Herbal Magic Gal's !

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  • Well My WI Mon was Ekkk.

    I +2.lbs over the Weekened but Had a Depressing weekened. The weather here was Crap and I didnt leave the house Sunday for Mothers day.'
    And the Kids wore getting on my last nerve."Sorry" So I had this feeling it would happen. I suffer from Despression for the last 15yrs and it was a Bad weekend to hit. + I have all the signs of TOM showing up soon agian so soon.
    Sorry pitty Party for me.

    and Hugs for TaMMY & TAMMY.

    ASHELY I have Both cook books. are you looking for something Yummie or just for Dinner & thanks noticing my pic.
    Now I still believe you need 30 post to do links ! and I post and link from my Photobucket.com

    Now WI & MM are tomorrow. I DON'T WANT TO GO !
  • Morning Ladies !

    WI & MM for me today.. Feeling little better today I think. My home scale looking good. back to 165.6lbs SO I shouldnt be to depressed today. I was hoping to get to 162lbs by this week. but maybe next week.

    will let ya know how i do later.
  • Sorry I have not been around the last little bit. Had some home isseus and found it hard to stay on plan. Causing a 1 lb gain over the weekend. But hoping it will be gone so I can be under 300 for my birthday on friday.

    Have a great day ladies.
  • Feeling really light today!! Went to WI and MM. Down -.8lb and -3 inches
    I am .6lb away from my Friday goal.
    Feeling great!! What a beautiful day too. We are due some nasty rain on the weekend, so I think I'll spend the rest of today walking the doggies.

    WTG Ashley! A Bikini??? I couldn't even imagine a bikini! Not even if I was 120lbs. I am afraid that after two kids (first one weighing in at 9lbs 3oz) my body is not bikini friendly! But good for you!!!! I am truly jealous! You are right, it's all about the confidence!

    I am feeling so good! I went shopping with my daughter yesterday and tried on a few tops (staying away from the bottoms for a while). You know how the dressing room mirrors are an instant downer! Well, I didn't even look! Why bother, I know I'm not going to see much of a difference, and I know what I look like at home. I just giggled to myself and walked past the mirror. My mirror at home is more understanding and comforting anyway! LOL

    Christina: Big hugs! I know it's hard to "look up" when you're "feeling down". Try to hang in there! You've been doing so good.

  • Nice to meet you Julia , Tx for posting a Pic !

    Ok now I went in for WI &MM today and I losss 3.5inch = 56.5inch and went back down to 165.0lbs today So all is good now.
    So 164 is my goal Fri.

    Ok I picked up this product call H.M ChocoBerry Chews 90tabs about to help with craving and suppress hunger. 2-4tabs as needed daily And DOESN'T COUNT towards what you eat.
    Ok I just tired two few hrs ago and little to get used too "Taste" but it's seems to be working.
  • Very Good TMo.. It feels good ya !!

    Ya the dressing rooms are scary to look at and the Lighting is Crap.

    But good start for wanting to try on a few tops !
  • Kool ANother Memebers pic thannks TMo for Sharing !
    anyone else !
  • Tmo so nice to see your lovely face!!!!!

    Thanks for being there for me this week ladies. Can't believe I let a 0.2 gain affect me so much! Today's WI was ALOT better at
    -1.8 :-) 0.4 away for my Friday's goal!!

    Christina, glad you are feeling better, like me, you seem to take the scale seriously LOL Sorry I wasn't here yesterday to cheer you up :-(

    I saw bikini???? What is that??? Maybe we don't have bikinis here in Quebec LOL

    So took a few days off to rest and then the kids come back from school with a letter announcing they have no school tomorrow....*DARN* I was hoping for a Pj day, movies and sleeping in but most of all....having the house to myself.....I'm not a mother these days, I'm a taxi driver hihi

    Need to get emotionnaly ready for friday as it is a BIG day, my weekly goal WI and my Dad's first chemo treatment following the removal of his lung a month ago. Not sure how I feel about it all yet, I've been riding the roller coaster as best I can since diagnostic. Maybe being *numb* is my way of coping for now. Poor hubby is the one being hit by the roller coaster on my bad days. God Bless him xox

    Hey!!!! I forgot my supplements at dinner!!!! Oh!oh! Going to do that NOW! Better late then missing my dose (sounds like something an addict would say) Ha Ha

    Be back tomorrow
    Tammy xo
  • Yes, I finally got up the courage to post a photo. :P

    Sorry Tammy, I thought Bikini was a universal word. LOL
    It's a two piece bathing suit, and I could NEVER wear one!! So thrilled for your WI results. We both have a goal for Friday. I have missed my suppliments as well and just took them later with a piece of fruit. The ladies at the center said as long as you take them with something, it's fine.

    I hope everything goes well for your father Tammy. It can be so hard on the whole family.

    Christina: So glad you are feeling better. Good info on the ChocoBerry Chews. I don't really crave sweets as much as chips. I likes me some salt! LOL
    The first time I went on HM the pills did an amazing job at knocking out my cravings. However, this time around they don't seem to be working as good. I don't know why. I find myself having a very hard time in the evenings, especially on the weekends when it's movie night. Before, I could sit next to my son while he ate them and I didn't even want any, now I can't even have them in the house! Ah well, it's better for everyone in the house not to eat the demon chips! LOL

    Hang in there ladies... we're all doing great!
  • Afternoon Ladies!

    Looks like everyone is having a good week. Mine is looking up too! Lost 1/2 of the 1 lbs weekend gain. . Just sort of bouncing up and down on the other .5 lb. So now I am upping the water and making sure the portion sizes are right on if not maybe on the skimpy side! I do WI again Fri afternoon so we will see. I am so close to being under 300 I am getting alittle anxious. I really wanted it bad for my birthday but with last weekends emotional set back I may have to wait for Mon-Tues next week.

    Its nice to see more pix. As we get to know eachother more it is easier to be a bit more open. Enjoy your afternoon grab a little sun.
  • Here I am anxious, but the answer for why showed up today. TOM. I gather that I retain water before it shows up. And honestly I did not realize that it was coming. Lost track of the days.
  • New Here
    Good Morning

    Figured I'd introduce myself. I started HM back in Feb 11th 2008. I did an internet search at that point and found nothing as a chat support. I did another search last night on a whim and found this thread. Thank you for continuing it.
    I find, I don't post much, but need to read others successes (and trials). I will post my stats as of today as that's the latest. (just got back from centre)

    Age: 33
    Start: 249.6
    Current: 219.6
    Goal: 150 (End Jan 2009 - it still seems so far away)

    So looking at the numbers - today I reached the 30 pounds lost goal.
    I had been up by almost 2 pounds on Wednesday. And as all of you have mentioned AF aka TOM showed up last night. Don't think I'd ever say yippee when it started, but I did.

    My centre has magnets for every 10 pounds lost. This is my third. There are nevada style lottery tickets attached for %$ off merchandise. Can use for all except 2000's.

    So much for not posting much, I'll end now.

    Hope everyone else has a good WI.
  • Meekster
  • Welcome Meekster!! 30 lbs!! That is great!! Keep up the good work. I hope you do post often to share your success. It sure does make a difference. My family doesn't always seem to care about the .2, .4, .6, .8 losses.... but this thread does! Post or read, makes no difference. If our stories help, then I am grateful for that.

    I went to WI today to see if I reached my Friday (3 week mark) goal. YEAH for me!!! I am down .8. That puts me under 180!!! (179.8) It felt so good to see that 7!!!

    I too am seeing the signs of TOM. I really expected myself to be heavier because I am so bloated today, but what a nice surprise it was to get on the scale and see that number.
    My center has stars they put on the wall for every 5 lbs. It felt a bit like Kindergarten, but it's nice to have reached that mini goal. 40 pounds to go!!
  • So WI went well! Despite TOM and other stuff. Almost made my goal today too. Scale said 300.5. I will claim that as my birthday goall acheived!

    My cnetre does leaves on the wall for every 10lbs. Use to be stars but they wanted to get all springy. Apparently we all get a reward for comming in Tues for WI and having a loss after the long weekend.