Maintainers Chat - Week of September 17 - 23

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  • Hi everyone!

    I had a pretty mellow weekend. Caught up on my reading for school, church, spent time with my family and boyfriend. My boyfriend and I bought Sopranos seasons 1-3 a few months ago and are up to season 3. I never really watched the show when it was on air but now I am loving it! TOM is coming next week so my weight is up to 131.4. These fluctuations drive me batty sometimes. Lately I've been eating on plan caloriewise but not the greatest source of calories. For example, is 330 calories worth of grapes really necessary for one day when I wasn't even that hungry to begin with?? NO! I need to nip this habit in the bud asap.

    Anyway, I ran today. 20 mins of running and 10 mins of walking at an incline. Wished I could have ran longer but I felt exhausted Also had my yearly eye exam (I wear daily contacts)...prescription is still the same and corneas are healthy! yay!

    This weekend I am going to the San Gennaro Feast in Little Italy, NYC with my boyfriend and some friends. It should be fun but I'm very nervous about the ample supply of zeppoles, cannolis, and Italian food and restaurants. I would like to create a calorie deficit this week so that I can splurge a little on the weekend. Easier said than done.. I enjoy meeting my maximum calorie limit each day! But we'll see.

    Meg, glad you enjoyed NC. Chocolate Good job for getting right back on track today.

    Robin, how'd the shopping go? Congratulations on getting down to 125!

    Susan, I hope the bloat leaves you soon.

    Lily, I am sorry to hear about DH's cousin. How is the wife doing? Sending my prayers their way. Good job for getting right back OP after a carby weekend.

    Megan, YAY about the loose fat pants!!!

    Ennay, WTG for getting back on track today. Hope you were able to do yoga.

    Gary, congrats on maintaining!! Sending my prayers to the young man that was hurt.

    Pam, great pic! I haven't reconciled the new "me" either. It definitely contributes to my loss of willpower sometimes, too. In a bad food moment, sometimes it helps me to think "I'm so beautiful, fit and healthy. Why would I do this to myself?"

    Kery, try Sanka.

    Allison and Pat, don't remind me about the approaching cold weather! I have lost all tolerance to cold weather as I lost weight. Today it was between 55 and 65 here in NY and I wore 2 sweaters! It's my dream to move to California one day. The desert weather would suit me just fine!

    Hi to everyone!!!!!!!!! Have a great, healthy week!
  • Good morning everyone. Gotta love being ehre at 6 am after being unable to sleep for more than one hour. Probably because of yesterday evening (bloated, yuck). Friends kindly invited me at McCrap's, and let's say that, uhhhm, well if I keep things in control for the rest of the week it will be okay, but only in that case (which I'll do, that is, it's not a pious vow only). It's still so hard to not eat and graze on everything when there's tons in front of you and everybody's doing the same thing, bringing back some more regularly. Especially in such places, I definitely need to keep myself in check more severely. *grumbles*

    Pam - Reconciling with the new self is indeed a terrific thing. I don't have many 'before' pictures of me left, save from when I was 18, and now I regret it. Maybe it would have helped in reconciling my current image with my former image a little better? Having only memories as a point of comparison isn't good, it tends to be "but I wasn't THAT fat" a little too much, hehe.

    Sweet Amor - Er, what's Sanka? Some kind of decaf? *still tries to put her brains back into working gear at such an hour*
  • PAM and SWEET AMOR ~ I am positive the family thanks you for your prayers for Scott. Pam, he is a student of my son's.

    Good morning Kery ~ I'm going to bed now.
  • Pam, LOVE your photo! It's so great to put a name and face together. And you're looking good!

    How cool about the article! Can't wait to see it -- be sure to remind us when the time gets closer so we can all grab a copy.

    Kery, you're right -- it's so hard when everyone around us is scarfing down junk. And it's all right there in front of you! I'm sure you'll pull it together for the rest of the week.

    Ennay, I hear ya on Fitday. It's my reality check. I can't mentally track calories -- something always conveniently gets forgotten.

    Well, I spent all of yesterday with one of the cats at the kitty cardiologist's. In addition to her congenital heart problems, the vet is almost certain that she has heart worms (caught before she was adopted). The treatment in cats is steroids, but we can't use them due to the underlying heart problems. So all we can do is to isolate her in a bedroom for a month in order to keep her as inactive as possible and hope that she weathers the crisis (which, as I understand it, is the worm dying and throwing off toxins). I have a lot of reading to do, but do any of you cat owners have any heartworm experiences?
  • Meg - I tell myself that if I'm currently managing to pull it regarding coffee, why couldn't I with food. Of course, easier said than done... buuut I bought a salad instead of a big phat sandwich for lunch today, and I realized that if I didn't use the dressing, which tasted like crap anyway so it wasn't a big loss, the total caloric intake would be less than I thought (I thought the dressing wasn't counted in the total weight and had to be added, when in fact it was the contrary). Actually it tasted quite decent, even if not as good as something I'd have made myself, but I couldn't help it, there wasn't any more lettuce left at the store yesterday when I could finally go.

    Re: Fitday, I've gone back to that recently. I would track in a notebook, but for some things it's faster to just look them up in Fitday (now if only they sold downloadable versions to people outside of the USA and Canada, grr). When it comes to my usual foods, I know the caloric intake, but if I can double-check this way at times, it's not too bad, and balances itself out in the end.
  • Good morning.

    Pam, you are looking gorgeous. So fit and healthy and so - gorgeous. I am really looking forward to that article.

    Sweet Amor, oh the San Gennaro Feast. Oh my goodness. I used to work right around there. It is impossible to go there without indulging in some of the fine cuisine. Actually some of it's quite junky - and that makes it all the more fine. I'd say it's definitely worth it to create an extra deficit this week just so you can fully enjoy your weekend. Good luck.

    Meg, sorry to hear about your kitty. I hope she does well.

    Ennay, it's really not all that difficult to get to 3000 calories. That in there lies the problem *sigh*. Good luck getting back on track.

    Hello to the rest of the gang.

    I'm feeling firmly back on track these days, having ended my summer weekends away. I think I'm getting a little more confident that if I do indeed get off track, that it's just a tiny blip. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I've been observing people when I am out, like in the mall or something. I see very thin people eating really poorly. But I bet it's just a once in a while thing. They probably don't even fret about it. They have their one "bad" thing and then they go right back to their "normal" way of eating. Maybe even eating a little less the next meal. That's how I'd like to be. HAve my once in a while "bad" thing, don't fret about it and get back to my "normal" way of eating. Don't even make it an option NOT to. We'll see. Maybe I'm just thinking too much lately. I don't know.

    Have a great day everyone, healthy and safe.
  • Morning all,

    I'm sad because I had my weekly weigh-in this morning and didn't lose any weights this week. I feel like such a first-time "loser" - I'm sitting here so dejected, ate right, worked out very hard, trying to remind myself that I just need to give the scale a little more time. Plus slightly annoyed at my newer roommate (I have 2, one of 1 1/2 years and one of <3 months) for making yet another comment about my food. Me being oversensitive again, but man, I am one *moody* woman! I'm going to just keep chugging and focus on my loose pants...

    I've been "farmed out" to go dig a bunch of holes and plant plants today, then am picking up a truckload of mushroom compost for my garden after work, so I should get a good work out from all that.

    Kery, ah, I understand the need to cut out the coffee. Good job eating the salad!

    Meg, I don't have any kitty experience but good luck with yours. I'm hope she'll be fine after the month has past.

    Sweet Amor, it is nice to have a good 'catch-up' weekend sometimes. Glad your eye exam went well. Little Italy feast...sounds like it would be yummy and dangerous for me!

    Pam, your picture is awesome! You look very fit. Do let us know which issue of the magazine the story is in. Sometimes a new self-perspective can take you by surprise.

    Gary, way to maintain.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Good morning.
    Yes my scale was good this morning.
    No heart worm experience. Max got a postcard from the vet last week, so I guess we should do that. He's sooo awful to get in the car!
    Yes, we want to know about the magazine. I will forget by then.
    Back to work for me today, evenings. I can walk first ... go to work ... and read 3FC until I get sleepy when I get home.
  • Pam: You look fantastic! And, yes, I get the "second-day sores" after a leg day, known more formally as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. I've learned that after I take a long break from lifting, I have to plan a rest day 2 days after the first leg workout. And on that rest day, I have to avoid things that will cause pain: walking, descending stairs, going to the bathroom, allowing the cats to jump into my lap... The good news is that after I get back in the swing of lifting, DOMS isn't nearly as severe.

    Back at 135.5 this morning. The blip in my weight last week really was just temporary. I'll have to remember this for next time, and try not to panic quite so much.

    Have a great day, all!
  • Hi everyone,

    Pam , yes, I would love to read the magazine article. You look great in your avatar pic.

    Robin, WTG on reaching 125 lbs. that is awesome.

    Gary, WTG on maintaining your wt. loss and Thank You for saying you are proud of my soldier. And, yes, funerals here usually last about 30 min's, so this one was extraordinarily long.

    Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers for DH's cousin's family.

    Megan, I think I'll be outside doing gardening work today too. I want to clear 2 more areas for planting hedges. I do love diggin in the dirt though. I think it counts as exercise.

    Meg, I don't have any experience with heart worms. I did have a dog that was given to me to get Parvo many years ago. It was very sad. I hope your kitty pulls through OK.

    Kery, good luck with giving up the coffee. You are braver than I am.

    Last night DH and I went and bought me a gold wedding band since I had mentioned my rings were missing. This morning I was cleaning my bedroom and moved a small bookcase beside my bed, and my original wedding rings were underneath it. I'm very happy to have my rings back, I was so excited I cried. I'm going to continue to just wear this gold band until I get my rings resized. My original rings are size 7 and this new one is a size 5. It is amazing that my fingers went down in size that much with weight loss. I never even considered myself having fat fingers. LOL.

    Yesterday I went to Goodwill and bought 8 prs. of jeans for DH to use to work in. He has ruined almost all his clothes doing this new Oil Field work and it's pretty impossible to get oil field sludge out of clothes. He went back to work this morning and will be gone 8 days this time due to an extra day of meetings. Thank goodness his new work uniforms will be here next week and I'll be able to quit replacing his clothes every other week.

    I made it 11 days on SB induction. Yesterday, I caved and had an apple. I couldn't wait any longer for my fruit. I'm going to move onto Phase 2 now and keep my carbs of the healthy variety and see how I do. My wt. is holding steady at 140 lbs. so far. In my biggest loser challenge with the girls, Lacy is winning so far.
  • Thanks, everyone, for the compliments on my photo! You've really made my day. It's funny because I wanted to have my DH take my picture in something nice, like a skirt and a top, and he wanted me to wear my workout clothes. I'll definitely let you guys know when the magazine comes out. I still have to find a before picture to send to my editor and I really don't know which one to use. I have one that's really awful and when I showed it to my 16yo daughter yesterday she actually gasped and then couldn't stop laughing.

    Gary: Sorry I got it wrong that the boy is your son's student, rather than a pal. I hope he is going to be okay.

    Robin: Congrats on seeing the scale hit 125. That must feel so cool. I think about maintenance a lot too, and watch how other people eat. I've noticed that thin people don't appear to be all that interested in food, eating is just something that they do to live. I wish, wish, wish I could get to that point but I don't think I will ever bet that type of person. While I'm eating one meal, I'm already thinking about what I'm going to have for snack! Then again, maybe that's just how they come across and deep down they're thinking about peanut m&ms and ice cream.

    I've had a hard couple of days keeping my eating on track. Some days it's so easy for me and I love eating OP and feelign in control and my clothes feeling loose. Other times it's like a switch gets flipped and if I go off my plan just a little, then I want to eat everything in sight. It's so strange. The rest of this week I am going to eat OP and not let myself deviate at all. I saw Julia Louis Drefus interviewed at the Emmy awards the other night and the interviewer asked her how she stays in such great shape. She said that she basically works out all the time and never eats anything yummy. Then the interviewer asked her what she'd had to eat that day and she said scrambled egg whites. She sounded pretty matter-of-fact and a tad bit discouraged about it, that if you want to stay slim, that's pretty much how you have to live, and I basically agree with that. For the most part I have to watch what I eat very carefully and have a couple of cheat meals each week to maintain. To lose, I have to really cut back, and work out a lot. It's worth it, but it's just so dang hard to resist all the time. If I cheat more than a tad, my weight bounces up 5 pounds. Grrr.

    Lily, that's wonderful that you found your rings! And right after you replaced them. Isn't that always the way it goes.

    Kim, thanks for giving my leg pain a name. I didn't know there was such a thing as DOMS. What's strange is that I hadn't taken any time off from my leg work-outs. I probably did work them harder than usual though. Lunges, hack squats, leg press, hip abducter and adducter, and other fun stuff. Boy, it did hurt even when the doggy jumped on my lap. Today they are feeling much better. Tylenol helps. Glad to hear your weight is back down. I wish mine was. It will happen...

    Hi to everyone else! I've already written too much!

  • Oh, and Megan, I meant to add that I feel other people are scrutinizing what I eat, too, and it bothers me a lot. The other day I was at a party with my sister-in-law (who is quite heavy) and I turned down the dessert (because I didn't particularly like what they were having and because I'd already eaten my fair share of the trail mix that was sitting out in little dishes) and she said something really rude and loud about how "She never eats anything anymore." It was really embarrasing.

    I hate it when people comment on what I'm eating (oh, you're only eating salad? or whatever). Do I comment on what they're eating (oh, you're eating a burger with cheese and fries on the side?) NO, I wouldn't do that. I've just decided to let them say what they want and i'll keep eating what I want and we'll all be happy. If I started eating crap again, then they'd all be talking about when I'm going to put my weight back on. Never again! Just stand tough and get a thick skin is my only advice.

  • Good morning everyone! My, hasn't everyone been extra chatty today? It took me a good 15 minutes to read through all the posts!

    Pam~the photo is great and PLEASE, PLEASE let us know what issue to look for! I'd love to read the article. And, aren't 16 yo daughters just the nicest ever?!?!

    Gary~nice new avatar yourself! I almost thought you were a different person LOL! WTG on meeting your goals--now don't slip up and go overboard with any beer!

    Kim~I wish I could say I was over my little weight blip! How lucky for you.

    Lily~how wonderful you found your rings! I remember when you lost them and it seems to me you thought you'd lost them boating or camping. Isn't it funny how things turn up when you're not looking for them.

    Meg~I hope the kitty gets better. It is so sad when our animals suffer. I'm thinking about adopting a 3rd dog. A friend of mine runs a labrador rescue operation and she currently has 5 brand new dogs that were all owner surrenders. I can't fathom how anyone could give up their pets--it's like sending your child to an orphanage.

    Megan~I don't really mind if people make comments on what I eat, but if they do, I often reply with something like "yeah, I try to stay healthy."

    I know I've missed a few of you, but work is calling. Have a great day!
  • Hi all! I haven't had a chance to read any posts since last week, just wanted to drop a line to say I'm still around, just very very busy both at work and at home. Food is up and down as a result but my weight is still ok.

    Less than three weeks until my wedding and honeymoon! At that point I'll be disappearing for three weeks. I'll try to check in as much as I can before then but things are getting hectic in the office and I usually check in at work.

    Speaking of work, time to get back to it!
  • Lily -- Not sure if I'm brave. I wish quitting junk food cold turkey was easier for me than quitting coffee, for sure.

    Pam -- That's incredibly rude. Maybe we *should* start commenting about what other people are eating? There's nothing I like more than to say stuff like "oh, those huge pickles you're hoarding in McDonald's cheeseburgers? Yeah, they're Chernobyl pickles. You didn't know? I do. I've worked there, and they do come from Ukrainia". *bats eyelashes and flashes an innocent smile* Or point out at how much grease/sugar there's in 'the foods normal people eat' (yeah, right...). I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate either. :roll: