Exercise Accountability – Jan 2008

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  • 50 minutes cardio
    15 strength training- Arms
    5 min's Abs

    I feel tired and bloated today.

    Amanda, May I ask you a question?
    You've lost a lot of weight and it is obvious you are a total exercise nut, hehe I mean that in a good way.

    I was wondering, on day's like today when I am feeling tired and bloated, I don't really push myself very hard and I am basically going through the motions. I do work up a sweat but I don't get as winded as I do when I really go for it. Is it better to just skip these day's or is something better than nothing? What are your thoughts?

    Anyone can answer this too. All opinions are welcomed.
  • Diva my opinion is that something is better than nothing at least you're out there burning calories... Just my 2 cents

    Today ran for 40 minute
    Worked legs
  • Definitely something is better than nothing. When I have a cold, I try to do yoga or strength train. When my knee was all weird, I was swimming...I mean, no, it wasn't as intense as being on the elliptical, but it was something. Not only do you still burn some calories (which is still positive), you also maintain the HABIT of exercising every day. "I don't feel well, I'll skip today" is, to me, a dangerous habit to start. "I will do whatever I can, even if I'm not performing at my best" is a GREAT habit to start!
  • Goldia - go to Ticker Factory. Click on "Exercise and Fitness Ticker". Walk through the process, adding in your units, ticker graphics, goals, and current value. When you get to the end, they'll have code for bulletin boards. Copy that code, paste it into your 3FC signature, and you're done!

    Then, when you need to update it, click on your ticker, enter the password, and change your cumulative value. When you save, your ticker here will update automatically.
  • Ok, I have been doing the biggest loser Cardio DVD for the past week and a half. I am doing Phase one so it is only a 30 minute workout right now, but it is intense, but I am not complaining, too much lol. But I have admit that I feel more attractive already and I can see the difference~! I don't care as much about what the scale says, because the changes in the mirror are telling me everything I need to know. Ok, so maybe the changes aren't signifigant yet, but if I can keep this up I know I will be one hot mamma by June! Sorry for all that I feel proud of myself and had to tell someone!!!

    LOL so anyways getting on with it: I did 30 minutes of my DVD Cardio workout and I am sure I will do a lot of baby lifting today!
  • Amanda, Sorry for being a pest, but I can't seem to paste the new signature. I get an "Invalid File" message. This is the same message I have gotten when I tried to add a photo to my avatar. Any ideas?
  • 30 minutes on the elliptical

    I'm trying to up my workout tomorrow
  • 30 min mixed cardio...sort of a light day today, I'm frustrated and unmotivated.
  • Thank you Amanda and Ilene. I think you are right. Something IS better than nothing and it really is a great way of developing a new habbit. I think my problem is I am not getting enough sleep. I need a nap today I think. My kitty decided to wake me up an hour early this morning giving me mad love, lol! I think the high winds have scared him.
  • Since I did not do my planned 60 mins. of cardio yesterday, tried to up the ante a little today. Just got back from 20 min. stationary bike, 12 min. treadmill, 50 min. pilates/weights, 20 min. brisk walk.

    Amanda, again for my ticker.
  • Wednesday Jan 9th
    30 mins jump rope, ran 1 mile. Also walked 1.5 miles.
  • 30 minutes on the elliptical

    My plan to up my workout didn't work out. Oh well, there's tomorrow :0
  • 60 on the stairclimber
  • 2-5 min. bursts of jumping rope... speed jumping aka hot peppers.

    30 minute walk
  • I did a BodyPump class and a BodyStep class today.