Weekly Thread #1169

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  • Bumblebee – Congrats on the better fit of clothes.
    Nancy - Glad you got to the gym and had a good weekend with family & movies. Did you get to the gym yesterday?
    Angels - Good job on releasing weight during vacation. Hope I am that lucky next week while we camp. Did you find that calorie free milkshake? Hope you got thru last night ok.
    Catherine – I have never thought of spite shopping before. I usually leave and go back when the next shift comes back. Ewww about the 1st aid and coffee. I keep thinking about getting a mouth gaurd especially with doing home child care.
    Anne- Where are you? Did the garden gobble you up?
    Rat – Glad you tummy is feeling better. Glad that the meeting today was not a cr@p hit the fan kinda meeting.
    Sharon – Hope your week is less stressful. Sending you best wishes for the job hunt.
    Brandnewme – Did you get your apt repairs done?
    Val – How are the horse shows going?
    Jess8 –Show those scales who the is boss. That is the only option. I believe that you can do it! Just search for that extra bit of patience and then as the girls say here WOOOSH. Then a bunch of lbs just fall off when you least expect it. Do check that your at a good calorie level.
    Debbie – My Dad use to bribe me to lose weight. “I’ll pay you X$ for Xlbs” or buy a car. None of these helped. Just made me resent him and felt like he could not accept me for me and on the flip side I had to accept him as an alcoholic. I hate double standards. That is a huge even in my marriage. When DH can do something that I cant. Like last week he wanted to drive somewhere out of the way. But when I want to its “OH aren’t we trying to save gas?. I don’t think that it is a case of love/caring less, but what the parent thinks he/she can do to get the adult child to do. You Dad probably knows you wont go for those offers.
    To all in Cali – Glad you eh O K.
    Juliee – I know what you mean when you finally get thru to DH. I get that way when I find out there are storms wherever DH is driving. I am a nervous wreck until I hear that he is either parked for the remainder of the storm or the storm is over. I don’t watch the weather where he goes as much. It gets the kids upset too. WOW your friends seem pretty mellow about the parking/towing thing.
    Carol – Good job on the -2.75 gone!
    Bernince - The grumpy fairy arrived here today. The kiddies are running all over my nerves. But there has been rain most of the day and have not been out to play! SOOO only a few more hours til bed time.
    Luan – I nearly choked on my kiwi reading about you running to safety. That is a good reminder to shower in my swim suit when I go to cali.
    Debi – Been praying for all your friends. I have the kids until Sept 2 when school starts back in. We go on holidays next week and that leaves 3 more weeks entertaining the kiddies. Then I get to rest again! My hours will drop from 12 hr days to 4 hour days. But that is ok. I rather the part time work. Then I get to go to school to volunteer. And exercise kid free from 1-3 each afternoon.
    Annie - Your darling hubby is right along with the other opinions here. YOU got HIT ON! Take the compliment. Chances are he asked the group leader/aunt about you and knows already that you are married. That may take away any further invites. But enjoy the attention if it does not bother your hubby. He may like the little boost to his ego reaffirming that his hunny is hot!
    Heather – Glad youre enjoying tour holidays!
    Lesley – Hi I’m looking forward to getting to know you!

    Sorry its long. But I had a few days worth to catch up on!
  • Julia-I have a mouth guard in my first aid kit now.
  • Luan..silly me. I am on a few different lists with a few different companies. My 2 recent groups were held in Calabasas and at warner Bros. studios but that one was through a company based in Encino. I am still interested in the Gazelle...I could probably come down on Sunday or meet you somewhere if that would work.
  • Hi everyone. I received a very nice invite from Debi to join up, here. So, here I am. I am a calorie counter and hang there, as well. I like this part of the forums, too. I really like that there is specific support for people at all phases and weights.

    I started out on June 4th at about 418 lbs. The weight on my ticker and profile was as of July 5th. I have lost more weight. I can see it in the way my body looks and how my clothes fit. I won't be changing the numbers on my ticker or profile often... I have scale issues. Silly, I know. I am trying to work through them. But right now, I am just happy to be getting results I can see and feel. They are the ones that count most, IMO. Numbers on a scale are a good way to see how things are going, but not the last word.

    Anyway, hi.
  • Good evening everyone. I just seem to be unmotivated this week. I'm pushing through the workouts and the food is okay, but I feel like I'm going through the motions at the moment. That's okay though, since that feels like it's become a routine of sorts. I suspect it's got more to do with the iffy weather than anything else. I spent my rest day yesterday making jam and making a couple of different sauces for the freezer, so it's not like I haven't been busy. It just seems like the hours are flying past.

    So, just a to everyone, and I hope you're all doing well. Maybe I'll get my act together by the end of the week.
  • Anne - I'm with you - I think it's the weather. We got 8 inches of rain out of Hurricane Dolly and we're over 1000 miles from south Texas. It had been grey and cloudy - not to mention cool before the skies opened. So when does school start - getting nervous? I also think it is great you were able to meet up with some fellow chicks.

    Rain Dancer - welcome! I look forward to getting to know you.

    Prof - now you go and enjoy your vacation! Sounds marvelous. Pics to share please.

    That's it for me tonight - we are in major company prep - we very foolishly didn't ask for RSVP's for a Honeymoon Shower we are hosting on Saturday - over 80 are invited so I guess I will cook for about 60 and hope for the best. Tonight was fridge clean out - found a few science experiments. How many open bottles of ketchup do 2 people need?

    Hugs to all,
  • Hi kids,

    So, I am proud to say I will hit my 100 mile goal (exercise bike) this month (this is taking 35 miles in the last three days of the month...silly me), and I am setting 150 miles next month. I feel like I am hitting the stride. I have been consistently eating 1600 to 2000 calories (I really need to get closer to 2000, have been coming in low).

    Work is...work. But it's fine. I have been working 10 to 12 hours a day, and still eating on plan and getting the exercise in. No complaints here.

    As a side note, I am sneaking up on the 10% mark. Yahoo. That is pretty darn exciting to me.

    Rat - Hiya. You are a star.

    Carol - Thanks for keeping on touch with me. I tend to become a lurker when allowed to do so. By the way, the picture is still great.

    Annie - Good luck on the job front. I hope you find the perfect job.

    Nancy - Congrats on getting back in the flow of things. And congrats on a successful relationship.

    So here is an issue I have. Yes, I have lots of them. When I post some personals, I feel like I owe everyone one. And well, that's just not going to happen. I am not that creative or motivated or something. So it is better to slight some, or all?

    With that, I am outta here.

  • Angie - Do personals for who ever you want. Whenever you want. We just like hearing from you! Most of the time I do one or two liners. But then I have days like today I just wanted to blab. It was a good distraction from the kids arguing!
  • julia - it goes all across the board. for face, i like bare minerals, for eyes i like urban decay and hard candy. i also like the sephora branded makeup. its pretty inexpensive and works really well

    Julee - i am shooting most of the day on sunday, but if i know when youre coming, i can sneak away since the shoot is only a few miles from my house. i will PM you my phone number. also, im interested in doing those studys if they are taking more people. can you send me info?
  • Angie - post whatever you can. I'm like Julia - most of the time I don't have much to say so will just add a few - other times I just blab away. Mostly though please keep in touch so we know how you're doing. And you're welcome not to mention the big congrats on sneaking up on that 10%. I thought I would never get there personally and then the second 10% seemed so quick and I'm in self-imposed maintenance right now so the third isn't moving much.

    Penny - where are you? Oh by the way - water?

    Move your bodies, drink your water and SMILE.

    Hugs to all,
  • dancer_ welcome...I hope you enjoy being here as much as i do!!I have made the most wonderful friends here and gotten wonderful support not just with my dieting but with whatever life thows my way.These woman really care about each other!!

    I just realised yesterday that i have been dieting for 6 months already. I knew I was on week 26 but never really thought of it in months until someone at the funeral asked me yesterday how long i had been dieting. I said 26 weeks and they said wow you have lost almost 60 lbs in 6 months...duh I hadnt realised it had been 6 months already. Just having fun and enjoying my friendships here and had been keeping up with the weeks in my notebook. LOL
    shows how times flies when your having fun!!
    thanks for the wonderful support!! I cant wait to see what WE can lose in the next 6 months!!
  • Greetings my peeps!

    My atomic clock decided to reset itself back 2 hours and then set itself for PM. Something messes with the radio frequency every now and then. Luckily, I have 2 dog alarms and one cat alarm. The bird alarm doesn't start going off until the cat and dogs are taken care of... he just wants a treat, but he's way louder than the rest! Amazing noises can come out of a parrot with those tiny lungs.

    See Realist? Just rambles.. hehe. But I love the rambles of people. I love the silly little life stuff that people share. Luan is doing a shoot a few miles from her house? Way cool! DH taking pictures of Annie and her furbabies.. priceless DMPLS and her chaotic household and Catherine and Himselfs adventures at the mall... luv it!

    Rain, welcome!! Don't worry about personals. Just tell us about yourself and ramble (like I told Realist).

    Debi, wanna know how long I've been doing this? Four years last April.. Four years?! Yup. It's been 4 years since I've gained anything major. Well, there was an off period where I gained 20 lbs in a month.. ack! got back on quick. Know what? those times happen and it's a part of getting healthy, right Nancy and LitChickie? Hugs! Things go way smoother when friends are there to help with life stuff.

    Welcome back Lit!!

    Julia, my dad did the same thing .. bribing for pounds lost. He didn't understand that there was nothing external that could make me lose weight.

    Anne, ya can't feel "full" of the healthy lifestyle feeling all the time! Sometimes, we all just go through the motions. Just keep going!! I'll cheer you on

    GGG, cooking for 60, eep!! Hahahaha about the ketsup. I am the condiment queen. My thing is different types of mustard. I think there are 8 or 9 different open mustards in the frig door right now.

    Well, I think I'm awake now. Time to go to work and try to get my project done by my deadline on Friday.

    Hugs to all!
  • ok so talk about silly move! I am suppose to go to the bank and pay a few bills all before DH gets home from work! Well, last night as we were heading out to church I needed something from my car(we were taking his to church) DD grabbed my set of keys and hit the unlock thingy.......I grabbed what I needed and she hit the lock thingy.........well.........she never gave me my keys back so yep you guessed it she set them down in the backseat of Dad's car!!!! which of course he took to work at 5am! He works almost an hour away!!!! I called him and he said he doesn't know what he will be able to do!!! I don't have anyone that I can call and say "Hey could you drive me an hour out of town to pick up my keys?" talk about stupid!!!

    I really needed to get my nails done today too!!! one is lifting LOL besides the bills that were put off till today!!! grrrrrr!

    WOW debi I'm proud of you! my 6mths is coming up this saturday and I know this summer time away from work has done me in! I have been so lax on exercise & eating appropriately!!! I plan to make the next 6mths count double time!!! LOL I can't wait to catch back up to you!

    Welcome Rain Dancer~ even though you are a Cubs fan we wont hold that against you!!! LOL

    Angie-dont feel like you have to respond to everyone! Sometimes I feel like it and other times I just need to whine about me LOL and don't feel up to responding to others.......do what you can but just keep coming back!!! I know that has helped me tremendously!!!!

    Love all my 3FC friends!

    added this~~~~ since Rat posted at the same time~~~~

    DMPLS and her chaotic household?????? hmmmmmmmm yeah I guess it could be summed up like that! LOL
  • good morning everyone! have a great day! i am now 10 pounds lighter !!
  • way to go forU. 10lbs is awesome.