Friday's Flutterings

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  • Thank you
    Hi all, Just want to say thanks for all support, advice, laughs, etc. I couldnt of done it without you chicks!

    I read that People Mag article about girls losing their weight and how great some of the websites are for support, yeah, they mentioned 3fatchicks. I know I gotta take it day by day, and will be arollercoaster but am ready for ride.

    Did 30 min on treadmill, you shouldve seen the dust on that thing. Husband then did 30. I also peeked at scale- down a total of 9 lbs, husband 10 lbs.
  • Yeaah! It is FRIDAY! I am off to classes and I am so lucky because today I get out out 12. I have been reading the daily posts everyday for the past two weeks, and it is so great to wake up and have something real to look forward to besides the news.

    These first two weeks of school have been so hard on me. I am trying to buckle down and find my motivation. Motivation is usually not an issue. I have always loved to learn, and loved challenges. But for some reason I find it difficult to focus. I also found out the on my second day of classes that one the the courses I planned on taking next semester won't be offered until next year! Which puts me a semester behind, and is causing me to have to redo my plans for graduation and possibly graduate school. I wouldn't have been upset, but it the courses offered schedule reflects that the courses I need are taught ever semester. And apparently they have made several changes of this nature and have not communicated it to the students. This must by typical though. And I should not let it bother me. So, I am trying to redirect my frustration into working out. Working out is something that I can control. Course schedules being changed - I can't do anything about.

    Okay, enough complaining from me for today. Complaining should be banned on Fridays!

    Running out the door...
  • Quote: , LC, Neko, waquilter and shesaninja! Lot's of simul-posting going on today. Have a great Friday!
    Woohoo, it's Friday. No work tomorrow.

    Thanks for everyone who gave me info on the food at Medieval Times earlier this week. Now I'm prepared to just pick at the food tomorrow. I've heard it isn't very good anyways. My friend's a horse trainer, so she wants to go and watch the horsies.
  • Welcome Lori glad you joined us.

    Thanks Dawn I swear everytime my cell phone rings I'm thinkin it's the test results. I so don't want to have to wait til after the weekend. Other than the wait & worry I feel great. Hope you have a great day at work.

    tk yes 4 is enough. I sure hope all gets worked out for you

    LC I'm glad you were able to sneak in some computer time and I am loving your whole fun & exercise you have going on with your dance classes

    Shesaninja on completing your first day. Heres some to get you through the weekend

    Kim I hope you have a great day! for you and dh and yalls busy weekend
  • simulposting shucks

    SA you have the right attitude one day at a time

    TNtech if only the no complaining fridays works everywhere and not just on this site. Hope you get your schooling worked out.
  • I just can't reply to all the posts but I wanted to send a virtual hug to tk. Sounds like you are having a rough time.

    It was nice being home last night without anything to do. I made Taco Bake for dinner and had time to clean the kitchen and part of one bathroom and catch up on some reading. Tonight is also free. I have to stop by the police station after work to pick up the copy of the police report and the photos of my injuries that my lawyer wants, then I need a haircut and then I'll pick up Brian. He hates to shop but he needs more sweatshirts and jeans so we're just going to have to go buy some.

    Tonight I'm reheating leftover Peking Pasta so I don't have to cook.
  • I can't tell you how glad I am that it's FRIDAY!!!! I haven't done much this week only worked 2 days...but just knowing it's Friday and the weekend makes me HAPPY! I'm sooooooo tired of being COLD! bbbrrrrrrr I'm freezing, I me COME ON! I live in the south, it's not supposed to be this's almost 11am and it's still only 25 degrees! It was supposed to warm up to 42 but I don't think it's gonna make it!

    I've been sticking to p1 pretty religiously the past 11 days...but last night I made some brown rice to go along with my dinner...just for the family to have...and I just had to have a tiny bit of it...I figured if I was going to "cheat" what better to cheat with...I had less than 2 TBSP of brown rice.
    It was very satisfying! amazing .. who'd have thought...brown rice...LOL
    Well I hope you all have a fantabulous day.... and STAY WARM!!!
  • Thanks GONNABE165!

    I even started a blog this morning so I have somewhere to spill my guts through this 'adventure'!
  • Barb I bet you enjoyed your free time even if it did involve cleaning Good luck with your shopping

    shesaninja good luck with your blog

    I had long talk with my dh about my horrible headaches I have been having for the past 2 weeks and I have decided I am going to cut my hair short. I have had my hair short once in my life & it was not by choice. I have always had long hair most years down to my butt til I started donating it to locks of love so I am hoping with cutting it (and donating it) I will releive some of the headaches. Any of you gals have a suggestion on a cute cut?
  • Gonna - Yikes! I'm sorry to hear about your headaches.

    I really like the haircut I have now and it's a modified version of the angled bob. It's a little more layered so I can have fun with it and i have some wispy bangs in the front. I REALLY love it.
    I've seen alot of people with the angled bob lately and I personally think it looks great on everyone.
  • Gonna: I like to use this "hairstyle trier-outer" here.

    It's actually a lot of fun - we do this at work a lot. We've all got our pictures uploaded and try out new hairstyles.
  • Hey everyone! Just had to come back and brag because I am feeling very proud of myself. At about 4pm a major sinus headache hit. As the end of the work day got closer I was thinking to myself, and even emailed DH to tell him, that I would only walk 1 mile after work. Well, not only did I walk that mile, with 2 lb weights, but I also walked another 3 miles without the weights after that! I still have some sinus pressure, but nothing like what I had before. I'm feeling great!

    Just wanted to share.

  • I just make the taco bake for the first time. It was GREAT! I am so pleased with it, and my husband even enjoyed it. Thank you for a great recipe and all the support.