"Just Beachy" Blue chat # 7

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  • Alright, taking a break--time for more work procrastination

    I had a chat with Jeff last night. Well, not so much a chat as a crying-and-babbling-and-at-time-incoherent discussion. I hate that I can't talk to him about serious things without crying. I had planned for days what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it, but, of course, that all flew out the window when the tears started weling up in my eyes.

    Anyway, in between the tears and the nonsensical babble, I managed to relay to him that I am currently overstressed, overwhelmed, and frustrated. Work is insanely busy, and travelling makes it even busier--add to that the health issues (diabetes, weight, high blood pressure, annoying spotting between periods thank to the new birth control pill I was switched to due to the high blood pressure...), and I'm just about to crack. I feel helpless and not in control and pushed to my limits.

    I went on to ask that he please continue to help me out when he can (he vacuumed the house while I was away last week--gold star for effort, even though I still saw a few tufts of puppy fur blowing around). I thanked him for what he'd been doing lately (the vacuuming, plus he fixed a loose curtain rod bracket in the kitchen without me asking him to do it ).

    I apologized for being b!tchy at times, but all of this was why. And then I told him I sometimes felt it was difficult to talk to him about such things because he can get b!tchy, too.

    We had gotten in a little fight over the weekend about going to Target. I wanted him to go with me to get a rug for under our kitchen table. He willingly went with me, but then he asked if I could drop him off at the book store while I went to Target. I told him no, that I wanted his opinion on the rug and wanted to look at some other things, too. He said he didn't care about the rug. Obviously, being a boy, he didn't realize there was more to it than the rug. I asked why he came along at all, and he said he came because I wanted him to. To which I replied, "If you're not going to go to the store with me, what's the point of coming at all? I'm a big girl and can drive in the car by myself." He didn't have a response for that.

    I KNOW he doesn't care about the rug. But I don't care anymore. I told him he needs to either just stay home with the puppies when I go shopping or come with me and pretend to like it. I told him it is OUR house, not MY house, so I wanted him to be a part of it and have a say.

    So anyway, I said all this stuff to him last night, and (for once) he didn't get defensive or angry or upset. He just agreed to help me out and gave me a big hug. (And then the puppies had to break up the hug by jumping all over us and licking us.) I felt better to get things out, and I hope it all really sunk in for him. Only time will tell...
  • Quote: Thanks for the recipes. Have you used water in place of any of the oil? What do you substitute for oil to make something lower fat? I've rarely made my own dressings, but this sounds good...
    Nori, we've used lemon juice to water down some of the creamy dressings. We always try to buy the Lite versions of the dressings. I've never made my own dressing.
    Any other ideas?
  • I will post my new pic as my avatar later. I'm on the laptop and can't download the pic...well, at least I don't know how.
  • Quote: I will post my new pic as my avatar later. I'm on the laptop and can't download the pic...well, at least I don't know how.
    right click the image and save as to your my pictures folder then upload it like your current avatar
  • Hey, Chellez....what happened to your avatar with the pretty new hair?

    Jill, so glad you were able to talk with your fiance.

    The storm clouds are building again. Looks like we may get more thunderstorms today. I hope they're gone by walk time.
  • Quote: I've never tried substituting water for the oil. I usually just use as little dressing as possible. Maybe Anna has a suggestion?

    the only dressing that i make does not have oil, so i would not be any help at all.

    Exactly. I'm finding nursing frustrating right now but she's not ready to be done. I'm putting her off quite often just as a way to stay sane and she's pretty good with the restrictions. After this morning she came downstairs and promised to keep her hands to herself.
    Honest to god, I did not think Meara would ever wean. Seriously. I had to go away for a weekend.
  • Quote: I had planned for days what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it, but, of course, that all flew out the window when the tears started weling up in my eyes.
    SAME! Practice and practice... and still gush... Not so much when I'm talking to the fiancé, but when something is really important to me... Gosh I remember getting all teary when needing to take a certain class and nearly bawling my eyes out over it in front of the guy I needed to talk to about it, and I felt so stupid. My brain is going "You don't need to cry over this... you've practiced what you need to say...and you look like an *ss" But my eyes are like "Naw... this is a good idea, let's keep crying."

    I felt better to get things out, and I hope it all really sunk in for him. Only time will tell...
  • Quote: Hey, Chellez....what happened to your avatar with the pretty new hair?
    Bad hair day!

    I'm going to wash and set it tonight... me trying to dry and flat iron this mop in 20 mins in the morning is not working out.
  • I'm sad!

    My buddy, Selena (Soon2BFitChick) dropped out of the challenge. And, Lisa (Missingmyerica) has stopped posting and is now out of the challenge.

    And, in 6 weeks, I've only managed to lose 1.2 pounds. Yeah, I'm still posting, but I'm not doing much else. It's really time to quit farting around and get serious. I don't want to be a fatty for the rest of my life! I'm really really aggravated with myself. I didn't throw out the junk...and I know that I must do this to make it easier for me to get back on plan! I just mindlessly ate 5 pieces of chocolate from the bag on the table. Arggghhhh. I aggravate myself. As soon as I'm finished working, I'm going on a kitchen raid and throwing everything out!
  • If anyone wants to plurk with me, let me know...It is just an online status group, like of like twitter.

    Then write out a couple day's menus and stick with them! You can do this, you WANT to do this!
  • Quote: As soon as I'm finished working, I'm going on a kitchen raid and throwing everything out!
    heck, yeah, you are. The other day, I realized I was starting to nibble, and I spit it into the sink. I said, "Woman! Get a hold of yourself. Mini marshmallows? Really?"

    And don't fall into the trap of having it around when the girls get home. They don't need it either.
  • Jill--I hope your talked worked!

    Rhonda--Good for you for getting serious! Get that junk out of the house! I am doing ok w/ food, but I need to re-focus w/ exercise. I do so well, then.....well, you know!

    I will be strong....someone just came around w/ a bag of candy...I politely declined, content to sip my ice cold pink lemonade K2O drink. LOL...it reminds me of a commercial! But seriously, it's hard enough w/ all the other temptations (ie: the vending machine right next to the water cooler), but to walk down the hall w/ candy...not enough work to do maybe?!
  • Blue Team's Booty Challenge

    Those of you that made posts in the Future exercise thread need to move your numbers over!
  • Arrrr.... Cap'n Chellez,

    Just went and pillaged meself an avatar fitting of your challenge.