Recuperating Wednesday Chat

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  • Good morning, my darling Chicklets,

    Sigh,... the day after. Jake is at work and it's quiet and peaceful here. I'm basking in it! Cindy will probably call shortly to let me know what the plan is for today, and we'll take it from there. Amber wanted to come with me today, she loves playing with Audrey and Maggie, but I want to see if Cindy has made any other plans first. It should be a rather uneventful rest of the week, though.
  • Good Morning Cottage et al...
    So, does anyone else have a Christmas "hangover"? Never thought I'd be craving beans, vegs and salads, but feel like I need a huge "detox" after all the sweet stuff..actually wasn't all that much compared to what I normally eat during the holidays, but ick. Last night's "topper" was 3 cookies. I shared them with the dogs and once again felt horrible after I ate them, so don't know why I did it. I don't even want to SEE anything with sugar or flour in it for a very long time.

    Yesterday after our huge breakfast (and I ate grits and waffles along with my eggs..bad girl) We headed out to Missisippi and went to the cemetery, then my Mom wanted some pictures of her parent's house, so we swung by there and I got some good shots for her. The people that are renting it from my cousin had it decorated beautifully for the holidays. Then we went looking for somewhere to grab a bite and nothing was open...not even a burger king! The only place in town was a Starbucks and since we weren't really starving we figured coffee would hold us over for a couple of hours till we drove home and got some leftover gumbo.
    I made a great discovery while there (this may be old news to some of you, but I don't go to Starbucks very often) Mama and I both got a sugar free gingerbread latte (I skipped the whip cream on mine) It was delicious and decadant. I decided just to ask if they sell the gingerbread syrup and they do. So I bought a "5th" of it for about $7. Should last forever. I didn't realize they sell all their sugar free flavors. It would make a great afternoon treat when I'm "dragging" in iced coffee..or in the evening with a little cool whip and sprinkled nutmeg on top for family or company.

    This morning when I got up, there was NOTHING from clients in my inbox, so I have decided to paint my guest bathroom and maybe start repainting my kitchen cabinets where the paint is chipping and completely ignore my email for the rest of the day. I had new ceramic tile floors put in the bathroom a couple of years ago and the color was supposed to be a gray and turned out to be a brown, so my charcoal gray walls don't exactly look that great with it, so I'm going for a strange rusty/brown color.

    Hope everyone is recovering from Christmas...and your tummies too if you were bad like me.
  • Good morning, Linda! Glad to hear things are quiet at your house. Hope Amber gets her play date!

    Morning, Cat! Enjoy your day to yourself. I agree - ignore that inbox completely!

    Happy Boxing Day, Ruth (and all other Canadian friends)!

    I tried out my new iPod sensor thingy this afternoon and it is AWESOME! The run I've been doing that I thought was six miles is actually six and a half miles. Who knew? It told me my average speed, total time running, total distance, and calories burned. Very very cool.

    I had a good eating day today (although I'm about to have a piece of pie - shhhh, don't tell my scale). It felt great to be back on track.

    Off to do the monthly budget with Tom and then paint my toenails.

  • Quiet and peaceful here today - except for the cooing of the turtle doves.

    There is nothing I absolutely MUST do today but I'm sure I'll manage to fill in the time somehow! Clearing the empty champers bottles from under the kitchen table would be a start! Of course there are thank you phone calls and notes plus a newsletter to crank out.

    The scale and I had a confrontation this morning after a bit of a holiday. Not too terrible all things considered although my ticker is fibbing. Back to the gym tomorrow when it re-opens.

    How does your day look? It is Wednesday, isn't it? I'm all confused.
  • Quote: It is Wednesday, isn't it? I'm all confused.
    Yep, it's Hump Day! I'm all confused, too, and adding to that, when I looked out the windows, it looked like everything was coated in white! It's just an illusion, though. I thought maybe we had a snowstorm overnight!

    Kara and Cat, I do sooo agree with you, after eating so much white flour and sugar these past few days, it'll feel so good to get back to clean eating again. It's something, the difference in how it makes you feel.

    I just made a nice turkey sandwich on a ww roll with lf swiss cheese and lots of romaine for my lunch today. I'm sure Cindy's fridge will be filled with tons of leftovers, but I want to make sure I have something healthy for my lunch. I will probably indulge in a piece of cheesecake after supper tonight, but that will be the extent of it. I've had enough of cookies, candy, etc.

    Those new Nikes sound awesome, Kara! They must make your daily run actually fun! I marvel at the technology today! Caitlyn was showing me her new camera yesterday. I swear, that thing has a brain in it, with all the neat things it can do! I have to get me one of those!!!!
  • Good Morning Everyone.
    Well it looks like the worst of my holidday foo damage was popcorn at the movies yesterday. We went to see National Treasure II (it was great). I'll have to try to remember to do PH1 preholidays again next year as that really seemed to help.
    Cottage I'm glad that you're having a relaxing morning. Enjoy while it lasts.
    Femme Have fun painting (I actually love painting) I'm sure you'll be right back on track today with your eating.
    Kara Have a great night and enjoy your new shoes.
    Ruth Since there are no immediates on your to do list... Relax. You've been working awfully hard in the past few weeks. You and Hershey put your feet up and rest.
    I'm off to work and REALLY hoping I can get out a little early. It looks like present central in every room of my house and I would love to get this stuff put away. Have a great day everyone.
  • It's quiet and peaceful. I'm working from home today and the rest of the house is still asleep. I would try to get a bit of painting done but it is raining so I'll wait a bit. I think it is supposed to clear soon.

    I have 3 hours of meetings this morning so I will have to actually do some work.
  • It's quiet and peaceful here too... for the moment. Too many kids around for it to stay that way long! I am sipping my coffee, trying to wake up, thinking about what I need/want to do today, and feeling like ****. My stomach is so upset and it serves me right. I ate completely on plan for every meal the last three days. Then after every meal I had cookies or fudge or something else sinful. When I got home last night, I threw away everything I could, froze some of it, and left out just a little bit for the kids. I hope the way I feel right now will keep me from going near it. We had a nice day though, stayed home until afternoon, then went to my mom's for dinner with my grandmother, my brother's family, and my niece's family. They have a 6 month old baby, and having a baby to pass around sure does add to the festivities!

    cat, sounds like a nice Christmas Day! What a great idea for the syrup! I've gotten a couple of those lattes, and they are great, but I never thought to ask if they sell the syrup! I may have to run down there today, before the gingerbread is gone for the season.
    cottage, I thought the same thing when I woke up! the shades were down, but the light has that snowy kind of look to it. It's way too warm though!
    Thinby, hope you get off early today!
    Barb, enjoy your working from home. I am amazed there's enough other people working to have a meeting with! That's the great thing about being a contractor - the government guys all take off at least a couple of weeks at Christmas and New Year's, so, even though I'm working today, it'll be very quiet, and I'll be able to get some stuff done!
    Ruth, what are champers bottles? Sounds like it was a wild party! Enjoy your peaceful Wednesday.

    So, I'm pondering whether I should venture out later to pick up some wrapping paper and ribbons for next year. I am running a little low. I know DD will be going out, as she received about $400 from relatives, and as soon as she is awake enough, it'll be burning a hole in her pocket. I could just get her to pick it up for me...
  • I bought a waffle maker a few days ago. I find that waffles I find in the store that are frozen usually have sugar in them although they have whole grain flour, so I decided to experiment a bit this morning and this is what I came up with after combining stuff from a few different recipes and adding my own stuff to them:

    2 eggs, beaten
    1 3/4 cups skim milk or lowfat milk
    1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
    3 pks splenda vanilla sweetener
    (or use splenda to taste or whatever sweetener you use and
    1 vanilla bean or 1 teaspoon vanilla)
    1.5 cups whole grain flour
    1/2 cup oatmeal
    4 teaspoons baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt

    Follow waffle maker instructions to cook.
    I took my first batch out too soon and it wasn't so good (but the dogs loved it)...I let the next two batches get crispy.
    I put ICBINB spray and agave necter on them. It made 3 batches...12 single waffles.

    I think next time I might experiment and use 1/2 whole grain flour and 1/2 oatmeal.
  • Morning Ladies! Hope everyones Christmas went well. I left work monday at 1 and felt terrible. Thank goodness dinner at the in-laws was short. We came home and I went straight to bed at 8 and slept until 8. Woke up feeling much better! Spent the day with the other in-laws (DH mothers side) and when I say day I mean the entire day! 9AM to 8PM! I ate waaaaaaay too much food!

    Have been up and to Wally World and Halmark this morning already and am now at work. With all that sleep I got I was awake at 3:30AM UGH! The food nightmare doesn't end for me until after today. The kids will be leaving Michigan soon to head down here. It is a 5 hour drive for them. I am leaving work early to get dinner in the oven and tidy up before my big shindig with them!

    Kara Those shoes sound amazing! What a lucky gal!

    Gonna I saw you were having a rough time over the loss of your dad. I lost my mom, New Years Day will be 2 years. I know it is rough, I had a bit of a break down on saturday, but then I always remember how much she loved the holidays and the last thing she would want is for me to be blubbering over her at such a glorious time of the year. I kick myself in the rear and just remember all the great times we had.

    Wish I had time for more personals but I need to get my self moving if I am going to get out of here in time to be ready for my "kids".
  • Hello everyone

    I ate completely on plan yesterday, I'm so proud of myself. I go to the doctor's next Monday so we'll see how much I've lost since I started (last Monday) my life style change.
  • Hi chicks!

    I am alive and very ready to jump back on the SBD wagon!! I have been off and on for the last two months or so.

    Sounds like everyone has had a nice holiday. We did as well- it was pretty busy between last minute shopping and visits to both sides of the family. DH's parents were stressful as ever- it was nice to just chill at my parents yesterday.

    Anyhow, I am going to get a grocery list together and head to the store. It is a rainy, dreary day here.....
  • Good Morning all!

    Merry belated Christmas!

    Cottage: Sounds like you'll be having a very pleasant day! Hope your Christmas was wonderful!!

    Cat: Have fun painting! Sounds glorious! I received some great kitchen equipment and it's all red, so I'm trying to keep from wanting to repaint the kitchen! We'll see how long that lasts! Your mom's parents' house is gorgeous!

    Kara: Your new shoes sound awesome! I've read about them, and wondered how well they would work - seems like they're great!

    Ruth: I hope you get to take it easy a little today! That's what we'll be doing once we get home! I'm exhausted!

    , Dawn and Barb! Hope you both have great days of working!!

    Schmoodle: Stocking up on wrapping supplies sounds like a great idea. I hope your DD finds what she wants without too much hassle. You couldn't pay me to go shopping right now!

    Pacer: Sorry to hear about your mother - but you have a wonderful attitude about it! Hope your evening is fun and that you continue to feel better!

    WTG, FoodObsessed! Let us know how that Dr's visit turns out!

    Kiko: Welcome back! Hope you're all doing well!

    Me: Well, DH just rolled out of bed. He had a terrible night's sleep. He can sleep in the car on the first leg of the drive home. I'm hoping I won't have to drive the whole trip, but we'll see what happens. I'm going to try to take it easy tonight when we get home. I'll just need to iron a few shirts for the next two days at work. We have a four-day weekend this week, so I'll be able to do all the cleaning, unpacking, etc. then. I've also got to finish planning P1 and get my grocery shopping done.

    Geez, time to start repacking and loading the car. See you chicks after the drive home!

  • Safe trip Kim! Hope you don't get stuck with all the driving! Actually, I almost completely avoided the stores all Christmas season. But now that the pressure's off, I don't mind going out to look things over. I don't worry about it too much, but if I can pick up some decorations or wrap for next year, I'm happy. I want to find some Christmas dish towels real cheap, so I can make and donate a bunch of your angels for the PTA gift shop next year.
    Hi Kiko, we've missed you!
    foodobsessed, I don't think I've had a chance to say hello yet! Very impressive staying on plan on Christmas Day.
    Stephanie, have a great time with your kids!

    I have just kind of been wandering around the house aimlessly. After having such a big plan and goal for the last few weeks, I feel kind of lost. Time to start making New Year's to-do Lists! I should work on my Christmas 2008 spreadsheet too. I get the best Christmas ideas on Christmas Day and if I don't write them down, they get lost.
  • Happy belated Christmas!

    I get here too late to attempt many personals, but Cat your mom's old house is a lovely example of Gulf Coast architecture. And your signature reminds me that soon the king cakes will start to appear.

    I've bitten the bullet and re-did my ticker. I'd like to have it back down by next Monday, but I don't think it will get there, so I had to give myself a reality check....I weigh less now that I did at the begining of the year, that's a first for me. So even if I backslid a little, I'm still making progress. My new motto, which I've shamelessly stolen from "Meet the Robinsons" is Keep Moving Forward.