Do you have junk food in the house?

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  • I have nothing junk food in the house right now, stop buying it, stop looking at it in the supermarket… its better also since I live alone (for now) not to have to buy for anyone else…

    … the only chocolate are the doggy chocolate drops – I may get tempted! Lol
  • Yes, there's junk in the house and has been since I started my new lifestyle. I believe in teaching my kids moderation with such things and believe I need to re-educate myself to have a different relationship with such food if I am going to keep the weight off long term. I have my own healthy snacks which I substitute and I rarely want any of the other stuff and if I do I'll fit it in around my calories allowance for the day.

    I'm not a fan of crispy/salty snacks anyway but do have a sweet tooth. For the most part fresh fruit, dried fruit and cereal bars will satisfy me.

  • We have some stuff in the house, but lucky me I don't eat much sweets. I think I had like 3 single Doritos in the past 9 months or so. Maybe enough candy to amount to 3 Hershey's Kisses. My problem is bread and Coke. So on that note, we don't buy soda for the house, but we have to have bread for sandwiches. So I limit our bread purchases to only sandwich bread and I just stay away from it.
  • I have a junk food drawer. (Though the junk food is usually WW cakes... WW candy....WW dessert bars... so perhaps better portioned, but still junk so it stays in the drawer.) It's at the bottom corner of the cabinets, so it's easy to avoid and quick to forget, but if I truly want something a little sweet/salty/crunchy/chewy/whatever I can get it. It's amazing how having the junk, but keeping it out of sight, works. Out of sight out of mind! (But, out of house out of mouth )
  • No, no junk in this house. Hubby and I are both on this weight loss journey and trying to teach our daughter's the right way to eat. Before I started this journey, my oldest daughter...10 years old at the time....was starting to gain weight. One day, I saw her in the refrigerator about 30 minutes after breakfast. I asked her if she was hungry...she said no, she was bored! My daughter was already picking up our bad habits.

    For us, this is not solely about losing weight. This is about creating a healthy lifestyle. We are teaching our kids how to eat healthy. My Mom didn't know any better, therefore, I was allowed to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I know better and have no excuses. The junk food is not healthy and is not necessary for our bodies, therefore, we don't keep it in the house. And, we must always remember that high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease..etc, aren't restricted to only the overweight. Skinny people need to eat healthy, too. We schedule treats into our week. Typically, we take the girls out for an ice cream or we might schedule a family dinner at a restaurant. The planning and leaving the house makes this a special event and the girls seem to really enjoy their treats. And, the whole family has lost weight and are getting healthier.
  • Here's my experience. I had to get all the foods that were very tempting out of the house completely. I don't know what the definition of "junk food" is here--because well-made ice cream isn't junk to me. But, I cannot have any ice cream in the house, even now.

    Certain brands of tortilla chips are probably junk foods, and also very tempting to me. I now find that I can buy a family-size bag, divide the contents into serving-size baggies, and in that way, limit my intake. Used to be I would eat the whole bag until all gone. However, I only buy those chips rarely--like maybe every couple of months--because it wouldn't take much for me to slip over the edge with them again.

    This isn't just about losing weight, it's about how to live after weight loss. If I just decided "OK, I'm done," and brought back all those foods again, I'd end up back where I started--obese!

  • There is, unfortunately, a ton of junk at my house. I'm not responsible for bringing it in, though, and I'm not going to be responsible for eating it! Like some of the others here, it's planning, willpower, and the desire to lose weight more than give in to a temporary pleasure that are keeping me away from the forbidden goodies. I haven't been 100% saintly in my eating, but I've gotten over the mentality that if I have one sugary dessert, I might as well throw in the towel.

    I also make sure to have fruit, carrots, celery, soynuts, and healthier snack choices like that available. I'm finding that after a while, the crap food I used to like doesn't even taste good anymore.
  • I have a looooot of junk food in my house. But since almost two weeks now I don't touch it anymore. And I'm trying my best to get rid of it little by little everyday by giving it to my husband in his lunchbox (he doesn't want to start a diet yet, so I'm waiting for him to be ready) and giving it to my mother in law.
    I already gave my mother in low few chocolates and a bag of frozen potatoes ready to fry this week. I still have a mountain of chocolate, potatoes chips, white bread and bonbons to give away...
  • Yep, there's junk food in the house. 99.9% of the time, it's resistable. I do allow myself to have chocolate and/or chips when I'm PMSing, but the rest of the month I'm really well-behaved. I dunno why I'm able to resist, but I'm glad I can.
  • Since I do all the shopping most of the food in my house is healthy. When my boyfriend asks me to get him snacks I make sure to buy stuff I don't like and he does. That way I'm not tempted at all.
  • Quote: Yes, there's junk in the house and has been since I started my new lifestyle. I believe in teaching my kids moderation with such things and believe I need to re-educate myself to have a different relationship with such food if I am going to keep the weight off long term. I have my own healthy snacks which I substitute and I rarely want any of the other stuff and if I do I'll fit it in around my calories allowance for the day.
    I hadn't read this post before I responded, but I have to heartily agree with EVERYTHING she's said. I can't imagine not eating potato chips or drinking wine for the rest of my life, so I still enjoy these things in moderation and I hope that my kids will pick up on it too. So when I allow them to have some doritoes or chips, I give them a handful in a bowl; they're getting a treat, but it's a healthy serving size, not an entire bag. This is something I have to work on for myself, as well.
  • There is no junk food in my house, although I do have "treats" but even those I'd classify in the fairly healthy category.

    I don't see any reason for junk food. Also, your tastes tend to change with time and if you are eating healthy items, then junk food just won't taste as good as it used to.
  • I know I'll eat it if it's around. I live alone, so I decided not to keep it in my home. I have to go out and get it and then I just buy the smaller sizes of it. I look at it as making my sloth work for me!
  • I agree with other people--- I have an AWFUL sweet tooth so there are no premade sweets/baked goods in my house. I don't consider pretzels and low fat popcorn "junk" so we still have that (and I don't care much for either of them, so it's been good so far). My problem is that I still have a LOT of stuff stockpiled from sales that I can whip up if I'm tempted--- brownie, cookie, and cake boxed mixes... GALORE. Eeek. I made a half a pouch of cookie mix last night and split them with hubby b/c I'm TOM'ing and was too low on calories by the end of the night. So I had four cookies... I come into work today and calculate my calories consumed... WOW!!!!!! That pre-made mix and those 4 cookies cost me over 700 CALORIES!!!!

    I'm going to a party this weekend and I'm cooking up a batch of brownies and a batch of cookies to GET THEM OUT of there. I can't throw them out b/c I'm SUPER frugal and I hate wasting money... and I can't pawn them off on my mother b/c she's trying to diet too... So that's what I'll do... and then maybe I'll put them in a tote in the basement and keep them there for when I have to bring something to a party again.

    My "snacks" tend to be sugar free, 60 cal jello pudding cups (SOOOO good and thick and taste awesome!), the 60 calorie light cheesesticks, or veggies with ranch dip made with light sour cream. But that's it so far.
  • We have stuff around, but I am trying to teach my children and DH to eat well also. 20 years of he and I eating unhealthy has worn off on our children. I have started replacing stuff like chips with baked chips, and salsa or pico de gallo for dips. The one thing I cannot have in this house is chocolate. I cannot control myself around it and am not ready to face it yet.