The Beck Diet Solution – April 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach

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  • update and then POOF... i'm taking a few days off. I'm doing ok... scale was 221 today
    yesterday was good foodwise but i overate at dinner. something about brussel spouts i love...

    DH has yeast all over his legs so he has a cream twice a day i have to rub on him... and a diuretic for the water... and i have to wrap his legs every morning in two different size ace bandages on each leg. he starts massage therapy on the 28th... about a month later he can go to compression stockings and then we can schedule the surgery... today he has an ultrasound for his gall bladder.... and on May 5th he's going back on the beach with me ....

    my beck work is foremost in my mind but i just can't move forward with it right now. i'm feeling very emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted so holding my own, eating clean and showing up for work are my key goals right now.
  • Good morning everyone and thanks for the warm welcome.

    BillBlueEyes - I have the workbook and it has the advantage and response card list so I made copies and put in places so that I would come across them during the day. So yes they are ready. I've been on 3FC for some time and there have been other Beck threads but they never lasted, so I've been lurking on you guys and I realized that this group was strong enough to keep going so I decided to come out of lurkdom and re-start my own Beck journey.

    I've been sitting and slowing down with the food. I have experienced real hunger and enjoyed the feeling. I have even gotten up 3 mornings in a row to exercise. I love to sleep just as long as I can so this is BIG for me.

    I need to get back to work so I can slip out early today. Its a beautiful day and I want to get a jump start on the weekend.
  • Im here and still working the program.

    I had to stop in tho, and share a NSV I had last night. Leaving food on my plate has always been an issue. I would always stuff myself until every last crumb was gone.

    Well, last night my husband and I had a planned night out for dinner. I was eating my food, and thinking OMG, Im so full!!! I still had over 1/2 the food left on my plate!! So when the waitress came and asked if everything was alright, I asked for a box, and dumped it all in there! Big huge step for me! Im enjoying some of it this afternoon for lunch. Probably tomorrow afternoon too

    I'll stop in more often......I need to catch up with everyone
  • Kathy Welcome

    Robin CREDIT YOU!
  • Good day to all! today is going good for me so far.
    yoga was yesterday, it was good as usual and i stayed in my calorie range so that was also good. ds was up late with an earache last night, cried for about 2 solid hours. IT WAS AWFUL! i was so glad when the motrin kicked in. he NEVER had earaches until he had tubes put in. oh well hind sight is 20/20, right. needless to say i am very tired this morning can't wait to call it a day and hit the sack!

    Robin: great job on NOT eating all your food last night!

    Kathy: great job on getting up early to get in some workout time. i am so proud of you, that is the one thing i have the hardest time with. giving up sleep to exercise. ican barely give up sleep to go to work

    nessa: so sorry to hear about hubby, just take care of the both of you. also for awhile my mom had a yeast rash and she had to go on a special diet to finally get rid of it. hers was caused from too many antibiotics (she had a long bout of pnuemonia). anyway i know she had to give up anything with mayo, vinegar, or sugar, and she couldn't eat products that had yeast in it, i am sure there is probably a more detailed plan on the web somewhere. she lost a good bit of weight while she was on it too. good luck and i hope hubby feels better soon.
    will check in with everybody else later tonight...amy
  • Phew. Credit Moi.
    Hello coaches.

    Made it through my last class today, painting. Had a showing of all the work we completed this semester. It went very very well indeed. All the work in the room I was in could be considered "gallery quality" and we could show them anywhere proudly he said, and he's not talking about coffee shop showings either. For me specifically he said he could not find any issues he needed to address and that I had produced a very strong body of work. Yay! credit moi. And I will also take credit for finishing year two. credit aussi.

    Foodwise I am on track, keeping track, trying to get extra walking in everyday. It hasn't been too hard right now so I am grateful for that.

    I was going to do some personal responding but I think the busyness of the past few days has all of a sudden hit me. I am just going to sit back in the comfy chair and watch some soaps. Like is good fellow Becksters! Life is good. All the best to all who read this
  • Wow - seems like a much more positive day for everyone.

    I'm getting ready to do the day with the hunger monitoring. Still working on the sitting to eat.

    What's the workbook?

    Any suggestions for an alternative exercise plan? I was walking 1/2 hr but can't do that for the next 4-6 weeks. However, the knee dr said to knock myself out with upper body and core. Are there any good workout videos with that?

  • Hi all,
    Just flying by...I got my rear end out of bed this morning and did some aerobics for 15 min with stretching before and after. It was really hard to give up the sleep but felt great of course after I did it!

    I indulged tonight...was fine all day and then caved... oh is behind me (literally? hahaha?).

    The bike came today so we will hook it up and take it for a spin tomorrow sometime. It is a busy weekend and I need to make sure that I have some "home time" or I will be a crazy woman next week. Looking forward to skiing on Sunday.

    Keep up the amazing work everyone. Happy weekend to you all, Heidi
  • Saturday
    Diet Coaches – Was feeling antsy yesterday because I hadn't done as much walking as I had planned. But, we needed bananas and there was 30 minutes until dinner so I walked the 5000 steps round trip to Whole Foods. Lovely warm day, went in shorts and t-shirt only for the first time this year. Yeah that Spring makes it to the Boston area. CREDIT moi for the walk. CREDIT DW for preparing dinner. Busy weekend planned; it will be a challenge to get the walking done.

    For those attending Seder tonight, Mazol Tov.

    Sue (CoastalSue) - Waving toward the West Coast; cursing intermittent Internet service. [Wondering if the Dali Lama swears at creaky Internet service.]

    Heidi (hbuchwald) - Kudos for early morning aerobics and stretching. Thanks for the reminder that stretching is important - I find it easy to skimp on stretching because it doesn't have as much rewarding feedback as lifting. Yeah that the tag-along bike has arrived. Good luck with your busy weekend.

    Jean (kuhljeanie) - Waving at the blur.

    onebyone – Celebration time! Kudos for finishing year two. And BIG Kudos for your painting instructors evaluation of your work, per "...he could not find any issues he needed to address and that I had produced a very strong body of work." Do you have a non-food reward in mind?

    amy (gahundy) – Kudos for good yoga and staying within your calorie range. Ouch for DS's earache - hope it's better today.

    Nessa (ladybugnessa) - Sending supporting thoughts for DH, his legs, and his caregiver. Kudos for keeping Beck in your sights even when exhausted. Yeah for Brussels Sprouts. I love them. I love them steamed; I love them roasted; I love them grilled. I'd even love them with Green Eggs and Ham, LOL.

    Robin (RobinW) - Kudos for your on-plan performance at the restaurant stuffing food into a take out box. There can't be anything that tastes as good as leftovers that were deliberately left on the plate. Kudos again - that's a good reminder to me to Just Do It at a restaurant.

    mom3 - Good luck with your hunger monitoring exercise. Kudos for working on sitting to eat. RE "alternative exercise plan?" At the gym, the rowing machine provides for a cardio workout using only (mostly) upper body. I don't know of a good home equivalent. You might try the exercise threads where there are some seriously experienced exercise people.

    Kathy (tresor) - Kudos for getting up early for your exercise - you might be sending out the support waves that helped Heidi (hbuchwald) to do the same. And Kudos for slowing down with food; it's just amazing that that is so difficult for a lot of us.

    Readers – "… She developed the Beck Diet Solution over two decades, learning from her psychiatric patients who wanted to lose weight – and from her own experience as well. " From the Forward by Aaron T. Beck, M.D., Beck, pg 11.

    Completed Beck Program-day 42. You’ve met your goal. Congratulations!
  • Good morning everyone. It was so beautiful out yesterday, I did not want to come in and sit at the computer. By the time I felt like posting I was too tired.
    It sounds like people are doing well. Yeah everyone.
    I have no plans for the day, except to have fun and enjoy games DS invents. He has quite an imagination. Oh to be 5 again. Where the hardest decision seems to be whether to have milk or water with dinner. I watch when he eats and he takes his time and doesn't eat once he has a full feeling. Maybe I need to think like a 5 year old to master this journey I am on.
    I have to go play hide and seek,
    Hello to everyone and I will post when I get more time.
    Have a great day.
  • well, it's the dreaded weekend for me again, but guess what...i am going to be ok and i am going to do this. i already had a healthy bfast of oatmeal and hb egg whites (gotta have my protein for energy and m y carbs to feel full). in a little bit i have to go the funeral home and welcome a local soldier home. not a fun saturday morning, but it's something i feel i need to do. after that it's off to the grocery store. then it's home again home again jiggety clean house.
    hope everybody has a good day!
  • Saturday check in
    Good morning coaches

    I put one of my paintings as my avatar so you can see the last painting I did in my spaceman series. He's waving hi to all you Becksters!

    So. The weather is mirroring my sunny disposition this morning. It's very summery out. AND I stepped on the scale to see it say 249! I am so under 250 it's crazy I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to see a non-250 number. Credit my body for it's superb metabolic functioning.

    I am still filled with joy recalling this past school year. It makes me so happy to be studying art. I feel like I am getting away with something. It's way more delicious than any food I can think of. Another thought that keeps coming to me about my future won't let me be. I have been considering looking into being an art therapist. I had this in mind before I started school and it's still there. I was backing away from it for a while because I thought "oh then you're doing that and you're not making art" but it dawned on me that a good decent paying job can be done part time, doesn't have to full time, and it will be enough $, and it would be. I went through some career counselling the year I started school as I was laid off from a grocery store job (the gods were so good to me) which made me eligible foir free counselling, and they suggested that I "job shadow" someone in that field to see if I would like to do that or not. Art Therapists are few and far between. BUT there is one about 2 hours away. I think I may send her an email and just introduce myself. What do you think? I may even be eligible for paid schooling because the government allows a "three year reach back" and it will be three years since being lid off when I graduate next year. That would be remarkable. I keep it close to my heart though, and will look into it when the time comes to do that.

    So that's where I am at today. I was going to go into the school and start the studio clean up but have decided to put that off until Monday and instead soak up the sun and do nothing, except one chore that is a pleasant bus ride away. Yay!

    BillBlueEyes Thanks for the kudos. For non-food rewards I was thinking of getting a pair of super-fancy sandals. Gold and glittery and over the top is what I am looking for... oh and cheap! Think I can get all that?? we shall see. Otherwise, I may treat myself to a book. I saw an autobiography of Kevin Smith (filmaker/director/famous slacker) that looked good. Good for you for getting your walk in while doing something that needed to be done. That's my all-time favorite way to get exercise. I did that this week too. Kudos you and me! BTW I'd walk 5000 steps for a banana too.

    AnnCan1111 Oh the weather! it's been fantastic here too and I was out raking and bagging leaves up and planning my little garden. I fenced the cat into the yard by adding a tiny fence to bridge the gap between the existing fence and her escape routes underneath it. I'm hoping this also keeps the larger rodentia away as well: skunks, racoons, groundhogs... will not keep a squirrel out though. My kitty will not jump up onot the fence like other cats do so she is not wandering this year beyone the yard. Yay! She doesn't care and I feel better. Anyway, I digress. Hope you enjoy another good day today!

    gahundy You have a busy emotional day ahead of you. I hope it goes well and that you also have some great sun-shiny weather you can let in the house as you clean up... all the best to you today!

    Hello to hbuchwald, mom3, ladybugnessa, RobinW, tresor, coastalsue, elkfordian, kuhljeanie! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
  • New to Beck Diet Solution group
    I am delighted to find this group. Found the book last spring and for the first time in my life lost a decent amount of weight - 14 lbs. without going to Weight Watcher, Jenny Craig, etc. Kept the weight off for quite a while and then gradually over the winter it started to creep back.

    I think my downfall was that I didn't ever have a diet coach. Also, I leant the book to my daughter and she never gave it back. It actually helped me a lot to keep the book by my bedside table and reach a chapter each night, referring back to the areas where I was struggling.

    I'm going to the bookstore right now to buy myself a new book and I'll be checking in with the group several times a week for support. It is great to find this group!!!
  • My plan for today-
    buy the book
    excercise 20 minutes
    eat sitting down
    no more than 29 points
  • Welcome northwest

    Welcome to the Beck Diet Solution Discussion Group, Support Group, Diet Coach Group.

    And, in honor of your first post on 3fatchicks,

    How did you happen to find us here?

    Completed Beck Program-day 42. You’ve met your goal. Congratulations