Completely fell off the wagon!

  • I'm a compulsive weigher! I weigh myself one or two times a day. I dont really stress about the numbers, as long as over the course of a few days they go down. I had been reading on here that most people suggested only weighing yourself once a week, that it was bad to weigh yourself so much, etc etc. So I tried it out and put the scale away! NOT FOR ME! I realized that, especially while I'm still trying to get back in the habit of being eating healthy/losing weight, that I need the daily accountability, as crazy as that might seem.

    So, the past two weeks, knowing i wouldnt have to see the scale the next morning, I slipped a little and then that little slip lead to a bigger slip, etc etc until I was eating the most horrible foods imaginable; buffalo wings and fries, huge servings of pasta, subs, brownies, etc etc. And here I am, up 6lbs and starting again (with the scale out in full force!).

    I know today and tomorrow are going to be the hardest, just trying to get back on track!
  • That doesn't seem crazy. There are plenty of people who simply need that daily weigh-in to know where they are. As long as it doesn't rule their life or how they feel about themselves, there's no harm done, right?

    Today & tomorrow might be difficult, but you're doing the right thing getting right back on track! If nothing else, you're going into this knowing something new about yourself and the way you need to work it.
  • I'm a daily weigher. The only time I skip is when I anticipate that I will gain because I know seeing the scale go up (even if I also know it's not my fault - though very often it is my fault) will mess with my head. It's all about knowing what you need. Just as some people use brown rice as a staple of their healthy eating plan while others eschew it completely, you have to figure out what works for you.

    So, good for you for pulling out the scale and acknowledging a screw-up, realizing what the most effective strategy is for you, and tackling it!
  • thanks! Once I get into a groove I tend to do well, so it's just a matter of getting through the hard first days. I lost my first 40lbs just getting into the habit of eating well. The cravings seem to lessen significantly after the first few weeks. But the first few days are definitely a killer!! it's my bday on this week too! I'm not going to kid myself and convince myself that I wont eat any cake, etc, but I will portion control, portion control, portion control!
  • =D Glad you're back.

    Just realize that you have to do what works for you. If daily weighing works, do it!! =D If it drives you nuts and kills your motivation, then don't! =D

    You should watch the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin show. He gives you easyyyyyyyyyyyyyy techniques for portion control.

    But it's awesome you're back.
  • if weighing daily is what keeps you on track then weigh yourself every day!! goodluck!!
  • I weigh every morning after my shower and before I get dressed. Every. Single. Morning.

    I would rather see 2 or 3 lbs up and do something about it, than weigh less often and suddenly have 5 or 8 lbs to deal with.

    I don't obsess about it, and I don't let it rule my moods, but I do keep track.

  • Quote: =D Glad you're back.

    Just realize that you have to do what works for you. If daily weighing works, do it!! =D If it drives you nuts and kills your motivation, then don't! =D

    You should watch the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin show. He gives you easyyyyyyyyyyyyyy techniques for portion control.

    But it's awesome you're back.
    i HAVE been watching that show. i love it. i had to DVR last weeks episode, so i'll watch it tonight. i'm really trying his techniques. the hardest for me has been not watching tv, playing on the computer, etc while eating. i find it really hard to just sit and eat w/o doing something else.
  • There are lots of us here who weigh every day. This is what my morning routine has become. Get up, drink half a glass of water (if I drink more I want to puke that early in the morning, but I want some water in me), exercise for 20-40 minutes, do the bathroom business and then hop on the scale. After the scale it's shower time. I never dwell on what the scale says, but I have to know. It keeps me on track... makes me focus on what I'm aiming for in the end, so I stay better on plan all day. Since I started this I haven't slipped yet... it's been almost 2 weeks!

    Everyone has something that makes them tick and keeps them centered, you do what works for you!
  • Quote: I weigh every morning after my shower and before I get dressed. Every. Single. Morning.

    I would rather see 2 or 3 lbs up and do something about it, than weigh less often and suddenly have 5 or 8 lbs to deal with.

    I don't obsess about it, and I don't let it rule my moods, but I do keep track.

    yeah i'm the same way. i weigh myself once or twice a day (i'll do it at night sometimes just b/c i'm curious at the fluctuation b/w night and morning, it's usually 5-6lbs) i def dont obsess over it, but even if the scale goes up 1-2lb one day, it just reinforces my drive to eat clean that day
  • i weigh myself every time I go to the gym. Some people say that you shouldn't, but if that keeps you on track. Do it.
    Different stokes for different folks.
    Good Luck
  • DCchick-I saw your post about weighing yourself everyday, I was doing that, up until last week, because unlike you, it was making me crazy, some days I had to get on the scale 3 times, and if the scale was up, I was so upset, specially if I was totally on program. I haven't stepped on the scale since my last weigh in on Thursday. I think I'm alot calmer, because my body is so weird, I can be up and down so many times a week, but it's not easy I'm going through withdrawels , Thursday's almost here. You have to do what's best for you, and it seems to work great for you.

  • thanks all! yes, i'm glad i tried it, but at least for now, i think i need my daily weighing to keep me in check!