Pregnant & Staying Fit - January 2002 !!!

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  • Had my appt today. Weight was more of less the same from last week, BP good, zero traces of protein/sugar in the urine this time. She did check me as I keep cramping off and on, I'm 2 CM dilated and the baby is LOW. She said who knows.....I could stay the same till term, could go anyday now--time will tell. I did ask her if she would induce me I haven't gone by my due date--she agreed. Thank goodness!!! I can take 3 more wks of this, but the thoughts of 4-5 more is overwhelming!!! So this means I'll have a new baby hopefully no later than the 27th!

    How is our new mommy doing? Hope all is well. Let us know how your doing when you can....

    EDD 1/27/02
  • I had my u/s today and my baby died sometimes this heart is broken and I have cried until I am numb..I am scheduled for a D&C on Friday since I was 14weeks...I just thank God that I was able to see my angel on Friday alive..
    Best of luck to all
  • Oh Vicki, I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been through 2++ miscarriages myself. Just like you I found out I had lost my 1st pregnancy at 14 wks--it was the appt we had expected to hear the heartbeat, and all we saw was an empty screen. I was devasted as well. I also lost 1/2 twin pregnancy a few months later, then just suffered a m/c this past March. I know I mentioned the labor of love site, they have an excellent miscarriage board there. I found great strength lurking and posting there. Praying that the D&C goes ok for you and wishing you easier days ahead.

  • Vicki.... my heart breaks for you. I too am glad you had the opportunity to see your little angel on friday. Miscarriages are terribly devestating. I hope everything goes ok with the D&C tomorrow. I will keep you in my prayers.

  • Well, I originally logged on to post about my Dr's appt, but when I saw Vicki's post I had to reply to it separately first. I just couldn't respond to it as part of a regular post.

    Had the glucose challenge... that orange soda stuff they give you now isn't anywhere near what I remember being made to drink the last time I had a glucola test. I remember a heavy syrup, this was more like an hotel room seervice sized bottle of orange crush. I also had my regular Dr's appt. I was down a pound from the last time I was there right before Christmas. I'd gone up 4 in the two week period at that time. My dr was surprised today but not concerned. I don't have any idea why I gained those 4 then
    or lost this 1 now... I especially don't know how I did it over christmas.

    The baby's heartbeat was in the 130s today, and everything else seems to be progressing normally as well.

    I should hear either tomorrow or Monday if my blood sugar was high, otherwise the lab tech said that no news is good news and if all was ok in the bloodwork I'll have to wait til mid week probably to find out.

  • I am kicking myself right now. I had a post and lost it before I could post it. Well here goes I will try this again.

    Vicki--sorry to hear about the lose. I can relate about 1 1/2 years ago I had a miscarriage. I had a ultrasound because I was spotting and there was a heartbeat and then a week later I started to cramp and lost the baby. My heart goes out to you.

    Alex's mom--I wish I only had 3 weeks left. But right now is 10 and soon will be single digits.

    Lara--I had that blood sugar test taken last month and it was high but I have to take a finger prick test next month and see if it's OK. If it is still high he will then do the glocose test again and then we will see what it says.

    Here is the short of my bad week

    Saturday--Mom and I were in a car accident. We are OK and baby started to kick immediatly. The police officer told me if I would have been wearing my seat belt I would have been in the hospital. So I was lucky.

    Sunday--good day nothing bad happened just had a major headache from the accident.

    Monday--Around 1:00 in the afternoon my grandmother passed away. She was 78 years old. We met at my parents house until around 9:00 that night. Went home and brought the new year in in bed alone. I was so mentally exausted that I slept all night with my 4 year old boy.

    Tuesday--Was a good day but very empty feeling inside of me.

    Wednesday--I was so busy. I had a chiropractors appointment and a doctors appointment. The doctors appointment went good. Baby's heartrate was between 124-130. I lost 4 pounds in the last month. My youngest daughter had to come home from school early. She ended up with headlice. I think she got it that day in school because she has short hair and we would have seen the eggs in her dark brown hair.

    Thursday--We went to the funeral. My little guy was just crying so hard and sobbing. He was telling me he will miss his great grandma. I just held him and cried with him. I reassured him she was in no pain.

    Today--All is much better but I have another chiropractors appointment. Hopefully all is well and I don't need to go back till the middle of the month.

    I wish everyone a happy new year and hope is going better than mine has so far.

    Best wishes,
  • Tamara: I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother. It's never easy to lose a loved one. I'm glad you are ok and not sufferring ill affects from the car accident. What a blessing that the baby moved right away and you didn't have to worry about it. I'm also sorry to hear your household has headlice... that can be a pain to get rid of. I remember when my youngest sister came home from school with it and how aggravating it was. I think that new foam they have out for it is supposed to be really good at getting rid of it.

    I haven't been to the chiropractor since I got pregnant as I'm annoyed with the one close by that I was going to and am not certain that I want to drive the 45 minutes to the one I really like and respect. I don't know that it's worth it. Although with the way my back has been lately I may break down and make the drive.

    Last night was the first night that I really couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in. Everytime I rolled over I woke up, and it seemed that no matter how I rearranged my pillows one was always in an aggravating position and poking/pushing at me uncomfortably. I think part of it was that the baby is getting more noticeably active these days (you can actually see some of the kicks). Even dh this morning when he came to bed (he's working nights) and was cuddling and rubbing my tummy asked how I could sleep with all that going on inside.

    Well, I'm off to box up all my stuff. I'm going to try and get rid of what I really don't use rather than try to find storage space for it. I want to have all my office stuff ready to move downstairs so that we can start getting the Baby stuff in here. Of course that won't really happen until February in a big way as we are going to tear up the carpet and put in new flooring... I'm leaning towards wood laminate but dh is stuck on carpet... we will see. If we go with carpet it may get done before Feb. If we go with Laminate my dad is going to help Brad install it so we don't have to pay the installation costs. I would help too but the idea of putting in flooring at 8 months along doesn't really appeal. So DH will ahve to deal with my dad.

    I guess I am starting to nest....

  • I had my check up yesterday. Weight, B/P, and urine were normal. I'm still at 2CM dilated but I'm now 50% effaced. I guess that is good. I had some spotting yesterday, but I'm sure it was a result of my exam. Still cramping off and on--but nothing consistant. My husband WAS suppose to do on an overnight business trip tonight, but thankfully he finally got some common sense and cancelled. He did go to the dr's w/ me yesterday and she told him straight out that he wouldn't make it back in time from the East Coast to Midwest. Period. Oh ya, she guesstimated that the baby about 7lbs something. I was surpirsed.....My DD was born 6 wks early and she was 6 lbs, and my sister's girls...the smallest was 8 lbs. Well its just guess. We'll see. Hope everyone is doing well.

    EDD 1/27/02
  • hi...

    I'm a little bummed right now. I got a call from my Dr's office and my blood sugars were REALLY high in the 1 hour test so I havet o take a day off work (probably Friday) to go in for the 3 hour test. I also showed up as being anemic so I have to take an additional iron supplement. So I'm off to the pharmacy for the iron pills, and I already put a call in to work to arrange for Friday off.

    I'm finding this a little hard to deal with because for the most part I've been really good about not eating a ton of sugar or high carb foods, and if my sugars are off anyhow I'm not sure how we will deal with it. Do they put you on pills? Stupid, but this is really upsetting me.

  • Hello all.

    First, Vicki, I am so so so sorry to hear about our loss. I also misscarried last January. So sad.

    Lara, don't wrry about the blood sugar. My firsr one came back high, but all teh rest were ok. I don't think it really has much to do with how you eat, it is more to due with hormonal shift. Don't stress. All will be ok.

    Well, for the best news...I AM A MOM. We had Alexander Queue on teh 26th. He was 8lbs 14 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. The last two weeks have been a trip. The c-section was not bad...just really sore the first day out. All is well now. Had our two-week check-up Wed. We are 9 lbs now and growing fast. Big healthy baby. Thank the Lord!

    I am back to WW on Saturday. GAined 57 lbs. Yikes! Now it is time to get it off.

    Best of luck to all of you!

  • Lara, I'm anxiously waiting to hear of your test results. Hope it went well and you remember to bring something to eat right afterwards. I was starving after my 3 hr and I needed a cup of coffee so badly. lol Don't knock yourself out about the sugar thing, its SO out of your control. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!

    Trish, congratulations!!! Although motherhood is trying, I hope your enjoying it!!!! Glad your c-section wasn't too bad. Gosh, I'm scared of having one!!! Your pretty gutsy to brave the scale so soon after giving birth!!! I'm at 30 lbs and seem to be holding steady there which is FINE with me. I hope I can keep off the scale for a few weeks at least after giving birth. We'll see.

    Nothing new here for me. I was having contrax almost everynight then about the last three nights I've barely had any. I baby keeps dropping as I was up about 8x last night to go potty. Makes for a tired day....

    EDD 1/27/02
  • Congrats Trish! It must feel wonderful to finally be able to hold that little bundle of love and joy in your arms. I know I'm really looking forward to it. I'm glad that the C-section went well for you. I'm really hoping not to need one, but we will cross taht bridge when and if we come to it.

    The 3hr fasting glucose went ok... 4 pokes later bothe elbows are sore. I didn't take anything with me to eat, but stopped at the subway a few blocks away and got a sandwich. Extra heavy on the lettuce. I always ask them for lots of lettuce and then when they finish say ok now double that. I should get the results either Monday or Tuesday.

    Ann... glad to hear the contractions have lessened. And I can relate to being up using the facilities repeatedly in the night. I swear my little one will be a natural tap dancer! she taps away on my bladder day and night... especially night...

  • wow... looks like we lost a few posts...

    Geneve: If you didn't get to read my post before it disappeared into cyberspace, I just wanted to let you know it was nice hearing from you. Glad things are going well for you and little leo is doing well.

    Ann: Pretty amazing that things are happening huh? What did your dr say about your contractions and cramping? Are you excited or scared or both?

    Trish: I hope you are still doing well with little Alexander (I love that name btw).

    Tamara: Check in and let us know how you are doing too!

    I bought a new nursing bra and another maternity shirt today. I was down to about 3 tops I could comfortably wear and not feel totally fat in. so now I have 4 Who should I see in my favorite maternity store but my OB!! It seems she's expecting too.

    I didn't get the results of my blood work today (and thought it would be inappropriate to ask in the store if she'd had a chance to read them) so I will call tomorrow to find out. I'll let you all know when I do.

  • I just got the call from the Dr's office... good news... my blood sugar came back within the normal range so no gestational diabetes!

    I'm doing as much of the happy dance as I can at this point. I have to say I really envy the women in those pregnancy fitness videos who went into pregnancy at their ideal weight and then have been able to continue to exercise throughout their pregnancy.

    I think my belly grew about 3 inches between yesterday and today... I feel absolutely huge and I kept banging things when I turned around today. Maybe the baby is just hanging out "up top" today, I don't know... but my sides have been sore yesterday and today. Not like a stitch but like achy muscles after unaccustomed exercise.

    That's about it... just wanted to let you know.

  • That is great news LARA!!!! That darn 1 hr test seems to be very unreliable. I'm sure its done this way to keep costs down! Just make sure you continue to keep a little eye on your diet as you might be a be 'sensitive' to sugar during your pregnancy.

    I guess we did lose some posts!!! Mine is gone. I did end up at the drs Monday morning due to the pressure and cramping. Ready for this one??? The baby is so LOW that his head is compressing on my varicous veins in my crotch. Hence, just like a hemmriod, I'm subjected to the pressure, pain, and hot feeling (thankfully no itch!). Pretty icky huh? I think so. I was just a tad over 2cm dilated so not much change. I was surprised as I was up most of the night with back ache and period like cramping. They did tell me to keep my appt tomorrow morning, so I'll be going back there again! I've been instructed to try to stay off my feet as much as possible and keep them up. That will help with this darn vein thing. But that is hard with a 4 yr old, 15 yr old, hubs, and just life in general. I'll make it. I'll let you all know if anything of interest comes out of my dr appt.

    EDD 1/27/02