TBL "WMB" - Black Team Chat

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  • Sorry team- I think I may be the Biggest Gainer this week! I'm up 3.5!
    I hadn't been able to get a grip since my week away. I have done well today and got in a good workout too so I'll try to make it up to y'all this week.

    ggmugsy: I hate getting wrong info, especially when I'm trying as hard as I can! It can really take the wind out of your sails. I do WW as well. It has been the only thing to work for me since it is basically eating less and moving more. By the way, I'm behind on the Oprah class as it started when I was out of town. Have you been following it and how is it? I keep saying I'm going to catch up on it.

    With my gain my % of weight loss is 6.72% so far.

    Have a good night all.
  • Just checkin in. Our internet is running at the speed of slug tonight... pretty frustrating really.

    I don't really have a whole heck of a lot to add.

    I don't use my WW activity points. It's too confusing to me to bother with figuring them up
  • Hey team... I am so tired today! I think I am going to pass out riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .............. oops! Sorry! I have nothing great or profound to post, so I will go to sleep now. Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday! POP!
  • Michie, I sent you am PM...Did ya get it?
  • Quote: Sorry team- I think I may be the Biggest Gainer this week! I'm up 3.5!
    I hadn't been able to get a grip since my week away. I have done well today and got in a good workout too so I'll try to make it up to y'all this week.

    With my gain my % of weight loss is 6.72% so far.

    Have a good night all.
    Oh well...What's done is done and you are back on track now...Did you have any freebies left to take?

    6.72% is great!
  • I have one freebie left, but I'm afraid I may need it (long story) so I had to post the gain. Sorry!
  • Good morning, everyone!

    hope4me---Don't beat yourself up. Just dust yourself off and get back on track. I know you can do it.

    michie---I hope you got good sleep. I am about to head back to bed for an hour of sleep.

    Julz---Darn preg test! I hope that you get answers about your cycle being off soon. I also hope that you get the results that you want. Hopefully your Internet acts better today. I can't stand when it slows down so much.

    reda---Hey! I hope that TOM isn't to bad for you. It always kicks my butt and makes me eat everything in sight.

    caitbeans---How are you? I think you should get yourself a HRM. I have the Polar F4 as well and love it.

    ggmusy---I have never used my AP's either. It seemed like to much work for me to figure it out. I can understand why you are aggravated about it. I can't believe there is such a difference. Now that you have it figured out I bet you will lose weight faster though.

    Diva---ahill is just my first initial and my last name. Very original, huh? lol The Georgia Virtual Academy is done thru the public school system. We will just be doing public school online from home. This year we home-schooled and loved it but the GVA will have more direction and a dedicated teacher if we need assistance. We are going to try it this next year we think and see if we like it.

    Dea---Happy Birthday to your 13 yr old baby! Good job starting the C25K. I have been doing it too and it kicks my tail! Stick with it. It is worth it if only for the alone time.

    ceegee---Thanks for the % formula. I hope that everyone feels better.

    I am going back to bed for a while. Been up to long and stayed up to late. Bye!
  • This week looks really dismal. We lost several more people from our team and many more just didn't weigh in (some using their last freebie in the process).

    How discouraging.

    Well, we have 2 weeks left. I really hope everyone stays on plan and does everything they can to finish strong. There's no reason to not just do it!
  • Quote: Manda - Awesome job on the smaller clothes!! Whoo-Hoooo!!

    Julz - I'm biting my nails for you!!

    Here's my scoop: I've been frustrated having only lost 2 pounds this past month. One problem was the WW system. I thought when I logged my weight each week they would automatically subtract daily points as I lost weight. WRONG. You have to PROMPT the site to adjust your points. I finally figured it out and they subtracted 2 points. I'd been over-eating for MONTHS without knowing it.

    Then . . . I kind of felt like WW was giving me too many Activity Points for the exercise I was doing. That's why I bought the Polar F4 HRM to tell me how many calories I'm burning.

    WW says if you break a sweat within 3 - 5 minutes of starting a workout it is considered high intensity. I always do that on the TreadClimber. BUT . . . they also say you should receive 1 Activity Point for every 100 calories you burn.

    For example . . . today I did 41 minutes on the TreadClimber. The TC says I burned 551 calories. WW gives me 6 points for 41 minutes of high intensity exercise. Meaning I should have burned approx. 600 calories. WRONG. In actuality, I burned 359 calories. I should have received only 3 points.

    It's even worse with an exercise DVD. The Firm Max Cardio is 55 minutes. I would have counted 48 minutes in high intensity for 7 points . . . 700 calories burned. WRONG . . . 348 calories.

    NO WONDER I'M NOT LOSING WEIGHT. If I had eaten all my 13 activity points for the day at approximately 50 calories per point that's 650 calories. I'd have worked out 96 minutes and have really only burned an extra 59 calories.

    I believe WW could do a LOT more to try to help people get to their goal weight. These two issues I've had really make me think they are wanting people to take a long time to lose weight so they can keep charging monthly fees.

    I'm taking a deep breath now and am going to brew some herbal tea.

    BIG HUG everybody!!
    Mindy, I'm skipping ahead here so it may have already been said, but when I was on WW, I was told that no matter how many Activity Points I gathered in a day, I was only allowed to eat 4 of them. Maybe you've also been eating too many of your AP's? Anywho...I hope ya got it all figured out gf.

    I ended up not exercising yesterday and ate WAY too many calories. it's so hard getting back on track after taking a few day's off, I hate that. Anyway's, gonna FORCE myself to eat right today and get some exercise in. Still have the big puffy eye, so I am skipping the GYM..again, and doing something here. My hip is giving me some problems and unfortuantley I don't have the gas to drive to my doctor that's an hour away. I may end up having to go to the er about it. I have never had hip problems before but it's irritated just be a simple walk. It feels like there's a lump or something swollen under my skin where the pain is and sometimes it hurts to sleep on my side because of it....Weird....

    BTW, did I tell y'all it snowed here yesterday and it's currently 26 degrees??? OMG! Just last Friday & Sat jess & Matt BOTH got sunburns and I had to go buy them Blue Aloe, and now we have this???? It's supposed to climb into the uppers 50's today and by mid week the lower 70's again....I tell ya, East TN has the strangest weather, temperature-wise.
  • I just had a HUGE brain fart. Last weekend, I was on vacation and didn't weigh in becuase I had no computer and scale. Well, I entered this week's weight in that slot (thanks soul, your post made me realize I did this) so I used my last freebie. I could KICK myself, I had a good loss to (1.4) geeze, I was NOT thinking. Sorry

    hope4me- don't feel bad, this is a journey and things like this happen! you can do this!

    ahill- I think I am going to look at some reviews on amazon for a HRM, do you your a chest strap one or one you put your finger on it to calculate your HR?

    diva- i am sorry to hear about your hip, i hope you find out what is going on with that soon. we have crazy weather here too, it snowed on easter, now it is 55- I don't get it.
  • Hi, all! I'm finally back! We had computer issues for a couple of weeks and I missed weigh ins and I fell off track. I went back in and added the weeks I missed even though they won't count....and I'm up a pound.

    good luck everyone and keep at it! we're almost there!
  • Okay ladies. I was going to post everyones idividual stats as well as a team stat for the entire 10 weeks we've been doing this...... but then the more I thought about it, the more I thought that would kind of spoil any surprise for the end of the challenge....

    But, one thing I WILL tell you is that the Black Team is down (as a team) by 5.38% from where we started! That is SOOOO awesome!!!!!!!! Only 2 more weeks to go, so buckle down, and SPRINT to that finish line!!! I can't believe we're already this close to the end of this challenge!!!!!!!!!
  • Wow, I can't even believe that we are 2 weeks away from the end of the challenge. I hope that the next challenge starts very soon after this one ends. I have enjoyed the challenge and it has helped push me to lose this weight. Keep going guys. We are almost there!

    It is crazy that we are down over 5% as a team. WTG, guys.

    I was down to 217 lbs this morning. Still way to much but it marked a huge goal of mine. With that weight I am no longer Morbidly Obese!!! YAY!!!

    Off to the other side of the state for my dd dance. Have a great day everyone!
  • Hey everybody!

    To all WW peeps: I don't go to meetings, I just use WW online. All my friends who go to meetings use their FP's first and try to not use AP's. WW on-line doesn't give you the choice, it uses AP's FIRST. I think you should have a choice on which one it uses. This is one of the things I plan on bringing to their attention when I send them a harshly worded letter. (grrrrrr.) I guess I could keep a paper copy of my points usage but then why would I bother paying the monthly fee?? I didn't use all my AP's every day, but some days I did. I almost always have 20 - 30 FP's leftover at the end of the week.

    Caitbeans - I LOVE IT!! It's easy. I almost bought the F11 but I wanted the simplicity (and PRICE) of the F4. You can only view stats on the last workout you completed. I thought you could flip through them but you can't. (You can with the F11.) It does keep a running total for you that you can re-set whenever you want. I plan on re-setting mine every Monday. My goal is to burn 4900 calories per week . . . 1.5 pounds of fat. The F11 also breaks down what percentage of the calories you burn are from fat. I think that would drive me crazy. I'd always be wanting it to say 100% and I know it never would.

    Hope4me - For the Oprah thing . . . I've watched the first two classes and want to watch the third in the next couple of days. It shows live here at 5:30 at night. That just doesn't work for me so I'm playing catch-up, too. I'm really enjoying it though!

    Today I'm down 5.9%. I'll show a good loss this week because I was up only .4 pounds before TOM and I'm normally up 3 or more.

    Right now we are tied with the Red team for number of wins. We can't let them win anymore!!!! BLACK MUST PREVAIL!!!
  • Final egg hunt counts:

    GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ggmugsy......…………. 1151
    Diva............…………. 795
    LondonJulz....…………. 705
    ceegee........……...… 660
    dream710.....…………. 630
    caitbeans......………... 575
    Karma27.......…………. 430
    ahil1979........…………. 295
    GetSmart......…………. 180
    mothermavis..…………. 155
    NoVaVTFan...…………. 145
    Dea.............…………... 25
    Rainlips........…………... 17