Full Bar???

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  • Has anyone heard of this? I saw a commercial for it today, supposed to be a bar that you eat before big meals and it fills you up so you don't eat as much. They said that 95% of people lose weight with it. I can't seem to find any information online.
  • I've never heard of it either.

    There are a lot of foods you can consume before a meal to help you feel fuller and eat less of the more calorie dense foods. Drink a glass of water, or a glass of v-8 juice. Lots of people swear by having a bowl of soup before a meal, such as a vegetable soup. Even a handful of grapes helps.

    Another option might be a fiber supplement. You can buy very cheap fiber products that swell in the stomach to make you feel a little fuller, so you'll eat less at meal time. This is probably all the Full Bar is, just at a jacked up price.
  • Fullbar Information from its developer. Dr. Snyder
    Hello. To start with, I love your site. Very real and informative. I am a
    bariatric surgeon in Denver, CO-- please see my site
    denverbariatrics.com for more info on me. I also am the inventor of the
    Fullbar (fullbar.com). some of your site users have asked about the bar
    on their blogs and I wanted to make myself available to answer such
    questions and concerns as might arise. the product is part of a process of
    weight loss that I developed to stimulate satiety and "simulate" the
    essential components of weight loss surgery-- "satiety." We have undertaken
    a trial (see site for details) and shown an average of 42% excess weight
    loss with use and 95% of users lost weight. I am very proud of this. Also,
    it is all natural, delicious, and even Kosher! Let me know what you think
    and if you need my help. Be well and thanks, Michael
  • Thanks for the post! We are curious about your product and have sent you an email

    If anyone has tried Full Bar, please let us know what you thought!
  • Save your money...
    I just couldn't help but coment on this. I looked into it as I also saw the Tv Ad and wanted to know what was in it that makes you full. The main ingredient seems to be Puffed Weat Cereal and you drink a full glass of water with it for about 170 calories. All bars have about 2 to 3 grams of fat-30 grams of carbs-105mgs of sodium-4 to 5 grams of fiber-5 to 6 grams of protein and 10 grams of sugar. With 20 of your calories comming from fat for $49.99 plus shipping for 24 bars, and you eat 2 a day.
    We all know how cheep a big bag of Puffed Weat Cereal is and it is only about55 calories for one serving having no sodium -0.4 grams of fat-11.1 grams of carbs-1.2 grams of fiber-1.7 grams of protein and only 3 calories from fat, add a serving of Skim milk with it for 80 more Calories-12 grams of Carbs and 8 grams of protein, the only thing missing would be the fiber that helps in fullness and the sugar. All for 135 calories. But you could add Special K Protein Water for only about 50 more calories and another 5 grams of protein and Fiber Bringing it to about 180 Calories. IMO this would work just as well at a much lower price.
    I am not trying to bash, as I am sure his product does work and has a better taste than good old Puffed Weat. But as I see it, you can save your money and get better nutrition at your local grocery store
  • Quote: I just couldn't help but coment on this. I looked into it as I also saw the Tv Ad and wanted to know what was in it that makes you full. The main ingredient seems to be Puffed Weat Cereal and you drink a full glass of water with it for about 170 calories.
    Wow, I wouldn't think puffed wheat had THAT many calories. Oh well, you know you can always just drink the water that goes with the bar and skip the bar completely. That's one of the oldest dieting tricks out there it seems...to drink a lot of water right before you eat. Or as someone else mentioned, veggie soup, anything with some real weight to it that is light works the same way.
  • Puffed Weat
    No Puffed Weat Cereal is only 55 calories a serving and if you add Skim Milk another 80 Calories. I was saying to the full bar, it is 170 calories and its main ingredient is puffed Weat
    and yes just good old water will fill you up for a short time as well
  • I saw the TV ad, too. I agree, puffed wheat is nothing but carbs.

    The absolute best thing to have before a meal is psyllium seed husks in a big glass of water.

    Not only will it fill you up, it is relatively inexpensive, and helps lower cholesterol, too!

    If you look into it, start slowly, with about 1 tsp. in 1 cup.

    I've worked my way up to 2 T in 4 cups of water. I have a great complexion, I 'go' regularly and I've lost 55 pounds. I highly recommend it!
  • psyllum seeds
    Can you tell me more about psyllum? I saw the ad of the the fullbars, and while doing my research in the internet I found this forum. I don't want to waste more money, but I also need to lose weight.
    Please, tell me more about your plan.
  • Quote: I saw the TV ad, too. I agree, puffed wheat is nothing but carbs.

    The absolute best thing to have before a meal is psyllium seed husks in a big glass of water.

    Not only will it fill you up, it is relatively inexpensive, and helps lower cholesterol, too!

    If you look into it, start slowly, with about 1 tsp. in 1 cup.

    I've worked my way up to 2 T in 4 cups of water. I have a great complexion, I 'go' regularly and I've lost 55 pounds. I highly recommend it!
    What brand of psyllium do you use? do you use whole or powder?
  • You can find psylium in a health food stores but you can also find it in commercial products such as Metamucil.
  • Hi Just wanted to know if anyone else is doing this and have you had good results?Do you take the fiber 20min or so before you eat? What brand are you using? I almost bought sugar free Metamucil read the label and saw it had aspertaine sorry about the spelling so I didn't buy it and the reg had sugar in it I think. I'll probably have to buy it at the health food store. I eat healthy but some days I'm hungrier then other days. My problem is exercising or lack of it but I think the fiber will help .Sorry for rambling on!!
  • i've decided to try the actual Full-bars...am waiting on delivery. will let you know how it works for me.

    I saw the ad on the A&E channel before I found these posts...and now I am skeptical, but i'll try it.
  • OK, the box was waiting when i got home and I ate the Apple Crisp one with a bottle of water...waiting 30 mins...it's not as tasty as a FiberOne, but it has 11 grams of Sugar and 1 gram of fat..it's big, the texture is kind of "fluffy". I can see me eating this with my coffee before I do breakfast. I usually drink a "Lightfuls Saity peach or mango Smoothie for 90 calories and 5 grams of fiber, 11 grams of sugar....this has 160 calories, 6 grams of fiber and 11 grams of sugar.

    Fullbar Living seems to non-existent...I've signed up twice and there is no feedback.

    as for the packaging and shipment its pricey...but it comes DHL ground fairly quickly. There was no instruction sheet that was promised, but I emailed them to send.

    so I'm the test guinea pig, (for $99.93 for 2 boxes)...i'll report back and give MHO. thanks!
  • oops...... sorry