Help fellow Canadians!

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  • Has anyone tried the Weight Watchers Smoothies? They sound so good but are they available in Canada? If so, where??? Actually, where are they available in the U.S? I go to NY state every so often but have not seen them.

    Also, are the pedometers I have been reading about available in Canada yet? They sound so good. It would be very valuable to know how many clicks you log in a day.

    Thanks so much in advance for any help.
  • Andreasmom: The smoothies are only available in WW centers. They are not sold in the broad (i.e., supermarket) universe. So, get thyself to a center -- Canada has them too, at the centers. They cost in U.S. $ 6.95 for a box of 6 and they come in 3 flavors: Vanilla, chocolate, and cappuccino.

    If you can't find them in Canadian WW centers, go to the website and find a meeting in ny (is that your border state?) and buy them at the closest center to where you are when you come stateside.

    Take care.
  • Leader - thanks so much for the reply. I guess I am going to have to figure out where the closest WW centre is to me because I can't wait to find these. I love smoothies. I imagine if I go onto the Canada WW website I can find out where there is a center.

    Yes, NY is my border state. I was there on Wednesday but was looking in Target and Tops. Great tip about the meeting idea. It is much appreciated.
  • Hellow fellow Canadian
    Hi Andreasmom. Yes, the smoothies are great!! Chocolate is my favourite. Mixed with skim milk, a little crushed ice and brrrrm with my braun handmixer, its ready and deliscious!!! You do have the choice of mixing it with water for 2 pts or 3 pts with the skimmilk, but as mentioned before; only availble at ww's centres. Also you mentioned the pedometer?...try your local Canadian Tire store. They are also availbable in most sports stores. Sort of looks like a compass that clips on to your belt.

    I would also like to mention that up on the buddy up thread, we have a "Calling all Canadians" post. We would love for you to join us there. You;ll find lots of other Canadians on all plans. Hope to see you there!!
  • Thanks so much for the feedback on the smoothies and on the pedometer. I must try them!!!

    I really appreciate the invite to the buddy forum in the Canadian section. I am new to this forum and it makes me feel very welcome. I will have to check it out.

    I love this forum and all of the help and support. Take care all!
  • Hey Andreasmom... I live in Toronto and have similar problems. The smoothies are not available for sale at WW meetings here (you can only get the 2 flavours of the 2 pt bars). The meetings here should carry the WW pedometer, though to be quite honest I've heard bad things about it breaking down, etc... and it would probably be easier (definitely cheaper) to go to Sears, Walmart or Canadian Tire to get one there.

    What sorts of products do you pick up when you go to the US? My fiance and I rent a car a few times a year (just made a trip a few weeks ago!) and make a grand shopping day of it. First we hit the outlet mall and then Wegmans. If you're interested, I could share my list of low/no fat finds with you... I know I'd love to hear what goodies you get.

  • If you guys want smoothies (they come in 3 flavors, as I said) send me your address in the private messaging and I'll ship you a box of the flavor of your choice. Let me know.
  • Hi, Little Engine. I checked with the leaders at my WW meeting the other night and they were at a WW centre in Hamilton the other night and did not see any smoothies. In fact, they looked at me like I was nuts when I even mentioned it! Anyway, you asked about what products I pick up in the states. Do you go to Buffalo when you go? We go to Niagara Falls, New York and my favourite part is going to the grocery store. I looked longingly at the Skinny Cows but it was too warm of a day to try to bring them home.

    I bought Baked Tostitos in the cream cheese and salsa flavour. I absolutely love these. To be honest, I have not checked out the points for these.*Note - I just did - 2 points for 16 chips or 28 grams. Same as the plain baked tostitos but these taste much better. Regular tostitos are 4 points for the same amount. I also bought cheese pretzels due to the advice I saw on this forum. In fact, I think I was lucky enough to see your post before I went so I was armed with a list - thank you very much, by the way.

    I also bought "I can't believe it's not butter" spray, some Wish Bone Asian dressing and marinade, and my favourite Ragu Pasta Sauce Old-World style which you cannot get in Canada. In fact, the only things I buy in the States are things you cannot get in Canada. I don't buy things you can get here, just because they are cheaper.

    I go into Target as well and check out the exercise videos because you can't get very many of those in Canada.

    I would love to see your list!!!! Also, any advice on Canadian products that are great and are low points would be very much appreciated.

    If I am posting in the wrong spots, please let me know.

    Thanks. Have a great day!
  • Leader - that is so kind of you to offer! I have sent an email to weight watchers in Canada to find out where the smoothies are available here. Hopefully they will send me a reply. If they are not available here, I will certainly take you up on that. Thanks so much.
  • smoothies
    Hi there,
    I just wanted to mention that the centre i go to (N. Vancouver) doesn't sell the smoothies either. Also, they don't have the pedometers.
    I actually picked up my pedometer at Winners for $10.00. You can check to see if they have any at your local Winners.
    The one thing is really miss is the Weight Watchers food. I used to love the desserts and muffins.
    At least we got the magazine back!

    Laura b
  • Hey, Laura. Great to hear from you. I contacted wwca and they do not carry the smoothies. I hate when we can't get things in Canada! I loved the ww fudgcicles and the raspberry mousse which I cannot find anywhere.

    Thanks for the tip on the pedometer. I will look at winners. I wanted the ww one as it "clicks" when you have acumulated an activity point. I would really like that but, alas....

    I like the magazine, too. Apparently it was out of print but is back again. Any great Canadian finds you want to share?

    Keep in touch and have a great day!
  • Hi Andreasmom,
    It's so nice to hear from fellow Canadian's!
    Have you tried Spudz yet? they look like mini rice cakes but taste like potato chips.
    You can get them at all the major grocery stores.
    That's the only major find i've had lately. I have to admit i'm getting really bored with everything i've been eating lately. Maybe someone out there has some new idea's they can share.
    How about it?
    Laura b
  • Hi all,,,

    I am a Southern Illinoisan , living all the way up In Kitimat B.C.
    I have only been here for 8 months and I am going through shopping withdrawal..It was so easy to get things back at home.

    I was so spoiled by the variety we had in the states when it came to WW products. I cant find anything like that here.
    But I keep searching...

    I just want to let you all know(in case you havent tried them yet) but Dairy Queen has a fudge bar(better then a fudgsicle) for 1 point and a Orange/Vanilla Cream bar that is 1 point also.. I highly recommend them.

    I think we should all write WW and tell them that we need the good stuff up here also... Do you think it would work???

    Well I hope my idea helped...

    Take care all...
  • Hi there fellow Canadians,
    I'm a new member from the Toronto, Ontario area.

    I agree about the Smart Ones products not being available in Canada.
    Does anyone know where we can write to?
  • Hello everyone...

    Andreasmom... sorry for the delay in writing. Sometimes I reply to so many threads that I forget where I've posted!
    When I get home I will try to remember to send you the list I accumulated. Basically what I did was copy a bunch of different info from different threads that I saw around and came up with one big master USA shopping list. Like you, I only get things I can't get here... a few off the top of my head... low fat Milky Way bars (only 4 pts and tastes sooooo much like the 'real' thing); pre-shredded fat free Kraft cheddar cheese (I keep these in the freezer and use Tbsp by Tbsp in things like egg white/mushroom omletes). I too saw the Skinny Cow ice cream and just threw caution to the wind the last time we were there. I took a cooler and bought ice at the store (we go to Wegman's on Military Rd, Niagara Falls) so it was nice and cold for the ride home. They survived the ride home - including a side trip to IKEA!!! Next time you're there, take a good cooler and buy lots of ice (and don't dawdle on the way home) and you should be ok to get at least one package home. But be warned... they are soooo good. They didn't last a week in my house. I don't think I'll bother with them next time... for the price we paid for them (about $5.00 US), I might as well just head to DQ and get their 1 pt Fudge Bars. It works out to be about the same price wise.

    I will get you more info later... and also my list of great Canadian products.
