Exercise Accountability - September 2007

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  • I am going to take it easy on one of my "personal trainers". She hurt her leg a couple of years ago jumping into my truck...$1,500 worth of PAIN to me...oh and her...anyway, she isn't wanting to jump on the bed or in the truck right now. She is a hard charger too...she is still running around up and down the stairs and into the yard. We went out for just a 1 1/2 walk today, I may have been putting too many miles on her...we shall see. I then did 3.5 on the treadmill.
  • I haven't had a chance to get here but I've walked 2 miles on Mon, Tues, and Wednesday(today).
  • I did my 3.25 mile run outside with the dog again today. It was *much* easier than it was last week, and consequently I burned only 306 calories. Still, it felt good and I'm pleased by how quickly my body has adapted to taking it to the streets.
  • One dog at the vet's for today ~ took one for 2.5 miles then 1.5 on the treadmill before 40 minutes on weights.
  • Gary, I forgot to express concern for your injured 'personal trainer'. Is she feeling better?

    My dog was strangely lethargic during our run today. She's usually got plenty of energy and gets frustrated with me for not going fast enough (when we're walking). After about a mile and a half of our run today, she kept suggesting that we ditch the run and just go home. It's a bit strange. I've been taking her on bike rides some mornings to tire her out quickly before we go off to work and she gets crated for the day. The bike rides are pretty short-- less than 10 minutes--but she runs like a champ the whole time. I'm wondering whether she hurt her leg or something during yesterday's ride, but she's not limping...

    Dogs! If only they'd learn to talk!
  • i've been a slacker for 2 days. work has been crazy. have't exercised and i'm feeling the effects. have tomorrow off..dh, the mutt and i are going to hike the mountain in the morning.

    gary hope the girl is okay..i was worried when you said she was limping yesterday.

    baffled - if your dog doesn't "perk" up in a few hours i would recommend going to see your vet, could be lameness or other issues
  • Thanks BAFFLED and GATORGAL for your concerns for Reba.

    Briefly, a couple of years ago she hurt herself, by trying to jump into my truck, before I gave the command. She was on a short lease and hit her leg hard against the truck. I guess she was getting pressure on her spine in an area that was shutting down memory to her hind leg. She walked like it was just flopping in the breeze. Long story short and $1,500 later...well over 2 grand now...ouch!....she will have issues with it. We think it is from too much walking. We try to get them out for at least 2 miles each day, I have been taking them 3.5 most days now for a while.

    Anyway, she was really slipping on it last night and this morning, still couldn't jump. I had her checked out, our vet said he found nothing wrong in the exam, I was there. He said we could give her inflammatory drugs and wait and see because she checked out fine. He said the only other way would be to x-ray but that wouldn't show tendon or soft tissue damage. I wanted to know if she had some of the other things such as arthritis he said the x-rays would show, so I had her sedated and x-rayed. She shows nothing wrong...which is good. He said for now take it easy and shorten the walks. He has given her an inflammatory drug.

    Gator would know all this stuff! ENJOY your hike!

    BAFFLED ~ So sorry for your dog! I hope that she is just tired!

    Thanks again ladies for your concern
  • lol at gary...yes i would. if it doesn't improve with antiinflammatories...get the x-rays done just to rule anything serious out.
  • Thanks KIDDO but I did get the x-rays done...I wanted to be sure. I had that in my post...but thanks again...I did not have the anti in the flammatory...you must have thought I was trying to "swell" her up!!!
  • lol gary...nope i'm bad at skimming so i missed the anti part LOL...

    okay...today i have off work and dh didn't have school until 4 so we took the mutt to the moutain..hiked up it 1.2 miles (1700 ft elevation) and then back down. Took us about 50 min. its was a great workout..the weather was perfect and the mutt loved it. might try to do my boot camp dvd tonight...i really need to do some strength training.
  • 11 min warm up run (100)
    30 mins FBWO. I skipped my lunges today, so I only burned 200 calories.
  • hey baffled what is FBWO?? just curious
  • Full Body Work Out.

  • ahh i c...thanks!
  • Well CHRISTINA did you get the other 5 yards mowed?

    6 miles today ~ 1.5 with the dogs and 4.5 treadmill