Commitment to Christmas

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  • Hi all!! Happy Wednesday to ya. I haven't given up on my hopes of christmas...just a little siderailed. Hit the gym yesterday. I got 3 miles in. Looking forward to getting back on track. About to head out to lunch. Type more when i get back!!
  • Well, it's a murky day here in good ol' central NY which, of course, means no tossing Johnny in the stroller for a walk to wherever. Maybe I'll see if Johnny wants to run around me while I try and get through a Tae Bo dvd later ... although I say that quite often and never quite seem to get around to it! Hrmph -- now that I've outted myself on that maybe it'll give me a little added push to actually get off my butt!!!
    Big welcome to Lori and anyone else I may have missed -- you're going to LOVE this group!
    I'll try and stop in again later on.
  • Karen- Feel your pain about the DVD thing with a child. My daughter Jessie, she's almost 3 tries to follow along or play with her toys but I never seem to make it past the 15 min mark. Good luck!
  • Hello everyone! I'm new to this site so I can't put a signature ticker on here, but I seen this christmas challenge and thought it would be a good goal date to use since Christmas is about 6 months from now. It's scary when you look in the mirror one day and step on the scale and realize how much weight you've gained! I am 215 lbs and my goal for the end of December is to be around 165. I think that is 2 lb/week. That is what I'm shooting for anyway.

    My problem isn't eating too much, it is eating the wrong things cause I'm always in a hurry and then being lethargic after work and not getting up and moving. I'm going to eat healthier foods and start walking/aerobics. I'm thinking that this web site may help me to be held accountable and I like being competitive.. Best of luck to you all!
  • Welcome Tirzah!
  • Welcome Tirzah and Mommapossum, cool name Lori!

    Karen and Karyn, love the thoughts on exercising with little ones. It's been a while but we all know how much work it is to try and do it with kids. I have enough trouble trying to do crunches because the dogs assume if I'm down on the floor it's time to play!

    Dixiemae, good job staying OP thru a rough time!

    Lumi, we missed you!

    I am having a good week, trying to stick to it, I 'm on day 3 and our friend Josephine is on day 98. WTG Josephine!
  • I know I've already said this, but I am so grateful for this thread, and especially for this group of people. You are all incredibly lovely, supportive, welcoming and warm. Having a group of people who "get it" and who will listen and share their journey is amazing. Knowing I am not alone, and reading all the amazing stories on this site gives me so much hope. We are in this thing together!

    I had a tough afternoon ... stress .... money stuff(or lack thereof) .... disappointments ...etc. When I go home, I found myself in the kitchen. I was looking....luckily, I had de-junked the house. But, I was still anxious/agitated and for whatever reason, I started singing what I wanted to do, and I sounded ridiculous. I made my 14 year old son laugh. The more he laughed, the louder I sang, "I want to eat a box of chocolates, oh yes I do, a lovely box of dee da dee doo!" I then started laughing. It was so silly, but it helped. I am wondering what the singing did for must have released some endorphins, or something, because laughing at myself with my son surely made me feel better.
  • 36, your story made me smile. Thanks. And you are right, we are not in this alone, we are all here for each other, WTG! Have a great day today!
  • Well, the dvd never panned out last night. My new financial guru guy came over to go over some paperwork and by the time he left I needed to get Johnny and I situated with dinner and shortly thereafter his bath and bed ... and then I was out like a light myself about 15 minutes later! Ah well.

    I think maybe I need to learn that chocolate song, 36! Maybe it'll help my middle of the night cravings. I don't take cash to work with me just so I don't have it for the vending machines in the hotel .... but I DO know where the stash of brownies are kept for our VIPs

    Hope everyone has a marvelous day today!
  • Really Really rough day yesterday... a lot of emotional eating, and no exercise.

    Background story is this - I've been working at the company I'm at for a year. I'm WELL overdue for a raise, expecially since I've been moved up 2ce in that year w/out an increase in pay, only in responsibilites. I've taken on 5x's the amount of responsibilities in the last year, and I have been told for MONTHS that a raise is coming. My direct boss told me he expected it to be a good raise based on my performance and the fact that in July I'm up for yet another promotion. (I'm pretty much doing the job now). I told him that I wanted at least a $3.00/hr raise, based on everything that I'm doing now - the fact that I've stepped up to the plate and have saved the company over $500,000 in the last 7 months. Anyhow - I got an email from my boss saying he was "pleased to tell me that effective July 4th I will be be given a raise to $13.00" I WAS PISSED!!!! That was only a $1 increase over what I'm currently making! So I cried, and stressed, and ate, and cried... and wrote him an email back saying:

    "I appreciate this very much, however I have to tell you that I am quite a bit disappointed. In the last year I have taken on at least 5 x’s the amount of responsibility from that I was hired for. I feel that I have stepped up to the plate on several occasions in which other people couldn’t or wouldn’t.

    I honestly don’t feel that a $1 increase based on my performance in the last year justly represents the work load that I have taken on, nor the position that I have been told is on the horizon.

    Is there any way that I can be told how this decision was made, and on what basis. I know that I had told you in the past what my expectations were, and I think you can understand my feelings on this."

    That was as professionally pissed off as I could be. So i got an email back saying that he thought it represented more... He was thinking I was making $10/hr and not $12. So he forwarded it to his supervisor and this was the response I received at 7 last night:
    "Erin -

    No one disagrees with your assessment and value to our organization. Tom will address this issue when he returns in July. There are some other factors in the operations organization affecting this issue in the short term. My guidance is.. Be patience.

    So I'm seeing a silver-lining now - but I'm still irritated. Anyhow - all-in-all I went over my cals (yes I'm back to tracking - attempting to NOT go completely obessive) by about 2 twix bars and a little bag of potato chips actually 323 cals. My range is 1200-1500... so i don't think that a 300 overage is too bad. I didn't exercise though - which probably would've helped off set it... *sigh*

    Good news is TOM finally decided to rear his ugly head! So my emotions should be a little better balanced now... OPh - and Joe was INCREDIBLE yesterday, and very supportive. He made me feel appreciated, loved, and wanted when I needed it most. I love that boy

    Ok - getting back to things today... DEFINATELY working out today! I'm thinking Tae bo or a nice long walk or something! Need to burn those extra 300 cals from yesterday

    Thanks for letting me vent girls! I'm SO glad you're all here!!!
  • Ouch, Enygirl, that's rough. ((hug)) My work environment causes much stress, and definitely in the money department. It really doesn't matter how well you do -- you still only get a 3% annual unless you're involved in the office politics that tends to turn your nose brown. Gossip fest, bleh.

    It sounds like, while you did overeat, it could have been far, far worse. Be gentle with yours. It's not that difficult, I don't think, to use up those 300 calories in a few days.

    I can completely identify with the emotional eating, though. I think I've mostly gotten away from it, but I think that it's "always there, right under the surface," like I'm living in the shadow of this horrible thing. I hate that, and it's so frustrating.

    Yesterday, I had an amazing day. My father (with whom I don't really get along) and I went on a hiking trail. It was absolutely beautiful, and I can't wait to go back. The biggest news, though, is I actually made it for two hours of rough terrain. During the hike, my dad and I talked a bit, and there was no argument, no blow up, just good stuff and bird noises. It was utterly amazing and inspiring. There were lily pads in full bloom on the pond, and we talked about the lotus and peace. It seemed fitting.

    I kept thinking, "This is the life I want," and I realized that, just a few months ago, there would have been no way that I'd have been able to handle even 30 minutes of the trail. My calves are killing me this morning (although I knew they would), but the life I want is becoming more accessible with every day I exercise, even if I can't tell on that very day.

    Talk about motivation.
  • Work place stress seems to be the theme here. My day was no different. Last October the owners sold to another dealer. However the owners still work as managers at this dealership. Even though they are managers, they are not MY managers, and basically now just co-workers. Unfortunately they are having a hard time dealing with their lack of authority. I used to do A LOT of personal stuff for both of them. I have been told by the new boss that the personal stuff has to quit. I couldn't agree more. However it does make for some work place stress.

    For some reason I have been retaining fluid. It is not that TOM. I have not been off plan or eating more sodium. The scale shows a two pound increase. But in all honesty I feel like I have an extra 2 pounds of fluid in my big toe alone. Judging by the way I felt I honestly expected to see an increase of 5 pounds or more. But I will not be discouraged by this. Today I am going to drink 8 oz of water each hour. I took some Midol in hopes it will help with the fluid retention. I will not pick up the salt shaker. Tonight's veggie will be asperagus, and lots of it. I will continue this until the fluid is gone!!
  • Just a quick drop in to say Chinese food is evil and I'm a very bad South Beacher.

    Maybe it's my mouth's way of saying it thinks I should go back to the flexibility of WW .... as long as I do it wisely ....


    I was partially right -- Chinese food is definitely evil!
    My mouth might still enjoy it, but my body seems to be trying really hard to reject it
  • Hi everybody...I missed everybody yesterday.I couldnt get on here, was at my ball game.

    I got weighed and I've lost a total of 6lbs from June 11th and I went for my first measurement and man do they ever measure everything. Total loss of inches are 4 3/4 inches wooohooooo.

    I'am struggling to stay on track though.I'm craving really bad stuff, like my favourite...CHINESE FOOD mmmm mmmm. Herbal Magic said no chinese, its real bad, I said of course it is thats why its so yummy.

    Were leaving tomorrow to go to Burlington to stay with hubby's aunt and uncle (in their early 40's) and no kids for them so they spoil mine.Were going to Wonderland too so I definately have to work my bum off when we get back..which reminds me *L*

    At work today a guy that I know that comes into my work every day came to me and asked "Can I tell you something personal?" and I said ummmm sure I guess and he came to me and whispered "Your butt is getting smaller." and I said oh... ok thanx. made me feel good but was like hey he looked at my bum *LOL*

    Too bad he's in his 50's *L* just kidding still made me feel good*L*

    Congrats on everybody for their losses...way to go!!!!!

    Well better go have to make supper so ttyl.

  • Today I learned that while I have a food plan and an exercise plan, I do not have a disaster plan. When I feel the cravings start to creep in, what is my plan? When I am disappointed or upset or angry, what is my plan? In the past, I have turned to food for comfort. While the act of eating something sweet did bring me joy in the moment, the after math was hardly worth the fleeting moment of satiation. Ice cream never solved the problem. When I put down the spoon, I was still sad. So, what am I going to do? While the standard reply of take a bath, paint my nails and read a book sound good on paper, those options do not inspire me. What inspires me? I do not yet know. Yesterday I sang a silly song, but I will not always be somewhere where it is appropriate to sing. What inspires you? What has worked for you?