Weekend on the Beach 7/28 - 29

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  • Hey Ladies:
    I have a few hours to myself while DH is out on a fishing boat. Been doing a whole lot of nothing and it feels GREAT! I'm about to launch into the shower so I can start my day at noon. Last night went out with my gf and her friend. Not so much SBD friendly but I did actually stop before I was full! a First! She had some bad news during the evening and didn't want to be alone so I Didn't get home till 1:30 after a work day that's a killer!

    Barb I hope you get your comp time and Stay as far away as you can from a computer during your vacation!!!!

    Schmoodle: I Hope your daughter is alright. I remember doing that to my parents! till they insisted I got a cell phone and used it.
    Cottage Have a great time with Andrea and the new little guy
    Kara sleep well!
    Cat Game night with DH sounds so nice! Hope your sinuses are better
    Kim when you're done can you come over and clean my place?
    Allie isn't that the best feeling seeing your features reveal themselves! the mexican place sounds great!
    MissM enjoy your time off you deserve it!
    Weezle Hope you had a good rest!
    Happy! you're doing great!

    OK off to the shower and then Making some breakfast cheesecake!
  • Sounds like everyone is having a relaxing day, today! I'm taking a little break right now, before heading over to Dustin's. We invited him and Amber to meet us at Cracker Barrel for breakfast, then we took Amber for the morning so he could go get Andrea & Tyler and get them settled in at home. I have a turkey and a pot roast in the oven now, and just took out a peach cobbler. As soon as they're done, we're going to pack up everything and take them over. I'm eager to hold my new grandbaby again. I haven't seen him since yesterday! Amber has been keeping us entertained all day, though, and we've been spoiling her rotten.

    Cat, Vinegar has sugar in it?! Tell me more! I would have never guessed!
  • Hello again ladies, I got my grocery shopping done, and also mowed the lawn. I'm going to shower and make dinner, then need to run out again and get a few more things for the party tomorrow. It is so hot and muggy here. DH just called and he and his niece are on their way home from Baltimore. He said it was hot and crowded. Duh, there was a ball game today, we didn't even check. that. DD rolled in at 6:30 this morning and we had a nice "chat". I think we understand each other now. I'm amazingly alert for going on three nights of not much sleep at all. That may be the giant iced latte I just drank.
    DH asked me to make meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. He says that is a very "american" dish and his niece will like it. I really don't feel like it, mostly because it will make my kitchen so hot, but also because I forgot to get the ground meat mix at the store. But I can't come up with any other ideas - help! I want to make something nice. I got the stuff for the strawberry spinach salad and we'll have that. I've got hamburger, scallops, salmon filet, crabmeat, lots of zucchini. Any suggestions? He said they didn't eat lunch, so they'll be hungry.

    cottage I'm so excited for you. It's such a special time for your family. And it's great that mom and baby are doing so well and coming home from the hospital earlier than expected.
    Hi Kier, let me know what you think of the cheesecake. I've been wanting to make it, but I'm afraid of losing control if it's really good.
    Cat and femme, I had no idea there was sugar in vinegar either!
    femme, hope the sinuses are doing better.
    Barb, hope you have a wonderful vacation, you deserve it. Are you going away or just taking it easy?
    happyteacher, nothing measly about 2 lbs. And then 2 more, and then 2 more, and you're on your way! You are doing great.
    missmess, enjoy your free time!
    charolastra, that's so cool that you are starting to see the results yourself! I can't see any difference in me yet, but my pants are starting to slip down, so I know something's happening.
    weezle, hope you get good weather for swimming.
    Kiko, hope you got lots done, that was nice of your mom.
    Kim, a crocheting party! That's different, it sounds like fun. Wish I knew how to crochet... I can knit, but only straight things.
    Happy sleep Kara, have a great Sunday.


    Can you tell I am excited?? This has taken much longer than I would have thought, but they are paying me 25 bucks an hour, so I am not complaining!!!!

    Sorry that I am being selfish today and not responding with individual posts.....
  • Quote:
    Cat, Vinegar has sugar in it?! Tell me more! I would have never guessed!
    the recipe calls for apple cider vinegar...the sugar comes from the apple...other vinegars don't have that much...I think the apple cider vinegar has like 14g of sugar..ouch
  • Good morning, Kitty (where are you?) and good evening everyone else!

    Stephanie, great job on the two pounds. Think about it as half a pound a day! You're the incredible shrinking woman!

    Megan, enjoy your weekend and especially the weeks off!!!

    Kier, please do post about the cheesecake! I've been curious about it myself. I just made a cheesecake for my birthday and it only ended up having 159 calories a slice, which I was super excited about!

    Kiko, I'm so glad you finished the project! Yea!!!

    I'm about to cook up some eggs with mushrooms and peppers and then we're off to church. We're skipping the pool today as the girls missed their naps yesterday because we went Christmas shopping (I know - in July, weird - but we wanted to bring everything back with us when we fly out next month so we didn't have to pay hundreds of dollars to ship it!), and if they don't nap two days in a row I would be a frazzled mama!

  • OK, I had to post once more just because I realized this is my 1,000th post! I love this place!!!

  • Kara ~ Christmas shopping in July! Me, too! That's the only way I can fit it into the budget. I have several presents stashed away, I only hope I don't forget about them!

    Cat ~ Thanks for the info, very interesting. Makes sense, though. I'm going to start using a different type from now on.

    Schmoodle ~ So what did you come up with, instead of meatloaf?

    Kiko ~ Hurray for finally finishing your project! Now you can relax and enjoy the rest of the summer!

    happyteacher ~ Congratulations on the 2 lb loss! You're off to a great start!

    Weezle ~ Hope you're having a good day, today, and got some restful sleep, too.

    A big to everyone else, hope everyone had a great day!
  • cottage, I just started pulling things out and cooking them, so I ended up with a wierd meal. I had leftover rice and lots of zucchini, so I made a zucchini gratin. I also had premixed the dry ingreds for cornbread when we went to the beach and never used it, so I baked that up. I made the strawberry spinach salad (yum), and rounded things out with ham steaks I had in the freezer. Of course I didn't eat the gratin or the cornbread, although the gratin could be SBD friendly with brown rice. I should try that sometime.
  • Cottage, Kara- I Christmas shop all year. I'm always looking out for bargains.

    Happy teacher - Congrats on the 2lbs loss. Every pound counts even when it's just one.

    Meagan- Have fun while your break lasts. On the other hand, I can't wait till my 8 year old goes back to school. She's always fighting with my four year old and they are starting to drive me insane.

    Kiko- Congrats on the end of a prosperous project, $25 an hour will make anyone smile.

    Schmoodle- I make meatloaf all the time. I usually make a homemade teriyaki sauce and use either ground turkey breast or 97% lean ground beef. The family loves it. I have to admit though I miss eating it with mash and gravy but hey we sacrifice what we must. Shucks, I'm on the East coast too which means that it's past dinner. I wish I had gotten on early. I have a ton of meatloaf recipes. lol

    Kier- Don'tcha just love doing nothing. I like relaxing with absolutely nothing to do of course that never really happens once you have 3 children but when it does, pure bliss.

    Everyone else
    Aloha ahi ahi, Good night,
  • Hi girls. Just thought I'd pop in and say hi. Anyone try Tastefully Simple products? I'm an addict. My friend sells them and I just love everything! Just had some Si Si Cilantro dip for veggies. Spicy and SO yummy!

    So work was dead again tonight. Wahoo. Thank God for a day off tomorrow. Gotta figure out what dessert to make for Mom and Dad for their birthdays. They're WW.... just need to come up with something that doesn't need refrigerated. I'll find something I'm sure.

    Hope all are having good nights. Congrats to Kiko on getting your project done! I'm lazy today too, not responding to everyone. Would just like to curl up on the couch. Talk soon girls.

  • Hey Ladies
    DH is snoozing to the boob tube. I actually didn't get to make the Cheesecake yet I started doing other things (reading Harry Potter for the second time) and then he was home! So I'll be getting up early to make those and then some PB cookies for a BBQ.
    I have done the cheesecake before and I liked it. . .I did it as Cupcakes and that helped with the portion distortion. I'm considering replacing 2 packets of Diet cocoa for the equivalent amount of splenda. . .Can't do SF jello since it's made with Nutrasweet and i've been having issues with that
    I'll post the meatloaf I made the other night it was super moist (maybe a bit too much so but I have some potential thoughts on that) and totally ph1.!
    OH! the cheesecake recipe is under Breakfast Ph1
  • Well, the house has been cleaned and the tree is safely and completely down! YAY! I can see across the street!

    I'm available for hire for housecleaning services! I actually love cleaning. I dunno, I guess it's just that before/after thing like all the home improvement shows on tv! I love getting rid of clutter and seeing the final result!

    Well, time to retire. I've got a good book and a nice bed waiting for me!
  • Hey girls.. just got back from my fun filled afternoon with my friend. FINALLY saw the Harry Potter movie, but we kind of went to the movies on a whim so we ended up just getting there on time and in the very front row. It was good though!

    And he knows that I've been losing weight and mentioned that my pants looked a bit big on me- but these are my brand spanking new size 14s! I'm happy that they look big on me, but sad because I just brought them yesterday and they looked fine in the store. I guess as they got broken in, they stretched a bit. Oh well.. I'll just return the other 2 pairs I bought and try on a size 12! :P
  • Allie, you're doing awesome!

    My internet went out ALL DAY so I was pacing the floor trying to figure out what to do since I couldn't log on here. It was AWFUL! At least I burned calories pacing...

    Tried out a new Pilates DVD today and LOVED it! It was called "Pilates for Weightloss" and it was very easy to follow. I've never done Pilates before, but I had a really good time. I just did the easy version today but next time I'm going to try to do the medium version. I need to get one of those spiffy mats because I tried using a beach towel and that did not cut it.

    I have cleaning up to do. Dishes are done but the floor needs to be swept. I swear I sweep the floor ten times a day. Avery's favorite thing to do in her booster is dump her bowl over the side of the tray.
