Wednesday, Feb 27

  • Where oh where did February go!! It is 17 degrees and snowing here so wherever Feb went I hope it stays there.....

    Morning Chickies, just got back from the Y and must get ready for work just wanted to say

    Good Morning!!!!!
  • Good morning and Happy Hump Day!

    A dusting of snow overnight but a gorgeous sunny day wiull take care of that shortly.

    Dinner party went very well - DH's ice cubes were a real hit. The "girls" behaved beautifully - must be the party ribbons because even Lucy/Lucifer was good. AND I finally discovered a flaw in my friend Claire! SHE SMOKES! Not in my house but she did offer to take Lucy out for a pee break so she could have a ciggie. Whew! Guess I can keep her as a friend since she is not perfect.

    I'm pretty tired this morning as I stayed up late (1 a.m.) cleaning up the kitchen and diningroom. I may skip music this morning and just go to the Office for a bit. This afternoon I meet with the man who did my job for the last Habitat for Humanity house - I am hoping he can give me hints about what to avoid on the current project. We hope to have the house completed by summer of 2003. [URL=[/URL] gives you info on this project.

    Gotta run - want to spend a bit of quality time with the pooches so Lucy won't terrorize DH while I am gone.

    HAve a good one.
  • Good Morning Kids,

    Its gray and gloomy out, expecting light snow - OY
    Hey we had a great winter can't really complain but we do need the rain. If we don't get any I'll be dying my grass with food coloring lololol......hey who said purple grass doesn't grow in Jersey lololol......just in time for Easter too.

    Have a wonderful day !
    Love Leens
  • Good morning all! It's a beautiful day in our neighbourhood! Got some days off now and looking forward to time with my kids...we are all sniffling with colds but otherwise can't complain...hope you have a great day all! Liz
  • Good Morning Everyone!
    Just thought I'd pop in and say hi. I couldn't get in here yesterday and I've been really busy other days.

    Sooner Your message from yesterday really got me thinking. In fact, it's the first thing I pondered when I got up this morning. I've been feeling pretty much the same and I think the term "passionless" hits the nail on the head. It's not really depression, it's just that nothing is floating my boat and making me feel any of my usual enthusiasm. I'm missing the highs and the lows. I know some of it has to do with my age and the fact that my kids are growing up so fast, and needing me so little these days. I can't seem to get into caring very much about weight loss anymore (I'm completely stuck and have been since Thanksgiving) and I'm just going about my usual life on auto-pilot. I'm hoping that Spring and a trip to sunny Tucson will help me out of the doldrums. And gardening too. Being in my garden, working away while a baseball game plays in the background makes me happy. It's time for a change!

    We have a mini-vacation this weekend. One of the contractors who works for my DH is giving us a condo in Copper Mountain for the weekend, complete with food and everything. He said all we need to bring is a change of underwear and a toothbrush. It should be fun, except that I used to be a really good skier and now I can't even get on the darn things because my knees are so bad. So, while everyone is skiing, I guess I'll walk around or read or something. I want my old body back! Arthritis sucks.

    So after this cheery message (not), I think I'll finish!
  • Good afternoon Chicks

    Went to daycare this moring and since I'm doing a split shift today I will be back at 3! Can you say tired? And on top of that my boots are wet and I have one more recess to do this afternoon! YIKES!

    Dh picked up his car today--a golden Honda Civic. It's OK, nothing too specia,l but dh likes at and quite frankly, if it picks up dd from daycare, it could be orange with pink polka dots for all I care!

    Having a cranky day--the Metfromin is really playing havoc with my system and I can't wait to adjust. Going to go have a lay down now and maybe I'll feel better.

    Have a good one chicks
  • hi everyone!!!!

    nothing exciting, just checking in...

    my poor car failed inspection this morning, for not having a left turn signal [they worked when i turned into the inspection station!!! what on earth did those guys do to it????], and for having an emergency brake that didn't hold... oh. and the bright headlights don't stay on...

    all it takes is money!!!

    as of march 12, i'll be officially allowed to go back to work, but since my company folded while i was on disability, there's no work to go back to!!! but my resume's done, some feelers are out, and i can file for unemployment.

    and, unfortunately, the insurance companies and the providers have not seen eye to eye about reimbursement, so i've already been on the phone today with one hospital, two insurance accounts at the same company, and a provider. i still have one insurance company and a provider to cope with

    i must confess that i'm having trouble keeping a good attitude about all this... i just want to move on, into a decent job, and put all my money worries aside....

    i must confess, though, that it's getting hard to keep a good attitude.

    oh well.. this, too, shall pass....

    be well, all you wonderful chickies.....
  • hey gang!
    busy busy busy!

    We have Disciple Now this weekend and we have over 100 teenagers for our church that will stay in 12 different homes from Friday nite until Sunday morning when we all go to church. It is basically a retreat and they always have a real good time. We have the 12th grade girls at my house this year and are expecting around 10. That will be much easier then the 15 guys that we usually have for the weekend. Girls are easier then guys - right???

    Crazy weather here in Louisiana - it was 75 on Monday, and this morning it was 22 at my house - brrrrrrrrrrr! That's probably warm for some of you guys but that is really cold for us.

    My eating has been way out of control but I'm thinking (in the back on my mind) that I will try to get myself back on track monday morning after surviving the weekend. I figure if I don't survive the weekend it won't matter what I weigh!

    I hope everybody has a good week!

    Yall be good and take care!

    hugs, cathy
  • Jiff?

    Did you forget to put the six pack of Bud on the front seat?

  • Good day everyone!
    Jiff, I could hug you! I'm in a very touchy-feely mood today for some reason. I know the feeling only too well. This state stopped inspections because you could bribe a sticker out of most mechanics. You should have seen one of them! Most of them only wanted your money anyway, so they said this was wrong and that was broken. Mine was always the exhaust system, which I couldn't tell was broken or not!

    Cathy, have fun with those girls! I'll tell you, I haven't found them to be easier than boys, and I used to be a teenager, too!

    Pooky, you and a houseful of kids. I feel for you too!!

    Chickadee and Sooner, I hope you get your spark back soon!

    Liz, Leens, Ruth, and everyone I forgot (senior moment) have a great evening!!