September Chat 1-15, 2007

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  • What happened to summer?

    Hope everyone is having a great Labor Day Weekend!

    I'm nursing my sore legs from a major change in my workout and looking foreward (not) to a day of cleaning up the jungle of gardens, cooking, and trying th get ds into the frame of mind to go back to school on Tuesday.

    Cardio later this afternoon...I'm thinking I may get my rollerblades out again. It's finally not either raining or 100 degrees

  • The Chat Check-in, Sept 1-15
    I'm starting this thread because it's Sept 3 and we're still missing a chat thread for the month. Not sure if that's OK, but if it isn't, let me know!

    I haven't been to the gym in three days: Friday was a rest day, and Sat & Sunday were so beautiful that I went for long bike rides instead. Although I enjoyed the rides and the rest, I'm getting antsy to get back to the gym. I miss the sweet sounds of clinking iron and bad music; the smell of stale sweat, iron, chalk, and testosterone; the blast of hot air from an AC-less room when it's mid-80s outside...

    Hope y'all are having a good weekend. It's not a holiday for me, but I can tell from the silence that it is for many of you!

  • Where do you find the little chart that logs your weight and success?
  • to track everything go to quick links then sig weight tracker

    Thanks for starting the thread Kim!

    I am happily pulling up these days but still haven't been able to get beyond sets of one. My daughter just ran outside so I will be back but howdy to everyone.

  • I merged the two threads so there wouldn't be any confusion.
  • Hmmmm....I started the thread on Sunday morning. How come no one could see it?

    Cardio done and lots of floor washing. If I'd done a pushup with each swipe of the rag, I could have gotten my chest workout done too

  • THe funny thing is I did see the thread. I am so spacey right now with my head full of work that I completely forgot.

    Yes where did summer go? Actually the real question for me is...Why won't it leave? We have been having 100+ degree days all week. I am melting. I embrace fall with open arms.
  • Happy September?? I hear everyone loving the start of fall, but I'm just not interested. It's not that I don't like the slightly cooler temperatures, it's just that I hate hate hate winter so much and to me, fall just means winter is coming. I think if our winter was in the 50's, I could love it but it's the sub zero temperatures and the freezing rain and snow that I hate! Okay, it's been a beautiful weekend, so I should let that go for now!

    I managed to fit in two 5k runs this weekend so that was good but I've also been just starving all the time since Friday. I get like that sometimes but it's so hard. I just want to eat all the time...real food, not junk. And so I'm staying away from the scale for now. Why do it just to get sad? Back to work tomorrow so that usually helps.

    I also really need to get back into more lifting. I've been focusing so much on the cardio, that the weights have been lacking a bit.

    Anyway, hope everyone has a good week!

  • Morning First day of school here and the morning attitude was a beaut

    It's still hot here too, hiker.
    Elissa- I know what you mean. To me, I now dread fall because of the endless, backbreaking and tendonitis inducing leaf problem. But when we lived in TO, we had snow in our driveway until May.

    Today is back to the gym. Cardio done. I skipped lifting yesterday, so I'll cram it in in 4 days this week.

  • Quote: Where do you find the little chart that logs your weight and success?
    Thinbttrfly: Go to User CP and click on edit signature. Somewhere in there is a button to make a "ticker." (I assume this is what you mean by the chart.)

  • Just dragging myself in here to say “hi”. Wow, it’s been busy. Happy (belated) anniversaries and birthdays, welcome back from vacation and happy back to school to everyone!

    I am beyond exhausted. It was a wonderful wedding wnd the weather was perfect all weekend. But a bachelorette party, shower, hosting a cook out party for 25 people, a football game, a rehearsal dinner, a wedding ceremony and reception is a lot to fit in to 4 little days. It was wonderful and beautiful and emotional and quite a blast, but I could have used an extra recovery day. Yesterday was spent putting my house back together and saying goodbyes and running people to the airport. The last houseguest leaves on Thursday when the bride and groom come back from their mini honeymoon to collect the dog of honor on their way to the airport. I hope the weekend comes quickly!

    I haven’t been anywhere near on track with food or exercise, but that starts again tomorrow with an early morning run and a carefully planned day of clean eating. I need to get my chi back in order.
  • Shan: sounds like a successful event. Correction: multi-day event. Congrats on not just surviving it, but having a great time. I don't think I could pull it off!

    Yesterday was leg day, which means squats, stiff-legged deads, lunges, and then calf raises. It was so hot in my AC-less gym that by the time I hit lunges, I thought I was going to pass out. Tepid water from the water fountain didn't help. I was wearing a full-coverage sports bra under my workout t-shirt, so I just took off the t-shirt.

    Bad idea. I'm accustomed to being the only woman in the gym, and last night was no exception. But it's a whole 'nother ballgame to be (a) the only woman in the gym (b) without a shirt on and (c) with a fairly respectable 6-pack, if I may say so myself. I didn't get ogled -- I'm old enough to be a college kid's mother, for crying out loud -- but I did notice a lot of surreptitious glances and several times I caught people staring at me in the mirror. So, on went the shirt again.

    I *really* need a workout buddy. Any of you want to move to the Middle of Nowhere, NY? Oh, and can you bring an air conditioner...

    Off to work. Have a great day, all!
  • kaw- I really need a workout buddy too. Why don't you move to almost nowhere PA? We are air conditioned

    I don't get ogled much- I'm even older, but I sure get a lot of stares and weird looks when I either pick up "heavy weights" or do my bizarre balance/ plyo routines. I'm also the only woman with visible muscles.

    Shoulders and some olympic lifts today. Training tonight.

    Second morning of school was near warfare. This is going to be a lovely year.

  • Hi all,

    I've been a major lurker. Partly because the last 2 months have been a struggle but Meg has tried to set me straight

    I have been walking every morning and sometimes in the afternoon but I haven't been doing any weights. I feel like upper body is going to turn to jello if I don't start doing something.

    I'm trying to clean up my diet and it has been a lot cleaner this past week than it has been in the past couple months. My clothes have already been feeling better on me as well.
  • nelie - glad you're enjoying the walking. I need to get more serious about the weights too. I get into a good routine for a few weeks and then something happens and I get off track. Story of my life, eh?

    Having muscles for men to oggle is something to be proud of! But I can understand the discomfort with the attention. I usually try to blend in at gyms as much a possible.

    I posted a few pictures for the wedding here if anyone's interested.

    Have a good day all!