Weekend on the Beach 7/28 - 29

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  • It's dark and gloomy looking outside, I should crawl back under the covers. Jake's been up for a while, though, and has been pestering me to get up to go for breakfast. There's a regular gang of us that meet at the Cracker Barrel every weekend morning, and if we don't show up they all wonder where we are. After breakfast I want to go to the Walmart, but that's all that's planned for today. Looks like it's going to be a washout here.
  • WE LOVE CRACKER BARREL! When we moved from Maryland to Texas, I think we ate all of our meals at Cracker Barrel! They just opened one near where our parents live, and now it's on my list of things to do while we're home!!!

  • Missmess, glad the Simpson version of me could make you laugh. I made it at simpsonsmovie.com. Being Lisa from Springfield, it just seemed like the right thing to do.

    Kara, that Pilates video sounds fun. I used to do the Winsor Pilates tapes but they're all worn out. Some of it seems easy enough, but other stuff I just can't do. I'm not super flexible. Maybe I'll try that one out. Was the easy version really pretty easy? Maybe if I started with something like that, I'd work my way up to medium.

    Cottage, we're going to Walmart today too! Hope you enjoy Cracker Barrel. Sorry about the rain today. We're having partly cloudy and 86. Hope the clouds are minimal. I want to swim!

    Well, besides Walmart today, it's Dad's birthday. Mom's is Thursday and she's going out of town for a week with her siblings, so we're just doing a joint birthday party today. I need to find a dessert to make and some cards for them while we're out.

    Well, going to get a start on my day. Hope you all have a good one!

  • Lisa, the DVD has several parts. I only watched the one today but there were three women doing the routines and one was doing the easy version, one the medium version, and one the difficult version. I was very impressed - a lot of the focus was on connecting your mind and body through your breathing and keeping your abs and pelvic floor tight through the different moves. I've not done Pilates before so I don't know if that's the running theme through these types of workouts, but I've been looking for some toning routines that don't involve a lot of equipment and that deal with core strength, and this fit the bill.

    You liked the Winsor Pilates? Are there several in that series?

  • Winsor Pilates was ok but was just a little too difficult for me. Plus it looks a little cheesy. The ones I have that all came together are the instructional video, the "easy" (HA!) 30 minute one and the difficult 60 minute one. They have one girl (Daphne) who does modified versions of it if you have injuries or something, but it's still tough for me even doing the modified version. I must have no core strength whatsoever. I can't lie on my back and just use my core muscles to sit up, for example. I have to have some momentum going first.
  • Kim - Tell me more about your crochet party. I used to love to crochet when I had more time. I think one of the things I was most proud of was the poinsettia afghan. It was made of hexagonal pieces in white with red poinsettia flowers and green leaves crochetted right in. It is large enough that I can use it as a queen sized bedspread. I've also done some baby afghans as gifts. One had a teddy bear crocheted in with various baby toys attached to it. It was safe for the baby to use but they hung it on his wall.

    I used to enjoy taking a Pilates class at the gym. I think it really helped with the toning which will really help those of you who are at or close to the ideal weight and just need to tone up some more. Too bad they moved the time and started charging for it.

    Kiko - Congrats on finishing your project. Hasn't the weather been beautiful?

    We went to Adventure Landing with the scouts yesterday. We ended up staying from 3PM to 8:30. We had a great time with miniature golf, laser tag and go carts but towards the end I was starting to feel the effects of so little sleep the night before. And I was really getting hungry. We ended up eating out with some friends (I didn't stay totally OP but didn't do too bad) and got home just in time to crash. I slept in this morning and the pager didn't go off last night so I feel much better today.

    Brian and I will be heading to church in a few minutes and then I'm spending the day getting ready for vacation. We are driving to San Antonio tomorrow morning. With traffic and stops it will probably be about a 6 hour drive. I packing a big cooler with Diet ice tea and diet soda and lots of bottled water. I made up a batch of Nessa's bar yesterday and they were pretty good. I'm going to make another batch today and try tiny frozen organic blueberries in them. I use them in my oatmeal and I like them. I'm also going to up the Splenda and cinnamon and add a little applesauce. I think they will do well in the ice chest for our trip. I think one bar would make a healthy snack and keep me from going for worse stuff.

    I also need to do a load of laundry and pack today.
  • We've been getting hit with one storm after another, and the power has gone off twice already. What a yukky day. I was going to go visit with Mom & Dad for a while, but maybe I'll go over this evening. I guess the kids aren't coming out today, what with the heavy downpours. I'd rather them not be on the expressway in this weather, anyway.

    Weezle, have you decided on a dessert yet? A favorite stand-by of mine is to fold SF pudding and FF Cool Whip together, and put it in a pie shell. I make my own with crushed Fiber One, splenda and Smart Balance. You could also substitute yogurt for the pudding. Both make a yummy pie.
    Give your dad a Happy Birthday wish from me!

    Barb, have a nice vacation! I'm glad you finally got to sleep a whole night with no interruptions!

    Goodnight, Kara! Pleasant dreams!
  • Hey girls,

    Just logging on for the first time today.... slept a bit late this morning, so we had to race a bit to get ready for church. Have been running ever since.

    Speaking of meatloaf, DD and I made the Meatloaf in the Phase 2 section that Jessie posted. It is so YUMMY! (Mama Weaver's Meatloaf)

    Lisa Hope it is sunny today you can enjoy the pool. One of my favorite WW desserts is the soda cake. (I think it is one box of cake mix mixed with 1 can diet soda). Hope you and DH are having a good day.

    Allie Congrats on your size 14s already being baggy!!

    Kara I hear you on the missing naps for more than 2 days. Meg has been fighting her naps like crazy, but is a mess without them. She is into this thing lately where she wants her door open when she sleeps. We have a fairly small one story house, so it takes her forever to fall asleep due to any noise.

    Barb I am sure that your night of sleep felt heavenly. I hope that you and Brian have a wonderful trip!

    Schmoodle I bought stuff to make the spinach strawberry salad this week. I can't wait!

    Cottage How was the grandbaby last night??

    DH and Abigail are playing Monopoly Jr. right now and we are waiting for Little Miss to wake up from her nap. We are heading over to a friend's to grill and hang out. DH and I are doing the main course and they are making the sides. He is going to saute zuchinni, yellow squash and mushrooms with parm cheese and panko then stuff it in a chicken breast. We are also going to make the peach lime salsa that is in the forum for a pork tenderloin and serve that with some grilled chicken breast. We don't cook together often since he works so much (and is a chef, so doesn't want to cook when he is home!), so I am looking forward to it.

    Anyhow- big news around here is that Abigail finally lost her first tooth. I was so annoyed last night b/c bedtime around here has gotten so labor intensive. She called for me for about the 5th time, well, she was in the bathroom smiling through the biggest mouth of blood. SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!! I will post pictures once I download them as it is super cute.

    Okay, I have chatted enough.... miss you RUTH!!
  • Kiko, tell Abigail I said "congratulations! She's a big girl now!"

    The storms have finally moved out of here, and the sun is out now. And it's muggier than ever! I haven't accomplished much of anything today. I did shampoo the livingroom carpet, but mostly I've just been reading. Oh, and I painted my toenails, that counts, doesn't it?
    Little Tyler is just getting cuter by the day! I'm forcing myself to give them all a break from me today, but Dustin just called asking me how to heat up the leftover roast beef. He said Tyler slept pretty well last night, waking up about every 4 hours to be fed and going back to sleep again.
    Well, I'd better get supper on the table. I'm having tilapia, but I made a pork tenderloin for Jake with au gratin potatoes, and a cucumber, tomato and mozzarella salad, and roasted green beans. I'll use some of the pork in a Pork & Pepper Salad for my lunch tomorrow. Mmmmmm!
  • Kiko, let Abigail know that here in Springfield, the Tooth Fairy leaves $10 bills for a tooth.

    Was a nice day for swimming. Am a bit tired. Went to the store and bought everything to make brownies. Got home from swimming and looked at the recipe..... forgot 1 thing. DANG. So.... no dessert for them. That's alright. We're eating out so it's not like we need sweets anyway. I'll make brownies another time.

    Well, I need to dry my hair and get ready for dinner with the fam. I'll pass the "Happy Birthdays" on to Dad. You girls have a great evening.

  • Kiko, congrats to Abigail! What a big day!!!

    Barbara, glad you had fun! Sleep well!!! Thanks for the recommendation on the Pilates!

    Lisa, if it was me shopping for the brownie ingredients, I would have forgotten the chocolate. I once went to the store to get stuff for cheesecake and forgot the cream cheese. I *used to* be really smart, before my kids were born! I like to say that I think each of them ate a little bit of my brain.

  • Barbara, I forgot to say that I tried blueberries in the oatmeal bars and they were soooooo good! I just dumped an entire frozen organic blueberry bag into the bars, used half applesauce and half banana, upped the cinnamon a little...had to increase the baking time about twenty minutes because I hadn't drained the berries, but they were still great!

  • Kara. SHHHHHH.

    I forgot the semi-sweet chocolate chips that go in it.
  • Hello ladies, had a busy and fun day. I had my family over for dinner to say au revoir to my niece before she goes back to France on Tuesday, and also to celebrate my husband's birthday late, since he was away on his birthday last week. I made deviled eggs, brocolli-cauliflower salad, grilled chicken breasts, corn on the cob, and got a bushel of crabs. We had a really nice time even though we got rained on for a little while. Nobody seemed to mind too much. After dinner, we got everyone together on the front porch steps for a big family picture. We haven't done that in a while! I wore my red capris and they were sliding down all day, they are really too big now, yeah!

    I wish tomorrow wasn't Monday. I enjoyed my week off, and work is going to be really busy for the next few weeks.
    Kiko, the tooth fairy was always a challenge for me. I forgot the money once, and my daughter was distraught that the fairy hadn't come. I had her come and look with me to make sure the money hadn't fallen onto the floor, and slipped the cash into the pillowcase when she was looking the other way.
  • Hey Ladies:
    I have the Cheesecake cupcakes in the oven! I couldn't find unwhipped FF cream cheese So I used all Neufchatel and FF cottage I will let you all know tomorrow how it turns out!! I'm kinda excited.
    We went to an Indoor Picnic today it would have been outside save for the massive downpour. SBD Friendly it wasn't but I didn't go crazy so that was good.
    Lisa/Kara I always forget a major ingredient usually during the process of making it. . .The last time I made these cheesecakes I forgot the vanilla!
    See you guys in the AM!