Friday's Flutterings

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  • Good Morning Chicks! I haven't been on the beach in a while but am jumping back ! My dad had a wee health scare and has asked that I start taking better care of myself. DH has been inspired as well and has agreed to join me on the beach this time. I am in the midst of meal planning and grocery lists and can't wait to join February's exercise challenge.

    to all and have a great Friday!
  • Hey Jenny!!! Glad you're back!!! Is your dad OK now? We're moving to Germany in a couple months and just today we were looking at satellite maps of Europe on-line, planning trips, and we were all over Scotland. Tom's family (three generations back) came from Skye and he'd really like to go there to poke around a bit. How's Glasgow? Fun for a family with young kids?

    Good morning to all you chicks just waking up! I have a happy and somewhat TMI NSV to report!!! I started my period tonight (totally didn't expect it as my charts showed a wacky temperature pattern so I wasn't sure when I exactly ovulated) but last week, when I normally would be battling the cravings monsters, I had no issues with chocolate or other naughties! I think it was upping my protein that helped. But yay! And now I understand why I've been grumpy all day...

    I'll check back in soon!

  • It's good to see you back with us, Jenny!

    Happy Friday everyone! I'm pleased to report that Ruthie is doing fine, I'm sure all our prayers and good wishes helped pull her through.

    Today Audrey is home sick, she came home from school feeling tired and cranky yesterday, and sure enough, developed a fever overnight. Something's been going around her class so we shouldn't be surprised. So it will be a pretty low-key day for us.
    I peeked at the scale this morning since it's been just over a week for me on Phase 2, and I've lost a pound. It feels like a lot more, with my clothes being so loose, but I'll take whatever I can get!
  • Jenny, happy you are back. My (late) father also requested that I lose weight and take better care of myself. Wish he would have lived to see it.

    Kara, I didn't realize you were off to Germany! Your kids will be exposed to so many cultures...that's great!

    Cottage: thanks for the news of our Ruthie! and congrats for that lb!!!

    Me: today is work, then school, then we are heading out to New Orleans to a seafood place on the lake, then downtown for a stroll on Magazine Street and a visit to a food porn unreal pastry shop. I'll just have coffee, thankyou! Tomorrow it is off to the coast to visit a cousin. I have more porn in the oven right now to bring (coconut cake). The porn is all around with company here!

    I had to get some clothes yesterday and found a sale...ended up with the size 8 courdoroy (sic?) pants that were in my "goal" plan and also a pair of jeans...jeans were a 10, but I'll take it.
  • Kara, congratulations on your NSV! I still get green with envy when I think of you going to Germany. You're going to LOVE it!!!!!

    Cat, where in the world do you get all your will-power? You have an iron-will resolve! It sounds like you are having a really fun visit with your relatives.
  • Cat, I saw that pastry shop on the Food Network once. I must admit that I clicked on your link but didn't even maximize the window. One peek at their home page was enough! I will be sending lots of your way!!!

    Linda, *I* am jealous of me! Do you know anything about purchasing a home over there? We're trying to find out any info we can. Hope Audrey gets over her yuckies quickly!

    Ruth, in case you're checking in, we miss you! Hope you continue to feel better as the days go on!

  • Kara, we were last in Germany in the 80s, but I do remember back then that homes were expensive. Things may be different now, but I don't know. I loved the style of homes in the Bavarian region, where we were stationed!
  • I just put in this long post and now it is gone due to some error.

    Cottage thank you for the update on Ruth. I hope Audrey is feeling better soon. yay! for your scale victory

    Kara congrats on your NSV

    Morning Jenny glad you got dh to join you. Is your dad better now?

    Cat your plans with your family sound great - enjoy!

    Me - I woke up without the pain in my face that I went to bed with so thats a great start to the day. Tonight is family night and resturant of choice is Sakura (japanese steak house) Delish!!!!

    take a sip of the coffee or tea I have prepared for you late comers and ler us know about your day
  • Good morning Chicks

    Jenny - Welcome back! It's nice to meet you. My bestest bud is from Scotland so I've heard a lot about it, including "you really should come home with me sometime"!

    Kara - Nice NSV! Might be helpful in the future too.

    Cottage - thanks for the news about Ruth Congratulations on your success.

    Cat - You have amazing willpower. I have discovered that smelling yummy baked things is satisfying in its own weird way though Shopping for women's clothes is an adventure. I never know how things will run brand to brand. Congratulations on the 8s!

    Gonna - Other than the pain in the face how are you feeling? Sounds like it's a little better all the time, though not as soon as I'm sure you'd like it to be. Hope you keep moving in the right direction

    Me - What a crazy week! I have several "before I can go on vacation" things to finish up. I really don't want any work left for the weekend or Monday. Those are my days to get things set in my life (like the pre-flight massage on Monday!). Typical of busy weeks my back is getting in the way of my exercising a little but I'm still doing something every day. I also have an annoying head cold, could be all those little people I've been around this week! They are very generous

    I won't be back until much later. It's the big party for my boss. Still have to figure out our little speech.

    Have a good day all!
  • Good Morning Ladies


    Kara What a great NSV

    Cottage for Audrey and to you for the pound gone. Thank you for the update on Ruth. If you talk to her again please tell her we miss her.

    Femme Jeans always seem to run weird in the sizing. I always have to buy a size larger than all my regular pants. Some kind of denim conspiracy

    Gonna I'm glad the pain is gone but do let us know when you find out what the dr. has to say I'll be thinking of you.

    Me Yesterday I got SOOO much done at work. That should make today go quickly. I thought the ankle was all better but I woke up this morning and it hurt again Seems it should hurt when I'm on it and not when I've been sleeping for 8 hours.
  • Cyndi - simulposting. Have a great day
  • Hi Jenny, great to see you back!
    cottage, thanks for the Ruth update. Poor Audrey, hope she is feeling better soon. DS is still not back to normal. I found out that 1/3 of the middle school came down with this bug last week, the same day. They thought it must be food poisoning because it came on so quickly, and called in the health dept., but it's just a stomach flu.
    Kara and Cat, congrats on the NSVs!
    Dawn, you are so sweet to keep me in coffee. I'm glad you're feeling better this morning.
    Cyndi, good luck with your presentation.
    Thinby, wish I could say the same about work. Maybe today...

    DS will be home again today. I was supposed to take a friend out to lunch today for her birthday, but I'll have to cancel that. I'll just try and get a lot of work done and get the house in shape. And I've got to put together the GS cookie order and call the girls that haven't turned it in yet. At least it's Friday!
  • Cyndi I do feel I am headed in the right direction. Hope you get rid of that head cold.

    Thanks Dawn. I'll let you know just as soon as I hear something. Be sure to rest that ankle as much as possible.

    Schmoodle I sure hope ds gets to feeling better soon. YES it is Friday
  • Good morning everyone, nothing much going on with me. Same ol' same ol'. Kind of glad it's friday. i'm supposed to go grocery shopping today but it's alittle rainy and cold out. Don't feel like doing it. Still pretty depressed so I don't feel like doing much at all. I've had bad dreams all night that I'm sure are related to my problem from yesterday with DH. Don't wanna step on the scale, I'm afraid I've gained some weight. I should try to use all my anger into my workout video but my depression overtakes it and I just don't want to do it. My house never seems to stay clean once the kids come home, then when my husband comes home, that's even worse sometimes. Sometimes he's just as bad as the kids. Well, everyone stay warm and have a wonderful day.
  • TK I know what you mean abouth dh can be worse than the kids I have no kids at home but with my dh there it looks like we have 10 living with us - my dh is a messy man it lays where he leaves it til I pick it up. Sorry you had such bad dreams I hope you have a great Friday!