Jaded Ladies Weight Loss Chat #297

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  • Hello Everyone,

    SassyChick~You go girl. I like your new attitude. Calgon Please take me away too. Don't let anyone get you down. You deserve better, show em who the mature woman on the work force is.

    Mindee~Good idea! Get your workout in first.Then it is out of the way. Every thing else will fall into place as the day goes on. I had 3 little ones home all at one time, it is doable. The ticker frustrates me. It says I have already completed my goal. I have just begun it. Don't know what I am doing wrong. THANK YOU for your help!!

    All~I thought DH ment dear husband

    Suetalks~Thank you for the kind thoughts. Our dragons are bearded dragons. They are a very tame, beautiful lizard that is native to Australia. They are just darling creatures; they have a comical personality. My son wants to get another one tomorrow. This is the last one. I can't handle losing another.

    Marti~My clematis is blooming . I have beautiful purple flowers at the side of my garage. They are breath taking. I have 3, next year I should have blue, purple, and pink and white blooms.

    I had my meeting with my lawyer this afternoon. Court hearing is at 9:30am Monday. I am very nervous about taking the stand. Husbands lawyer is a real knuckle buster. My lawyer promised me he wouldn't let her get out of hand. Now I wait for Monday. I need to buy a dress or nice outfit to wear to court. I may need Perry Mason before it is all done with, 2 hrs in court. OH BOY!!

    May everyone have a good evening. Don't want to leave anyone out. Pat
  • Hi~I think I got this one right.

  • The abbreviations link doesn't work but if you wouldn't mind giving it another try. I will also do a search. TX
  • Good Evening Ladies~In the sticky post acronyms DH is listed as Dear/darn Husband. I think she means Dear Husband. Thanks for the idea PleaseLuise.
  • PAt~how awful...I will be thinking about you on Monday...hope it is all behind you soon!

    Just a short note, as I Am off to bed...had a good day, but extremely tiring...can't wait to have just a tad more energy. Has anyone seen francie, or did she leave us?? Just wondering...well, nighty nite all!
  • just stopping in before heading to bed......

    Pat~ You are so very welcome for the help. I am not sure why it would say that.....that seems odd to me as well. I have a question, and forgive me if I am being nosy or you already answered, but what do you have to go to court for?

    I am going to get my butt to bed, so I can really work on getting back on schedule so I can get my workouts back in....but I do have to add that I wore a size LARGE shirt today! and for me, that is amazing....since this time last year I was wearing 3x shirts!
  • Morning!

    Basic Abbreviations It works now, I checked!!!!

    Morning All.

    Well I didn't end up going to bed until like 3 pm yesterday! (To those who are new: I work nights and on my nights off I stick to my schedule, otherwise it messes me all up. ) Anywho, I didn't wake up until almost midnight!!! DH let me sleep cuz he knew I went to bed late. lol. (he gets off work at 9:30 PM) Aw well I am off so no biggie, right?

    I watched a wonderful Oprah Show, all about that you get what you put out there. Ex: if you put out negative, miserable vibes, then that is what you get back. If you are positive and happy, then that is what you get in return. So that makes complete sense to me. So I am going to try to make a better effort. They also said to have a "Vision Board" Where you put pictures of what you want out of your life. So I want to try it. I already have a start, I found a houseplan of a house that DH and myself want to buy and have my mom move in with us. So I printed out the plan and framed it. I thought I was being silly for doing it, but it is something my step dad always believed in. I guess he was exactly right. Because he found a picture of a truck he wanted at the time and guess what? He got one eventually! I am not saying its all for material objects. Like the house plan I have, yes it would be nice, but we would be happy to just be all together. (my mom and us) That is what is important to us. We don't want my mom to be alone anymore. (To the newbies: My stepdad passed way from cancer in 03') So that is where that comes from. My step dad wanted that truck so he could do the things in life he was passionate about. He always helped everybody and with that truck, he did so. So please don't misunderstand what I am trying to say here. You can go to Oprah.com if you want more info, the ladies on the show have books out and I want to buy at least one of them.

    Just makes sense to me. Same thing as they say if you are always negative and miserable, that is the kind of people you attract. If your the opposite, then that is what you attract.

    Also FYI: Oprah is having Bob Greene (her Personal Trainer) on the show today, and they are going to talk about weight loss, etc.

    Anywho. That is that. Today my goal is to get the clothes put away....... They are all clean and everything, just need to be put away.........I am gonna work on our closet so it is easier to get clothes in there..........(has to wait until DH gets up and goes to work though, he gets up around 7:30 am and leaves a little after 8 am)

    Anyways, have a good one!
  • Good Morning Ladies. It is a rainy one here today. Just what my garden and flowers need. I pulled some weeds yesterday from the garden. The newest corn and lima beans I planted are up and doing great. I watered the container plants last night. I think the radishes and lettuce are about ready for the salad bowl!

    Mindee~My husband filed for divorce last January. We finally got a court date for our hearing on this Monday. I am not excited about this at all, but if this is what he wants then so be it. We would have been married 35 years in August. Mindee I asked him to bring by my good dress shoes, he brought 3 shoes. I don't know how he figures that one at all!

    SassyChick~you are so right. Put out negative vibes that is what you will get back. Put out positive vibes that is what you will get back. Gives me an idea on how to handle one of my sisters. She is very negative. I also like your signature line "hated is the coward's revenge for being intimidated." Wise thinking.

    I need to eat a healthy breakfast and get some errands run. Everyone have a wonderful good Friday. Catch ya all later. Pat
  • Ellen~Thank you for your thoughts I will need them. I hope you get to feeling more like yourself soon. When is your baby due? Morning sickness is no fun thing. Hope it passes very soon. Keep us posted as you can. Thanks Pat
  • Hola!!!
    Quote: Good Morning Ladies. It is a rainy one here today. Just what my garden and flowers need. I pulled some weeds yesterday from the garden. The newest corn and lima beans I planted are up and doing great. I watered the container plants last night. I think the radishes and lettuce are about ready for the salad bowl!

    SassyChick~you are so right. Put out negative vibes that is what you will get back. Put out positive vibes that is what you will get back. Gives me an idea on how to handle one of my sisters. She is very negative. I also like your signature line "hated is the coward's revenge for being intimidated." Wise thinking.

    I need to eat a healthy breakfast and get some errands run. Everyone have a wonderful good Friday. Catch ya all later. Pat

    We are supposed to get rain as well, actually supposed to get a storm. Mmmmmmm corn.......I've been craving corn on the cob........
    You know that is probably part of the problems at work, all those "Negative Vibes" that everybody puts out, it affects people. Yeah I saw that quote and thought, "Wow, that is so true......." I just had to have it on my signature and you wanna know what? A an ex-coworker of mine (he moved on to another job) told me that when he first met me that I intimidated him!!! Yes lil' ole short me intimidating a full grown man! So I dunno how I do that. I guess because I am "shy" yeah go ahead and laugh at that statement lol, but in real life I am shy until you get to know me than watch out! So maybe I do intimidate this girl who said those nasty things about me because until we moved down to our new floor, I never saw the dayshift crew because I was in a different area. Now we are all together, so maybe she is intimidated by me for some weird reason?? Its not like she doesn't "know" me, we were hired in together and I worked a few months on dayshift before moving to nights. I know that isn't a lot of time to get to know someone, but we never had bad feelings towards each other, etc. Or so I thought anyways. lol. Or maybe she just plain out don't like me. lol. Oh well I am not paid to "please" everybody. I am paid to work. lol.

    Anyways. I need to get motivated and get cleaning so I can then go to bed. That sounds weird, doesn't it? But I can't do too much cleaning in the middle of the night, at least vacuuming. lol. I doubt our downstairs neighbor would like that. lol. Plus I am hungry and there is nothing in this apt. to eat and I don't have the car, so I will have to order something I suppose.......

    Well take care all.

  • Oh my gosh! It's FRIDAY!

    You know, I could have sworn I was on here last night and posted....but I guess I didn't!

    I have a lot to do this morning before work like straighten up the house a bit due to company coming over later on.

    Now remember girls, I do believe the Merge will happen this weekend........you'll be able to find us in the Support Groups thread (we're already there) but down below amongst the rest of the groups.

    I better get.....I will catch up w/you all later when I get time, DD will be here this weekend so may not get much, but I will try!

    Hugs to you all!
  • Hi~A quick fly by. I got a call from my lawyer a little while ago. Hubby's lawyer has already started playing hard ball. He asked me if he could send a fax back. We brain stormed what to counter with. He has sent the fax. Divorce is such a hard stress on the nervous system. I will be glad when it is over. I loved hubby, but he has killed that love. Now we bury it. Thanks for listening. Pat
  • Marti~What merge? I am lost again. Guess I missed something again. Please straighten me out one more time please?!? Thanks Pat
  • Pat--Suzanne left an announcement here for us the other day.

    She wanted to give us a heads up so we weren't surprised when we log in and find we're in a different location. It's not far so we won't have to hunt.

    Glad I popped in for a min. had to get something online and print up before leaving for work and thought I would check in a min.

    Now....off I go!
  • Afternoon All........
    Afternoon all.

    I am in lots of pain for some reason, not the "normal" back pain, its strange......its in my neck and my ear??? and sometimes I get a twinge of pain that goes up my spine? UGH I hope its nothing and that it will go away once I go and lie down for a bit. I took some pain medicine........If not guess I'll have to go to the dr or whatever........

    Lets just hope its stress or the weather or something..........

    I need that vision board so I can put "Pain-Free" on it! lol.

    Hoping the Merge goes well for us!!! :cross:

    Have a good one all!