Core Chat: Sept. 30- Oct. 7

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  • We had 2 great visits with Rhonda and Doyle. They stopped by this AM on their way to lunch where their reunion is being held. We stopped by their room later in the day and visited with them till it was time for them to get ready for the festivities. They both look so good--and happy! I am so lucky to have them for cousins.

    Coco, all we can do is make better choices each day. What dirty veggies do you have? Do you have some corn on the cob? I bought a lot of WW friendly foods yesterday. My plan is to get op Monday. We'll go to our first WW meeting down here Tuesday AM. We are both ready to get off our binge.

    Vickie, how are you doing? Are you able to exercise? Curtis and I are doing some walking here at the ranch. (not enough) A little more--a little better choices--that's the plan for each day.

    Donna, thank you for popping in before leaving. If you see this, please tell us a little about your vacation. Are you going to one location or are you traveling around? Whichever--I know you're having fun.
  • Hey Vicky Im so glad you finished the book...its a real eye opener isnt it. I hear you on the portion control..I struggle with that constantly. I really really try not to go back for seconds ,,unless its more salad or veggies. (and not potatoes) What I have been trying latley is reaching for an apple or grapes after supper for something sweet....Ive also been eating an apple with a nice pc of cheese for snacks. They really are so good this time of year and soo good for you to.
    Well its not raining today but so foggy I cant see much..I will be heading out for my walk soon though. I missed excuses..Ive missed three times since starting my 100 miles in 100 days. Three times too many ..but way better then before.
    Sandra Im so glad you got to see Rhonda again..
    Rhonda Im so glad you go to see Sandra again.. ha
    Coco clean your veggies yet? I read Sandra last post here (see above) before I read you have to clean veggies...and I was wondering what kind of *dirty* veggies you had??? :P
    ok im going to post this before I get booted..have a good one!
  • Hi Everyone
    Well not much happening here.
    Went to church. Then son took us out to eat again. Got a grilled chicken sandwich and a bake potato. I know I shouldnt had the bun. But will count points for it.
    Well still havent got the veggies cleaned. They are going to be rotten before I get them cleaned. I know my carrots froze in the refridge. So will have to get some more of those.
    ONTARGET Glad you had a good visit with Tejas. Is the WW meeting far from where you live. That is good that you will be going back. I know when I tend the meetings it helps. But here lately. Even though I tend the meetings. I am not losing much. But they have helped my by not gaining everything back.
    P.A. Went to the store the other day. And stocked up on fresh veggies. Cucumbers, sweet peppers, a couple heads of lettuce, cauilflower, broccoli, zucchini and a small yellow squash and some carrots. Which I have to replace. Because they froze in the refridge. Dont know why. Had them in the crisper drawer. Maybe I better check the rest of my veggies. Sorry it is foggy. But we sure need some rain. Suppose to be getting some this week.
    TECHALUM Know you are on your trip. But just wanted to say "HI". Just in case you checked in.
    VICKIE HI there. Laid out my You book. But just havent picked it up and started reading. I have read some. Just bits and pieces of it. But not the whole book. So maybe one of these days I will get it read. And it will help me.
    Hope you are having a great day.
    Well I am going to get off here for now.
    Will let you know how WW goes tomorrow night. But I am not looking for a good weigh in.
  • Hi there. Saw Rhonda and Doyle again today. I'll be soooooo happy when they move down here.

    Patti, we got our hugs in. We could always use more,though.

    Coco, the WW class is about 10 miles from my son's. Life is good.
  • Patti, in honor of you YOU tonight.....I only had one serving of potatoes. They were almost all Core but I had enough on the first serving. I just wanted more.
  • good for you Vickie.....