our life is out of balance we have stress! Balance in your life does bring less stress to your life!" Catherine Pulsifer
  • Yayyy Eny!!!

    Great job girl! I'm gonna get to work with my planning so that I can be ready to post August 1st! I'm so ready for a new month!!!
  • Melissa - I'm so glad you're already here! I'm also waiting until the first to update my goals etc. i'll post my 1-7 plan then. It's going to be a FUN Month! With a lot of WORK and SUCCESS!!!
  • Hey ladies, room for another one around here?! I need a good kick up the backside to get the weight going again, and a good challenge is just what I need!! I use an online calorie counter, so that isnt too much of an issue, but i do need to up the veggies and keep going with the exercise.
    Im going to be moving to Scotland on the 27th September, starting a whole new chapter of my life and I want to be feeling healthier and looking better by then too. Anyway I'm looking forward to a great challenge!!
  • Awesome! May I join you?
  • May I join?!? I think I can follow the guidelines....I'll try on the sleeping part but I have a very spoiled 8 month old I'll make my goal #10 in 4 weeks....
  • Hey what happened to #4 Eny?
  • i would like to join!! my goal will be 10lbs
  • Everyone is to join!

    Use these next couple of days to really review the criteria that Eny has posted and set goals for numbers 1-7 (something happened to number 4 but I'm going to make one of them my mantra for the month so I will still have 7)

    Post your starting info on the 1st of the month as well as goals!

    Update as often as you like...log on to support others or get support also!

    Good luck look forward to a great month with you all!!!
  • Im in! Good luck to everyone!!!!!
  • I'm in... it's time to get off my tail and get going... and possibly lose
    something this summer beyond the same 5#'s...
    SW: 164.4/ GW: 158.4

    Goal for this month: 6lbs and good bye to the 160's!!

    2. WORK! COVER GIRL!!! 30 minutes a day, 4x per week... no problem.

    3. COME ON IN THE WATER'S FINE! ahh... i lurk multiple times a day, every day... i often feel like there's nothing big going on with me and no need to post (since i've been gaining and losing the same 4-5 lbs all summer). i'll have to work on this.

    4. Do or do not... there is no 'try'.

    5. TODAY IS TOMORROW'S YESTERDAY! this is absolutely a must for me! scheduling, especially the next two weeks, is going to be crazy!

    6. WITHOUT ENOUGH SLEEP WE ALL BECOME TALL TWO-YEAR-OLDS! finally, something I've been doing right already! since my surgery in june, i've been sleeping 7.5-8 hrs per night... no prob!

    7. BALANCE, PEACE AND JOY ARE THE FRUIT OF A SUCCESSFUL LIFE! i think this is part of the reason i decided to jump on this challenge - my finances are completely out of control... my life is just chaos right now... i'm really not doing anything to reign it in... i'm going to have to schedule my life and budget my money... or come the end of august, there won't be any need to watch my food intake.... cause there won't be any to take in!
  • Of course I'm in, there is a missing 4, I'm going to make it my mantra "positive, positive, positive" like last bootcamp. Something I can repeat when I get in a bad mood, reminding myself to look up, one day at a time!

    1. My goal for month is to lose a few lbs but it's more to really stick with my program, I'm doing BFL, am in month 2, so it requires extensive weight training 3x per week, and cardio too. I'm hoping to make it through the entire month of Aug not skipping any days (although there might be a few "at least I exercised days that aren't as intense by the program).

    2. Agreed, at least 30 min of exercise 4x per week (included in BFL plan).

    3. I agree to try to post at least three times per week.

    5. I'm scheduling tomorrow today every evening before bed in my BFL journal. The journal includes planning meals, I'll admit I'm not really doing that but if I don't have ideas (and I seem to be doing the same old meals daily) I created a binder with recipes from various diets and recipe books with snacks, meals. I try to eat carbs (bread, etc type) at breakfast and lunch or dinner, usually lunch but I'm not going to calorie count for now, I think I have the "basic" calories down in my head sticking with the same old stuff every day and NOT eating out.

    6. Sleep is no problem for me, I'm self employed, the biggest problem is sleeping too much and not working like a normal person in the am. I'm going to try to get up earlier, get dressed/showered before I plop on the couch with my breakfast and the Today show. And a part of my am is to work on finances every single day, balance my checkbook - plus other spiritual stuff.

    7. My other aspect of life I'm majorly working on is finances. I'm on the Dave Ramsey program, it's mean, a tight cash only budget (I started and didn't finish classes at a local church but they said I could come and finnish the rest starting in Sept - I need a hammer over my head and support on this one). But like weight, I gained here by making daily decisions that weren't good. I also like the Stephen Covey ideas on balance, in his system you write down the different sectors of your life and make plans for each, each week. Also you "sharpen the saw" and do something for stress reduction, for me I like yoga a few times a week, church, prayer and quiet music to sharpen my saw. So I'll focus on balance in all things, might order some Covey tabs for my planner book as well.
  • Ok - the mystery #4 has now been filled in... it's simply my lack of counting abilities that it was missing

    I'm SO happy to see so many ready to WORK in August! I know I DESPERATELY need to work on #2. I've been slacking in the exercise department BIG TIME! (and I put on #1 since Monday to show for it! UGH)

    Piggin - I'm So happy to see you in here! It's been awhile since we've been in a challenge together! How's the Scottish man of yours???

    dancinggirl -= Kissing the #160'S goodbye would be AWESOME! I'm still working on the #180s - but I'll Get there!!!

    horsey & momma - good to have you back

    Blue, Jesse, Pan & Matilda The more the merrier! Look at the guidelines and post your goals either tomorrow (July 31) or Aug 1. I'm SO happy to see you all here!

    As for me - i'm waiting until Aug 1 to post my goals and such. I want to get an accurate first day of month weigh in. Which reminds me - there is no specific day to weigh in on this challenge. Just make sure you update us on your day so that we can root you on!
  • Ahhhh... the mystery # 4 You reap what you sow, Biblical, also meaning consequences for daily decisions (not just dieting but all things in life). In Buddhist terms it would be Karma. In the book Secret it would be called "the secret" - whatever we focus on we become. So rather then suffering the consequences of POOR decisions let's GAIN from GOOD daily choices here! Let's all think positive, follow the Secret, believe we can do this!
  • Quote: Ahhhh... the mystery # 4 You reap what you sow, Biblical, also meaning consequences for daily decisions (not just dieting but all things in life). In Buddhist terms it would be Karma. In the book Secret it would be called "the secret" - whatever we focus on we become. So rather then suffering the consequences of POOR decisions let's GAIN from GOOD daily choices here! Let's all think positive, follow the Secret, believe we can do this!
    Oprah was talking about "the secret" the other day ...I was wondering what that was??