Would this be considered HIIT?

  • This is my normal routine on the treadmill,3 days a week for 30 minutes. Just recently started reading about HIIT, would this routine be considered as HIIT??

    3 minutes of fast walking to warm up
    2 minutes of jogging
    5 minutes of 30 seconds all out sprint and 30 seconds of jogging
    1 1/2 minute of walking brisk
    5 minutes of 30 seconds all out sprint and 30 seconds of jogging
    1 1/2 minute of walking brisk
    5 minutes of 30 seconds all out sprint and 30 seconds of jogging
    1 1/2 minute of walking brisk
    2 minutes jogging
    1 minute all out sprint
    2 minutes slow walk

    when walking my heart rate is 60-70%
    jogging its at 75%
    sprinting its about 85-90%

    thanks for any input/advice?
  • That looks great! Try changing the incline too to make it more interesting

  • ok thanks i will try that!