Supporting Each Other on Our Weight Loss Journey

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  • Wow. No posts since last night. Guess everyone is busy getting ready for the holiday?
    As for me, it's a day of work. I have to get funds, pay bills and do a bit of preparation for tomorrow.
    I hope you are all doing well and trying as hard as you can to stay on program, get some exercise, etc.
    Tomorrow will come and along with it lots of temptations - but that is not a reason to blow it today.

    Here is my strict meal plan for today:

    Oatmeal made with FF Calorie Countdown Milk

    Salad, oil and vinegar
    chick peas

    Snacks: Fruit, 94% ff popcorn
    Will drink TONS of water today while getting things done, a huge glass will remain on the counter at all times!

    Pizza night
    I did buy portabella mushrooms and will be filling them with diced tomatoes and ff mozzarella cheese with a pinch of oregano and drizzle of olive oil on top
    I bought pre-made pizza crust and will be making a more traditional pizza for the family, I plan on one slice (5 points) and will count it. The mushrooms will be CORE and I can have in unlimited quantity.
    As this is the night before Thanksgiving, I may allow myself a beer. It's hard to say as I know there will be more indulgences over the next two days. Beck's light beer is only one point per bottle, the lowest in calories (64) of any beer out there and with a frosted mug, it's awfully nice with pizza. We'll see.
    I have to make some kind of CORE dessert for tonight, I ran out of pumpkin custard. My problem is the refrigerator is at 100% capacity and I even have a cooler down in the garage with the turkey and other stuff in it. Making an extra dessert is going to present problems, but I need something. If I don't have something planned, I might break down and eat something else that is not CORE and blow it.
    These few days are certainly rough.
    How are the rest of you doing?
  • Good Morning - wanted to post quickly before the cooking and cleaning get started. I am sure that I won't be able to be here until Monday, I felt the need to read everyones posts to inspire me through the weekend. Today, I am cleaning and doing a bit of prep work for tomorrow. Getting a few things cooked and ready so that there won't be so much to do tomorrow. My one regret with building this house is my kitchen. I sooo much wanted a gourmet kitchen, but money didn't allow for it. I would love to have one of those double ovens, but I only have the one, so when I have these big dinners, planning and precooking is a must. Reading your posts reminded me too that I need to get out my china and wipe it down. Yup, we use the nice stuff for the holidays too. I have to say though, if my family gets much bigger, We will be using the Chinet too!!

    I have not been op these last few days, taking on that "I don't feel like being good, and I'll just start over after the holidays" attitude. I CAN'T DO THAT!!! I need to turn that attitude away and take on the "I am in control and I can be powerful over food" attitude. I really don't want to start over in January, I have felt good loosing these last couple of pounds and I don't want to loose them again. I want to be thinner after the holidays. Wouldn't that be great!!! Thinner through the holidays.... that has to be my montra!

    Everyone have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving. One of our family traditions is to create a thankful tree. I have a small pine tree and we cut out leaves from paper and write what we are thankful for each year. On one of my leaves I will put that I am thankful that I found this group of friends to help me with my journey of finding a thinner me. I sure has been great!
  • Good morning everyone, Great posts.
    I do hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
    We as a group have many things to be thankful for.
    Laura, that is wonderful news about Nino. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.
    Linda, your picture is awesome. It is so wonderful you are enjoying your art class. I think that sometimes one door closes and another one opens.

    I do hope you all have a wonderful day and truly appreciate all the things you have been blessed with in your lives.

    Hello Paige, Kim, Kim2, Erica, Erika, Donna, Sandra, Barb, Janelle, Jackie, and everyone else I missed, or that is lurking. Enjoy your day.

    Take Care all
  • Great posts! Again, I am inspired by what ya'll are saying.

    Ann, you are so sweet. Thank you for the well wishes.

    Linda, sounds like you have a good plan.

    You, too, Kim. We can do this. Let's remember that Thanksgiving feast is intended to be one day only. What I have done in the past is to be "good" on Thanksgiving but then "blow it" for days afterward. I'm working on that problem. Wish me success.

    I'll be back sometime this weekend.
  • Hello ladies,
    I am sure most of you will have busy days and may not get a chance to post.
    Have a very wonderful Thanksgiving day.

  • Hello everyone.
    Off to a busy start. I woke about 3:30 am with all the things that had to be done in my head. I couldn't get back to sleep, ended up getting up and making a checklist of all that needs to be done.
    Thanks, Ann, for your kind words about my picture. It's really fun to work on.
    I get to go to class two days next week as she closes the gallery for December, as she has portraits and holiday gifts to work on. I'm already bummed out that I won't be going to my new found fun classes, but January will come soon enough.
    So, I blew it last night. My mind was on so many things that when I got home from grocery shopping, I accidentally put the pizza dough in the freezer. So much for my plan with these frozen ROCKS to deal with. We went to pizzeria uno and I blew it. Oh well. Life goes on. I'm off program for today and tomorrow and then back again, with a fresh start on Saturday. Hope you all will join me for FRESH START SATURDAY here, same time, same place.
    Let's all make a pact here and now that we will be back on track and with a vengeance!
    In the meantime, have a safe and wonderful holiday, all. I am most thankful to count all of you in my circle of friends this Thanksgiving. You are all special to me and get me through the tough times.

  • Hello All,

    To those from the great white north Happy Thursday. For those of us south of the border .

    Well I got my pies made yesterday and the peppers for the appetizer marinating, this morning I have to make deviled eggs and the crostini to go with the peppers. Shouldn't take long. I like when the main meal is somewhere else so I don't have to be up early getting ready. We always do a pot-luck kind of thing but the host takes care of Turkey, Dressing, Potatoes and cleaning house (which is a big one for me). Cleaned the kitchen yesterday, because we're having DH's family here on Saturday, so tomorrow is massive cleaning time.

    I did pretty well the last couple of days, didn't get to exercise yesterday though, it rained all day so I couldn't just go out and didn't feel like the gym. Today shouldn't be too bad, as long as I can stay away from the wine. Plus I think we'll go for a walk before we leave for my Aunt's. And hopefully the same for Saturday.

    Looks like we may be braking a long standing policy of staying out of the stores on Friday morning, the TV we've been looking at is on sale for a couple hundred less than we've seen it before, so we may brake down and go check it out

    Linda - I really like your picture. We went to Uno's on Saturday, but I'd planned to use up my flex points there, so it was OK. I really like their deep dish pizza but it is really high in calories and fat, so we usually only go 1-2 times a year, and 1/2 the pizza goes in the freezer for another week.

    Kim - We can do well over the holidays, remember "everything in moderation" I have to admit quitting my job helped eliminate 2 parties so I'm pretty happy about that!

    Paige - Hope you got good news from TN, and that's great news about being able to finish your classes.

    Well, I should probably get moving. Have a great day everyone.

  • Hope everyone had a wonderful day today whether you were celebrating Thanksgiving or just enjoying Thursday.

    Count me in on the pact making, Linda. I'm tired of eating even though I could have done much much worse today.

    Donna, we have our set up. I'm going to resume my journey from Missoula to Seattle tomorrow and will be posting what all I pass along the way.

    We're planning to stay home tomorrow and get back OP. Life is good.
  • Tech, I need to know about peppers and crustini, not that I'd make them, but they are something I've never had and just like to hear about what you do with marinated peppers (are they raw or cooked? and what the crustini is that goes with them???
    After working in the kitchen almost all day yesterday, I firmly believe that I probably earned so many extra points that what I ate didn't matter at all. I wasn't being careful, I was enjoying so many foods that I have denied myself for a very long time. It was good and I was thankful for sure.
    This morning, as we live in a busy street used as a cut through for people shopping, the cars are moving along rather well. I think Black Friday's retail sales will be a success based on that, at least. The retailers always look at this particular day's sales to predict their holiday season by and I'm sure in S. NH they will be reporting very good sales by the traffic patterns I am seeing, at least. NH possesses a unique position, we are poised next to the state line of several bordering states that have sales tax (MA is 5%) and we do not have a tax here. So, our border towns, which is where I live, are totally nuts with shoppers. Parking places are hard to find. Personally, I hate it all, and when DH is not tied to a commuting situation any longer in life, I hope to get very far away from it it.
    Well, I won't be on line until tomorrow afternoon, we head to Rhode Island this morning and we will eat yet another turkey dinner this evening. I'm not looking forward to that. But, what can you do?
    ALL my leftovers are in the freezer. I was able to have assembled 13 plates full of all of the meal and they are wrapped individually and frozen. So, sometime in January (or a few weeks from now) we shall have a few really nice frozen dinners. Right now, I don't even want to look at them. I'm really glad not to have leftovers sitting in my freezer.
    I made so much food, I don't know how to cook for small amounts of people, you can imagine considering there are 13 full sized dinners in my freezer. There were four of us, and I had enough to feed 17 here. I even threw a bit of this and than and most of the dark meat and one turkey leg away. If I cook for just the four of us next year, I'm going to have to learn to make less and not be so gluttonous about it all.
    Well, one day down, another to go. Then, tomorrow it is FREST START SATURDAY! I shall start a new journal, I shall forgive myself all the sins of the past, I shall move on.
    I hope you all had a pleasant day.
  • Hello ladies, I do hope yesterday was a wonderful day for you all. Now it is over and time to shop for Christmas. I am done my Christmas shopping other than food for that week. I don't really enjoy all the crowds so I try to do my Christmas shopping early.
    Linda when you and your husband retire will you still live in New Hampshire?
    Has your daughter decided where she will go to school next year?

    Where is everyone else, I do hope you are enjoying your week.
    Take Care All
  • Hello,

    I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving. I think I did pretty good eating wise, I have been a little off this week so I am sure I will gain some weight and today we are watching football my dad is making brisket and I am making homemade mac and cheese not a very weight watcher friendly one. We are all excited and nervous it the Big Texas vs. Texas A&M game. I know most of you don't keep up with this stuff but this is a big college rivarly football game. I really want Texas to win b/c we may have a chance to go the the confrence game which I have tickets too. Of course I also need Oklahoma to lose during their game. Anyways, enough football, I should be excercising. I hope everyone has a good day. For all you shoppers that are going out good luck!!!!
  • Hello All,

    Well, the first half of thanksgiving is over. I'm feeling really off today, I'd say hungover, but I didn't drink much at all yesterday, maybe it's all the carbs and little veggies that did it. I'm really hoping I'm not coming down with a cold, that's the other thing it feels like. Today we get to clean house because we're cooking dinner tomorrow for DH's family. This year it'll be just 6 of us, since his brother and family went to FL to visit her family, and his parents are always down south for Thanksgiving, they come back for a few weeks in Dec. Anyway I ramble.

    I'm pretty stoked, we lucked out and got the new tv So tonight we'll hook it up and watch movies we stopped and rented on the way home. I hope it's worth it. At least it won't squeal like the old one did. We didn't go when the store opened, they said to come 2 hrs early (ie 3am ) and get a ticket, then redeem your ticket by 9am when they would release any extras to the public. We figured we'd chance it and show up at 9am and see if there were extras, and someone didn't pick up ticket #6 so we got it. The salesman was like you timed this well, and we said that was the plan, showing up at 3am is crazy, he said people were there from yesterday morning A couple hundred bucks ain't worth that.

    Now I'm really rambling. Have a great day everyone.

  • I forgot Linda wanted to know about the appetizer I made.

    Crostini are basically toast, it is the grilled/toasted bread that comes under bruschetta at an Italian restaurant. The peppers are bell peppers (red and yellow) that have been roasted, peeled and sliced into thin strips then marinated in a little thyme, balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

    You top the bread with a little goat cheese, thyme and a "tangle" of peppers. It's really good and easy, and everyone just raves when I take them places. The original recipe had the cook assemble everything but I let who ever's eating assemble their own. And I figure it's better for me than a lot of other things we could have made. Also this time when we grilled the bread slices, we didn't oil them so they were drier (and less fat), I didn't notice a big difference so I think I may keep to that plan in the future.

    - Tech
  • Janelle, I keep up. Most of our family are Longhorn fans--including us. Just finished watching the game. We thought TX would pull it!

    Linda, check out the "HO HO HO" thread over on the Core group. I posted a Core cookie recipe I found on the net. It's awesome!!

    Ann, I am soooo impressed that you're finished Christmas shopping. I have bought for 4 grands in MT but still have all the other folks that we buy for here in TX and in MT to go. We went shopping today for a new TV to replace the one that hit the floor in the Condo. We got one. Life is good. Now we need to get back out there Monday and get some serious Christmas shopping done.

    Donna, that sounds good. I am going to copy your recipe and try it. Thanks for posting it.
  • ontarget: Glad to know I have a fellow game watcher. I graduated from UT so I am a big fan of the longhorns, we have some aggies in our family but as they say I bleed orange. I thought they would pull it through also I was really wanting them to have a shot at the big 12, especailly since I live in San Antonio and the game is here this year and like I said before I have tickets.

    tech: I hope you enjoy your tv, that appetizer sounds delicious.

    ann: pretty impressive you got your christmas shopping over with. I always wait till the last minute, I don't like the crowds but for some reason I always end up at the store at the last minute.