Tuesday's Beach Chat

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  • It's so dark out! But it was nice driving home at 7:30 last night with a little bit of daylight left.
  • Morning Cottage, thanks for getting the coffee going.

    I've got to get on the road early for a meeting "up north". 4 hours driving and 6 hours meeting. If my pedometer has 2000 steps when I get home it will be a lot.

    Kara - Woo hoo! Enjoy your reunion and see you when you return

    Time to get moving. Have a good day Chicks!
  • jandaman, I just noticed it's a special day for you!


    Have a wonderful day! Do you have any special plans to celebrate the day?
  • Happy birthday, Jan!

    Wasn't it strange, Linda, for it to be light so late last night? Connor asked to play at the park at 5:30 and I told him we couldn't go (it's literally a block away) because it would be dark soon. My father-in-law looked at me and said, "You do realize it'll be light for another hour and a half or so." I hadn't. I was surprised when it was past seven and there was still light outside!

    Cyndi, drive safely! Maybe turn your music up really loud and bop around in your seat a bit?

    When we were kids we would go down to Cape May every summer, and at the end of the Garden State Parkway (Cape May is at the southern end of the state, for anyone who doesn't know), we would always count down the mile markers..."Three miles to Cape May, three miles to Cape May!" and then a minute later (or sooner, depending on how fast my dad was driving - due to wanting to see the beach or having to listen to five of us singing...) "Two miles to Cape May, two miles to Cape May!" That's what I feel like today. "Thirteen hours 'til Tom gets home, thirteen hours 'til Tom gets home!"

  • Schmoo, luckily, my in-laws moved after Tom left for the Air Force, so he's never lived in this house. And they have a whole master suite that's off the back of the house. I am picturing being in a twin size bed with baseball player wallpaper and soccer trophies! That would be awful!

  • Good morning and Happy Birthday to JANDAMAN!

    Cottage, it'll be brighter at 6 AM soon enough. In June the robins are singing at 3:30!

    CindyM, safe trip. Too bad it's not REAL up north be cause I'd love to see you for coffee.

    Kara, have a great reunion and you don't have to tell us all the details!

    For some reason, the time change has me screwed up - I want to go to bed earlier. What's with that? I still wake up at about the same time though. I was considering a trip to town for some fabric today but may pass as the knee is giving me grief this morning. That may change when the painkillers kick in.

    My sucky dog is shoving her nose at mean which means it's time for a cuddle on the couch while I finish my coffee. Have a Terrific Tuesday.
  • Buzzing in quickly to say hi. It's been a wild few days. My Mom, Sister and BIL are leaving in a few hours to head back to NC, then DD and I are headed into New Orleans for some retail therapy and lunch. Going to make a big old frittata when everyone gets up to send them off with full tummies. DD is leaving on Thursday to go back to LA...then it's going to be TOO quiet around here. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Ruth, no details. I promise. Good luck getting your knee back in step this morning!

    Cat, hope your guests get off to their destinations safely. Enjoy your time with your daughter!

    Off to shower. And then it's Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries for breakfast. That stuff is yummy! Thanks for the recommendation, all!

  • Hi guys... Happy birthday and welcom janda!

    Kara.... YEAH!!!!! TOM IS ALMOST HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE WANT DETAILS OF THE REUNION!! hahaha, jk

    yes, the time change has me all screwed up as well... of course last night I couldn't sleep... My son went to a concert so I couldn't sleep, at least not until he arrived home at one am... I slept through my dual alarm this am making me late for work...

    Speaking of work.. have a great day all..
  • cottage - It's dark here still but we also have heavy fog. I suspect it will take me longer to get to work. I'll have to decide when I get on the road if it is too heavy to take the expressway. I don't want to be on a 60mph road if it's that heavy.

    Cyndi - Drive careful!

    Kara - Have a wonderful time with Tom! I would love to see Cape May someday. My dad was born there and I've never been.

    Ruth - The timechange has me messed up too. We kept thinking it was earlier because the clock over the entertainment center was wrong. I got it down but couldn't get it back up so I've dragged the ladder inside. Then it was too cold to want to get up this morning. I finally realized I hadn't changed the clock on the thermostat so it hadn't warmed up. I think I'm actually going to have to find the manual for that. I still need to change the clock on the pool equipment too but that one is easy.

    Cat - I love New Orleans but haven't been in years. Has the aquarium been restored from Katrina? Brian always loved that when we visited.

    I need to shut down and head for the office. I'll try to post more later.
  • Real busy this morning so this will be short & sweet but I will try & come back.

    Kara I bet you can't wait to give Tom a welcome home hug & kiss.

    Happy Birthday Jan

    Ruth the time changes has messed me up too

    Cat I just love retail therapy

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Loriann, hope you redeem yourself with great achievements at work today!

    Barbara, my grandmother was born and raised in Cape May. Maybe sometime Linda, you, and I can take a trip down together?

    Gonna, how's your toe?

    Eleven hours and nine minutes!

  • Good Tuesday Morning chicks! We all overslept too this morning and had to rush the kids off to school. This week is not getting off to a great start! Last night I made up a breakfast cheesecake and some bean brownies while waiting for DH and DD to get back from the airport, so I've got a yummy breakfast in front of me and a snack to look forward to later. Oh, and to round things off, my favorite shrimp stir fry for dinner. I think once DD wakes and eats, she'll be headed back to her apartment. Other than that this is a very ordinary looking Tuesday.

    Safe driving Cyndi!
    Happy Birthday, jandamann!
    Kara, that's exactly what I was picturing! Although when DH and I first lived together we shared a twin bed for a short while. Back then, we didn't really mind being so cozy!
    Have a nice cuddle Ruth!
    Hi Cat! Sounds like you're having a wonderful time.
    Barb and LoriAnn, hope you guys have a great day at work.
    Good morning Gonnabe!
  • Kara, it won't be long now!

    Cyndi, you must be on your way by now. I hope you took some good music with you to help pass the time! Drive carefully!

    Ruth, try to take it easy on the knee today, eh? I hope the meds ease the pain.

    Barb, do be careful driving in that thick fog! Hope you get your clocks all in sync without much hassle.

    Loriann, I hope you have an easy day at work today!

    Schmoodle, I hope the rest of your day (and week!) gets better, too. I'm glad your DD made it home safely!

    I had to go to the bank right after Curves and straighten out a big mess. Seems the teller had transposed the number of my account, and deposited my money into someone else's account! I almost fainted when I saw my balance, I thought for a minute I was a victim of identity theft! Thank goodness, we got it all straightened out, Whew!!!!
  • Morning ladies. I needed a major cheer-up this morning so I thought I'd come and see your positive thoughts. This morning has been a major bummer already and I've been in tears twice...and it's not even 9. These pregnancy hormones are insane.

    I do go for my first ultrasound today and to meet with the Dr. for the first time, so I am super excited about that!! He has come with raving recommendations so I think I will like him. I can't wait to see the little bean growing in there and hear the heartbeat. I will feel so much better once I hear that heartbeat...I think the chance of miscarriage is greatly diminished if the baby has a strong heartbeat.

    Hope everyone is having a good morning. Wish I could join you in the coffee! I might brew a cup of decaf tea...