Hi! I'm a newbie

  • I am very new to all this computer stuff such as forums. I am hoping to find some support for my diet efforts. I have turned to my spouse several times and he is very supportive for a couple days,then seems to sabbotage my efforts. It has become very frustrating. .
  • . . . glad you found us . . . there's lots and lots of support and encourgement around here, Chickie, because we all understand what you are feeling . . .
  • glad you found us! I see you are from kansas! where? I was born and raised in Kansas and moved to Texas 2 years ago! Grew up in small town Lyons, went to college in Emporia then moved to Wichita for several years before coming to texas!
  • I am in Kismet in the southwest corner of the state. My husband grew up here. I was born and raised in British Columbia. I really miss the mountains and trees!
  • I'm brand new as well; just joined yesterday, as well as signed up for weight watchers. I'm really excited but also a little cautious...usually what happens with me is: I get really excited about losing weight and go in search of all these cool and helpful resources, but when it comes to actually losing the weight, making healthy choices, I always end up failing. I knew I had to try something different this time, so I'm going to start attending WW meetings. In the past I always shied away from actually being held accountable for my choices...this time I'm hoping that knowing I'll be weighing in every Tuesday will help keep me honest through the rest of the week.

    Any thoughts from any of you??? Tips, advice, motivations...?

    I look forward to getting to know people here; I really need the support as I don't really have it anywhere else in my life!
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC!

    You have definitely logged on to the right place for support!
  • Does anyone have any suggestions for someone who hates exercise? I really need to get into some sort of physical activity but I'm really not looking forward to it...
  • Walking. I think its the best thing to start with. That is how I started and when I started to feel better(after a month) I wanted to do more.

    Hope this helps
  • I am new as well... I figured since i am an internet person, I should go with my strengths... (being that weight loss is not one)..

    I am trying again because I am feeling old at 33... and while my boyfriend does not care about my weight.. its messing with my head.

    One of my doctors suggested I consider WLS.. I went to a seminar by one of the surgeons... and I decided that I need to try the traditional route seriously... (because the WLS was scary to me and its still the basic equation..)

    On the exercise question that someone asked earlier...
    My tactic... I hate sweating and exercising outside..
    I use a gym, that has ellipticals (precor brand) that are very cool on my joints.. but it has great airconditioning.. (I can tell you which machines have the best air)..

  • Well, sister, we're in this together! You betcha that guy of your would find it sexier if you lost some weight and got healthier! After all... that means he's going to have you around for that many more years... ;-)

    Exercise... yeah, that's a toughie. One of my personal demons, too. I need to go buy a set of walking shoes and leave them here at work so I can walk at lunchtime.

    Walking is a good start, and easy to do at home or at work during your lunch break. GET A FRIEND OR COWORKER INVOLVED! Tell them to nag you into coming along, even when you don't want to. Even if we don't want to do it to start, we feel better afterwards.

    Also, you might want to check out Curves if you have one around and can afford it. It's fast, and you don't get bored on their machines! I love their workouts, but they're not open early enough for me in the mornings when I *want* to work out.

    Go to your local library, and I'll be they have some workout videos or dvds in their stash. Check one or two out, and try getting up 1/2 hour earlier in the morning to do one of those. One of my faves, corny as he is, is the Richard Simmons workouts (Sweatin' to the Oldies, etc.). He doesn't have 102-lb skinnies on the floor working out -- it's women and men BUILT LIKE US, who might be 250, 300, even 400 lbs. They're doing the exercises to the best ot their ability at that time, which is really inspiring, and gets rid of any excuses such as "I can't do that!"

    Oh, yeah... keep a diary or blog of what you eat and how much you exercise! Fitday (fitday dot com) is great (and free!), plus they've got the blog site here that I'm looking into.