May '08 5 pounds/month Challenge (#6)

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  • YAY!!! SW-229.... 5lbs would be GREAT!
  • Starting Weight: 234 as of this morning.
    Goal Weight: 224
  • I feel I need to be accountable to someone... so sign me up.

    My current weight is 176.

    Wow, that looks bad when I have to put it in writing! I'm only 5'2"!

    Hopefully, this is what I need to get started on my weight loss... again...

    BTW, should we be posting in the other thread, I think it says #6 challenge. It's confusing because there are two threads w/similiar titles... both being #6.
  • Mousai- Thank so much for doing this. You are doing an awesome job. Welcome to all our new friends. It is great to see so many new faces. Let's make this the month we all kick the fat to the curb. I didn't make my 5 pounds last month, but 4.5 wasn't too bad. Let's go girls.
  • Quote: I feel I need to be accountable to someone... so sign me up.

    My current weight is 176.

    Wow, that looks bad when I have to put it in writing! I'm only 5'2"!

    Hopefully, this is what I need to get started on my weight loss... again...

    BTW, should we be posting in the other thread, I think it says #6 challenge. It's confusing because there are two threads w/similiar titles... both being #6.
    hi there glad to have you! i know there is another thread that is a goal oriented thread that is challenge #6, our threads start out with the month and year.

    good luck to you
  • Quote: Mousai- Thank so much for doing this. You are doing an awesome job. Welcome to all our new friends. It is great to see so many new faces. Let's make this the month we all kick the fat to the curb. I didn't make my 5 pounds last month, but 4.5 wasn't too bad. Let's go girls.
    thanks glad you think im doing well ^^

    nice to see you on board. im hopping to make some progress this month, i had a great start and something happened and im back where i started at the beginning of last month.
  • My starting weight is 152lbs

    Good luck everybody!
  • I lost 1.5 yesterday!! wooo hooo

  • Just went to the doctor and current weight is 228 lbs.
    Since Jan according to the doctors record I have lost 2 lbs. per month. So five in one month would be a good change.
    Let's get to it.
  • Quote: Just went to the doctor and current weight is 228 lbs.
    Since Jan according to the doctors record I have lost 2 lbs. per month. So five in one month would be a good change.
    Let's get to it.
    Nice to have you joining us ^___^
  • Quote: I feel I need to be accountable to someone... so sign me up.

    My current weight is 176.

    Wow, that looks bad when I have to put it in writing! I'm only 5'2"!

    Hopefully, this is what I need to get started on my weight loss... again...

    BTW, should we be posting in the other thread, I think it says #6 challenge. It's confusing because there are two threads w/similiar titles... both being #6.
    i had meant to ask this before and was still trying to get things set up, what do you mean you need to be accountable to someone?
  • just doing my daily post thing.
    so today is the first time since ive been tracking my eating that all of my main nutritional needs are within range. i was just tracking calories but ive decided to track a wider range to ensure im eating well so im tracking: calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. plus i also met my 8 glasses of water today. my goal is to do this as many times as i can this month, i want to get my eating perfect. my struggles were fat and carbs today, usually its protein which i think i finally have a permanent fix for.

    ive been extremely tired the last couple days. ive eaten enough, gotten enough sleep and all but im just so tired and no idea why. my allergies are also bugging me so maybe im just not sleeping well enough cause of that. who knows.
  • mousai, when I said I need to be accountable... when I tell myself I'll do it, I allow myself to "cheat". If I say it out loud or commit to a group such as this... I will feel the urge to stay on plan and not allow myself so many slip ups.

    I'm one of those people that need to lose weight with others. I find it too hard to do by myself. Does that make more sense?
  • Quote: mousai, when I said I need to be accountable... when I tell myself I'll do it, I allow myself to "cheat". If I say it out loud or commit to a group such as this... I will feel the urge to stay on plan and not allow myself so many slip ups.

    I'm one of those people that need to lose weight with others. I find it too hard to do by myself. Does that make more sense?
    Perfect sense ^__^ do feel free to come in and tell us about your day. i try to do a daily post each day to help me keep track and stay on it. you ever need someone to give you a push don't hesitate to give me a message.
  • So. I gained back th 1.5 pounds from yesterday... i'm up to 281.5 again!!! I still have that five pound total to work on! Blah! I didn't even cheat and I worked out twice! I'm have to re-evaluate what types of cals i'm putting into my body. I havn't been tooo organic like my body is used to lately. and TOM is lurking near by. I will blame my gain on that! hehe Oh well. I bought healthy snacks for the weekend. Hopefully that will keep me on track!