Are people noticing???

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  • ...That you've lost weight. Apparently others can see it before the individual realizes the phsyical changes themself.

    While at home this summer I was walking back to our car after paying for gas to find my mom with her mouth wide open. She said she "saw it" and I looked smaller. I've only lost 25 lbs. so far (woot woot) but apparently she noticed, in addition to others. I guess my too loose about to fall down pants are a dead give away as well.

    So how about you all, are others noticing your weightloss?
  • so far only my husband and my inlaws have seen my weightloss, my father in law said it looked like i had lost a lot of weight between feb to late may.....i had to remind him i had an almost 9 pound baby between feb and late may.
    my hubby is much nicer about it he says either i've gotten lighter(i was walking on his back) or that it just look thinner.
  • I get a few people who notice -- my fiance's mom says she can tell a lot, even when it's only a pound or two difference. I am a little skeptical but it makes me feel good so I take it! My pastors wife also noticed that I had lost some weight, since she hadn't seen me for a week and a half and I had lost a few pounds since then. Sometimes my fiance's sister says she can tell a difference, but mostly it's my fiance, he tells me all the time that I'm getting thinner. It's a great encouragement!
  • My husband had said something to me a week or so ago about noticing that I was losing weight. I responded "You just want me!" Wednesday at work a coworker (female) said "Wow! You look like you are losing weight!" So I told her, "My husband told me that a few days back but I just chalked it up to him wanting me. I doubt that's your reason for saying it so I must be losing some weight!" We had a good laugh
  • My family noticed, as well as the regulars at the restaurant my parents own. I think it helps that I go for months without seeing any of them. I think that when you're around someone all the time, you don't notice the little changes adding up to a BIG change--but when you don't see someone for awhile, you NOTICE.

    I got a lot of compliments over the summer about my weight loss, in addition to people who see me and exclaim: "You look great!" I'm looking forward to that reaction again when I come home for my winter break from college 20 more pounds lighter
  • Azure - I'm hoping for the same thing when I go home from college for Thanksgiving break. I can't wait for the reactions.
  • No one is noticing It's driving me crazy. Maybe they are noticing and just not saying anything, I dunno.
  • If you've lost 45.5 pounds i'm not sure they can't NOT notice!! I'd be able to tell straight away!
  • My mom says she can tell, but I think she's only being nice. No one else really says anything. Oh well.
  • It took me about 20-25 lbs. before people noticed. Honestly I noticed earlier but I think it was because I was totally analyzing myself in the mirror multiple times a day! Now everyone notices but I've lost so much and gone down from a size 20 to a size 14....if they didn't notice I would be dumbstruck! lol
  • Quote: If you've lost 45.5 pounds i'm not sure they can't NOT notice!! I'd be able to tell straight away!
    I know, it's just nuts.. but no one I work with has said a thing, I went to a house warming party last week... and the last time I saw the people at the party was December... no one said a thing

    I went from a size 18/20 to taking 14 and even some 12's and nothing
  • Quote: I know, it's just nuts.. but no one I work with has said a thing, I went to a house warming party last week... and the last time I saw the people at the party was December... no one said a thing

    I went from a size 18/20 to taking 14 and even some 12's and nothing

    I'm sure you look great and I'm sure people are indeed noticing. I think a lot of people don't know how to sensitively talk about someone's weight. I've lost nearly 90 pounds and most of my in-laws, whom I see all the time, and not a single one of them has said anything to me about it! I know how you feel
  • My mom has noticed when I come home from school on breaks. My dad and brother... well they didn't notice when I dyed my hair blue, so I'm not expecting anything from the 2 blind mice over there.

    A lot of people told me that I looked good and said I looked like I'd lost weight when I came back to school after summer break.

    However it took me about 30lbs before anyone but my mom noticed. Thank God for moms! At least someone noticed!
  • Quote: I've lost nearly 90 pounds and most of my in-laws, whom I see all the time, and not a single one of them has said anything to me about it! I know how you feel
    Wow, 90 pounds, good for you - that is awesome

    your in-laws are crazy!!!!!
  • I agree that a lot of people notice but don't know if it's "okay" to point out that they've noticed. I think one reason that we often get reactions from our parents first is because they know us best and they aren't afraid to say something. Sometimes people may be afraid to say they've noticed you losing weight because it sounds like they thought you were fat before, and don't want to offend you. There are also plenty of people out there who are really sensitive about their weight and don't want anyone commenting on it whether comments are good or bad.

    Also when I specifically told people I was trying to lose weight and I was open about it they started saying "oh I thought you looked slimmer!" and then whenever I saw them after that they wouldn't be afraid to comment how great I was looking.