How many calories are you eating?

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  • For the calorie counters out there, how many calories are you eating per day? I'm rather confused on this. I've been trying to research it and I've come up with a few different answers. One website said that if I excersice for 60 minutes a day, I can eat 2338 a day. This just sounds like a lot. This morning on the Today Show, a nutritionist said that women trying to lose weight should limit between 1200 and 1600 a day. I thought I was doing great with 1800, seeing that before I started dieting, I was eating close to 4000 a day. So, how much do I eat? I'm terrified that if I don't eat enough, I'll start binging and won't be able to stop.
  • I think that eating 1800 is good. It looks as if you're still losing weight. If you're full or have trouble eating all of the calories, then I would drop down a little.

    Personally, I eat about 1500-1600 calories a day.
  • I just went up to 1200-1400 from 1000-1200.

    If you were doing fine before, I wouldn't change.
  • I eat between 1500-1600.
  • I limit myself to 1600, but it usually hovers around 1300. I'm also limiting carbs (50).
  • On average I eat 1500 calories a day (I exercise but do not eat up the calories I burn in the gym.). The lowest I can allow myself to sometimes go to is 1300 and the highest is 1800
  • It took me about a month to figure out the "right" number for me, which seems to be 1500-1600. I started out at 1200-1400, but that left me hungry at night, which isn't a feeling I'm willing to tolerate.
  • I am eating 1,200 - 1,400. I like to give myself a big range so I days I am not that hungry I can meet 1,200 and days I feel like I want a little more I can.
  • I am 5'6 and I eat anywhere from 1100-1600. I know it's a huge range, but some days that just happens. I usually am on the lower range of that scale though.
    On a side note, I have heard Jillian Michaels say on her radio show that it is good to have a higher calorie day once a week, around approximately 1800 with about 1200 other days. That way you don't plateau.
    Hope that helped!
  • 1800 is good. If you reach a plateau then up your exercise or lower your calories.

    I eat about 1,200 most days as my lifestyle is very sedentary outside the gym, but on my cheat day it's closer to 3,000, so I guess it averages to about 1,450 calories a day.

    If they said 2,338 with exercising 60 minutes a day... well to lose weight you should eat 500 cals less than that so that would be about 1,838... see you're doing great!
  • i shoot for anywhere between 1200 and 1400 also!! It seems i can still eat and not feel bad!
  • I have one day of maybe 2,000-2,500 and the rest of the week I'm between 1400-1500!
  • I calorie cycle, so I'll eat anywhere to 1400-1800 calories depending on the day, most of the time I like to stay between 1500-1700 however. 1400 leaves me starved at the end of the day.
  • Normally 1200 but because I am now doing low carb since low cal doesn't work for me, I am not counting my calories, I just stay at 20g of carbs a day which is probably about the same amount of calories I was eating before anyway, just lowering greatly my intake of carbs which I finally figured out is the reason why I gained and have not lost.
  • I eat what's estimated for me at DailyPlate, and that is 1550. I'm usually between 1500 and 1600.

    I, too, don't eat back the calories I burn. I think that sort of defeats the purpose...doesn't it??

    Sometimes I feel like I should be eating less since my weight loss has been at a standstill for a bit....I just don't know how to gauge where it should be.