Wellbutrin Advice?

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  • Quote: Only my 2nd day here and I already have my 2nd med question. I finally got fed up with the weight gain with the Remeron, so I got an appointment with my psychiatrist today to discuss changing my med.

    So, he agree do change me to Wellbutrin XL. For the next 2 weeks, I am to cut my Remeron in half & continue taking it at night. Also, I am to begin the Wellbutrin XL 150mg in the morning.

    My question is my doc said to take the Wellbutrin in the morning, but I have read to take it at night. If you don't, it can screw with your sleep. What is y'all's experience with this? I would appreciate any advice/suggestions/experiences. Thank you!
    I took 3 different AD's at one point and none of them had any effect on me whatsoever. They say to take Wellbutrin in the morning because it give you a ton of energy..but I felt nothing on wellbutrin either. Either way, I'd say take it in the morning.
  • I've been on it for about 9months. I take it first thing in the morning. For the first few weeks I was really aggitated and very speedy in the morning. I only noticed trouble fallings asleep the first few days. I had been on it years ago, but decided it was time to go back on. I haven't really gained any weight on it. I started taking it bc I was lacking motivation to do anything about my weight and just couldn't be bothered to really do anything active etc...it's definitely helped me with more energy and determination to make changes.
  • I'd say take it in the morning...so it goes through during the day when your awake. I had some weight gain I think from changing from SR to XL? Anyone have this problem?
  • Well, I realize I'm pretty much a day late and a dollar short on this thread but I thought I'd put my two cents in anyway. I have been on Wellbutrin for well over a year. I've had a lot of success with it until recently. It just seemed to stop working. I am now on Effexor and with a lower dose of WB. I never gained on Wellbutrin or should I say BECAUSE of WB. :-) Also when I was taking two doses a day my second was taken in the evening and I had no trouble sleeping.

  • I'm a bit late myself, but I just had to say something.

    I'm not sure if Welbutrin is working as well for me as it is for everyone else. I have disthymic disorder, a mild depression mixed with mild ADD. I forget to take my meds, maybe that's my problem, but I still have mild anxiety attacks and sometimes have a hard time sleeping. I can't watch horror movies, I dwell on them too much.
  • I have been on AD's since I was 12 years old. The doctors played guinea pig and I've taken everything under the sun, I'm sure. But a few weeks after I started taking Wellbutrin XL... it was like magic! Literally! My mom later told me that she knew that was what worked from me when she would look out the window and see me dancing down the street on my way home from a friend's house.

    Within the 16 months following the start of wellbutrin, at 14/15 years old, I dropped from 223lbs to 157lbs without changing a single thing. I didnt think twice about what I ate, I didnt work out... nothing.I was on it for five years... when I went off of it two years ago.... I gained all of my weight back, my emotional eating and ability to cope went into a fast decline. I made the mistake of going off of it at a huge, pivotal moment in my life.

    Now, after two years off of it--- I am FINALLY back on. Its been almost two months now... best decision I ever made. It is simply the pill that works for me. I lost three pounds the first week and a half. It curbs my appetite, gives me energy and I have a clear head so I feel like "Do I really need to eat this or act this way? NOPE! Go outside and get some fresh air."

    Never had any sleeping problems whatsoever. I take it in the morning, sing its praises all day LoL!
  • hmmm wonder if i should switch from my zoloft...
  • I am jumping in here late myself...but I am new. I have been on Welbrutrin since Sept after taking Lexapro for 6 mos. In years past I took Zoloft before and after I had a hysterectomy in Feb of 2004. I gained weight due to both I think...it seemed like I was hungry all the time.
    The Welbrutrin helped me with my cravings at first - I have them again, but not as bad...and it really helps with focus and concentration not to mention energy. I take mine in the morning with my snack around 9:30; I eat breakfast at 6 am so I am hungry by then. But I do have trouble sleeping...my mind wont shut down. or I go to sleep and wake up between 4 & 4:30 and not able to go back to sleep... I take Ambien to sleep now and its great~
  • Hi, I too am on Wellbrutrin, and I've taken Ambien at night to help me sleep. I only take the Ambien because I work split shifts at work, both days and overnights, so my sleeping is all messed up.
    I am on 150mg, but have noticed it feels as if it has stopped working. I have a dr's appt this Wed to see if I can up the dosage.
    Been on it for 9 months now, and no weight gain, I've lost almost 15 pds.
  • Hey, I'll add in my two cents too....

    I have been on Wellbutrin for 7 years and am up to 450mg a day as a part of my "cocktail."

    I have taken XL and am now on SR.

    I have taken it in the morning, in the evening, midday, and find that it has little to no effect on my sleeping patterns whenever it is taken.

    I also have gained about 60+ lbs while on the WB and also have lost 140lbs while on WB, so I don't think the WB can be "blamed" for any effects on my weight. Clearly there were other factors involved.

    I hope this helps someone..........