New here

  • Hi Everybody,

    My name is Trish. I've done WW Flex, but I wasn't successful with that because I couldn't eat all the pts but forced myself to eat them any way. I quit when I realized I was eating too much junk food which added cravings for more of them. I liked the WW Core plan (I guess I missed something in the rules) because I gained weight so I couldn't do it. I ended up doing Intuitive Eating and I Can Make You Thin among others and I learned one day that I didn't know when I was hungry. Last week I came here and found your thread and suddenly I realized that I didn't really understand the way Core worked before. After reading some of your posts, I got my WW materials out and read the Core Plan again and all of a sudden I thought "I can do this!!!" That was Saturday. I've been doing it ever since then. I absolutely love the program and find it soooo easy to do. You are a great group and so informative and helpful because your discussions cleared up the parts I missed or didn't understand before. You are the reason I found out that I can do the Core Plan. I was member of WW on-line at one time and never got as much out of it as I have here in the last few days. So I will be reading and checking in here more and would love to be a part of the group. I look forward to getting to know you. Oh btw, I've lost 2.5 lbs just since Saturday and I'm not hungry. So Thanks to all of you for helping me.

  • Congrats on finding something that works for you!! I am on WW flex, but my mom does Core, and she's been sticking to it for, like, 8 years! She's one of those official "lifetime maintainers" now. :-) I too love this site...good luck and hope to see you around the forums more!
  • Glad to hear you're losing weight and not hungry! That's the key. But as you mentioned, eating junk food makes you crave more. I have not been eating any and found that I don't really have the cravings for it. I still eat my 100 calorie pack now and then, but not too often.

    I love core!