Fit Day Question

  • I have been using fitday to log my days calories and activites. I am wondering how much and what kind of activites people log in to their page. Is it all the getting dressed, laundry kind of stuff or just the cardio activities and weight lifting?

  • Hi L~~
    I have been using Fitday for months. I don't add in my normal house routine because it is automatically added in to your "lifestyle" section ofcalories burned ,along with your basal metabolic use.
    I do , however, add in special things like:cleaning out closets, raking leaves, pulling weeds, pruning shrubs, etc.
    Other than that , I always (when I remember to) add in my cardio and weight lifting.
    Begining Jan. 4, I will be starting C3 of BFL. At that point, I will make sure to add all my exercise activity because I want this challenge to be completely clean and no missed workouts. At the end of the 12 weeks, I don't want to see any omitions.
    P.S. You enter your lifestyle under the "Home" section. I use "standing housework" as my option.
  • Thanks for the info. I kinda do the same thing but I fing I spend about 5 hours out running errands and getting stuff done so I wanted to be able to take some of that as cals burned!
  • I have used fitday since July. My tendency is to error on the side of shorting myself - I would rather be pleasantly surprised than be confused and think I should have burned more calories. I only count things that make me sweat, with the exception of yoga/pilates. I prefer to guesstimate my portion sizes too large as well!

    - Kim