LAWL Losers and Friends - July 2 - July 8

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  • OH PRINCESS HEATHER !!!!! I almost forgot ---

    My happy dance with you !!! Congrats !!!
  • So glad you're back Pearl.. thank you for the "thought for the day".. although you made me cry. I am being my own worst enemy, I'm feeling horrible that I can't move the scale anymore, and I'm completely depressed about it all. I just can't seem to keep it all together anymore.
  • Wendy II and
    Lea Ann
    And all those struggling right now:

    A special note: Even though you feel like
    This too shall pass!!!!
    And Wendy II, I'm sorry I made you cry! I really was hoping to stir some thoughts (not tears!)
    So, to all that are struggling, I offer you this!
    Don't quit! Keep fighting! You ARE healthier! You ARE doing it! You will SUCCEED!!!!

    Felicia - I saw this and thought of you! I know what peace of mind you will have to get your 4-paw baby a good home!

  • Ha, Karen...I had to go back and look at your avatar when pearl said that she sees you holding a bouquet of flowers, but it's a camera...I thought it was flowers, too...oops!
  • Okay, back from WI. I didn't lose, but I didn't gain either. I stayed exactly where I was. I can live with that! Lemon water again today should get rid of the rest of this sodium-induced water retention! I got the snotty counselor, so I was prepared for some comment. I just told her about the pork loin. She just smiled (I've never seen her smile before!) and said, "Oh, well, that will be gone before you know it!!"

    Our COD doesn't know a thing about plans changing and hasn't heard anything about it. I hope we stay the way we are!
  • Okay Wendelina and the other Strugglers.. the joke below is for you.. cheer up!
    Love you!

    Stress Diet

    This diet is designed to help you cope with the stress that builds up during the day.

    1/2 grapefruit
    1 slice whole wheat toast - dry
    8 oz skim milk

    4 oz lean broiled chicken breast
    1 cup steamed spinach
    1 cup herb tea
    1 Oreo cookie

    Afternoon Snack
    Rest of the Oreos in the package
    2 pints of Rocky Road ice cream
    1 jar hot fudge sauce nuts, cherries, whipped cream


    2 loaves garlic bread with cheese large sausage, mushroom and cheese pizza
    4 cans or 1 large pitcher of beer
    3 Milky Way or Snickers candy bars

    Late Evening News
    Entire frozen cheesecake eaten directly from freezer

    Rules For This Diet
    If you eat something, and no one else sees you eat it, it has no calories.
    When drinking a diet soda while eating a candy bar, the calories in the candy bar are canceled by the diet soda.
    When you eat with someone else, calories don't count as long as you don't eat more than they do.
    Foods used for medicinal purposes never count. Example: hot chocolate, brandy, toast and Sara Lee cheesecake.
    If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you look thinner.
    Movie-related foods do not have calories because they are part of the entertainment package and not part of one's personal fuel.
    Example: Milk Duds, buttered popcorn, Junior Mints and Tootsie Rolls.
    Cookie pieces contain no calories, because of the process of breaking the cookie causes calorie leakage.
    If you are in the process of preparing something, foods licked off knives and spoons have no calories.
    Foods of the same color have the same number of calories. Examples: green salad and Key Lime pie, mushrooms and white chocolate.
    If you eat the food off someone else's plate, it doesn't count.
    If you eat standing up the calories all go to your feet and get walked off.
    Food eaten at Christmas parties has no calories, courtesy of Santa.

    Special Note: Chocolate is a universal color and may be substituted for any other.

    Remember: STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backward.
  • Morning gang..

    Happy Friday!! Down 4 lbs. on the scale since yesterday, so I figure the 6 lb. gain was mostly water and, um, "retention" issues of another kind...

    I was really hungry this morning so I helped myself to a meatless breakfast burrito... Kills my starch intake for the day, but I have to admit it tasted really good.. It's now sitting like a brick at the bottom of my stomach, but it was worth it.. sorta...

    Kind of a down day today, work load wise, which is a good thing... Let's just hope we don't get any fires pop up to ruin my weekend.. We're headed to Roswell to see the in-laws and deal with the extra traffic they have around town, as the city celebrates the 60th anniversary of the "Roswell UFO Incident".. Thousands of people from all over the world have converged on Roswell.. It's a actually quite a big deal, and a good economic boost for the city...

    I think we'll avoid all the alien nonsense and go to the lake...

    Anyway... Have a POP day all!!
  • Thanks everyone, It is amazing how good all these cyber hugs can make you feel. none of us have ever met in person and yet I feel like you all are some of my closest friends.

    we went to the drive in last night and watched ratatouee and Pirates of the Caribean 3, fell off the wagon, had chips and pop to stay awake.

    so back at it today. I have to go weigh in today. our COD is doing one of those summer promotions where if you go in 3 times a week every week for the summer and get your card signed then you earn 4 free weeks and 25% off any product. I am determined to get those free weeks this year! even if it means I have to go two days in a row. so weigh in will be up from yesterday because of slip ups last night. but I am only looking at yesterdays weigh in to compare with what will be mondays............OK RAMBLING.....
    better get to work here. need to clean the house and deliver flowers. I gave them 4 weeks notice to hire a new delivery person. I am going on faith that we are getting that Wisconsin job. and even if we don't quitting in 4 weeks will give me 2 weeks after that with the kids before they go back to school and we need to sell our house either way. if we move to WI we will need to sell quick and even if we don't we can't afford this place anymore and will need it to sell quick so I need to focus on that. I was a real weight off the shoulders tellng them and I am counting the days til I get my schedual back in my hands!

    Luv ya all! thanks for the hugs....
  • Quote: Lettie.. gotta love a man that promises a tummy tuck.. if I keep on track can he do the same for me???
    I'd settle instead for a big old reunion somewhere that I could meet all the fabulous gals on this site.. and Dan would be the reporter for the story of course!
    Me too! I was thinking the other day it would be nice to have some gatherings. just set a time and place and say if you live close to this ..... coffee shop, park whatever...... meet there and see how many of us could get together! we are so spread out. I don't think that many of us ever could.. Nicole might be the closest to me but she is still,,,,, what was it nicole? Nicole...... NICOLE.....NICOLE!!!!! alright....... where is nicole........... anyway. I think we are about 6 hours apart.
  • That would be totally kewl a 3FC LAWL Meet...ALTHOUGH it wld be a long haul from the Maritimes in Canada, eh (that was for you dan)lol
  • Okay, I have a housecleaning question and I'm going to trust you all not to be too judgemental! We have a stainless steel cooktop and it has a lot of cooked-on gunk around the burners. (I've already readily admitted more than more once that I am the WORST housekeeper on the planet!) What's the best way to clean off this stuff? It's really cooked on there pretty good. I was hoping that I could just take the whole thing off, take it outside, and pressure-wash it, but taking it off is a more major undertaking than I'm prepared for. Can any of you clean-house goddesses give me some advice?
  • Morning gang!

    Lettie- I think putting your notice in is just thinking positive about DH landing that job! Definitely sending you positive thoughts!

    Kristen-I want to be on that diet! It's no longer red, blue, gold--I'm on Chocolate Brown! haha

    Felicia-yay for no gains!! I felt like I didn't too that great on the 4th, I ended up being down a pound but still felt bad about the 5 doritos and 1/4 brownie...BUT like my favorite counselor told me, just think of how much you would have eaten LAST 4th of July---I know it would have been at least double. Just being aware has changed everything for me!
    Oh and way to be the teacher everyone hates! Doesn't it feel good to be organized?
    Princess Heather-hope your sitter hasn't busted the bank! How cute.
    Dan- glad to see you are down!!!

    Wouldn't it be fun to all go on a LAWL 3fc cruise?? I would love to meet you all! You are so inspirational. Maybe it's not the best idea since I know how well cruises work on our waistlines!
  • Felicia-I use SOS pads and soft scrub for that kind of thing. I don't have stainless steel but it seems to work on anything!

    Someone on here (Lettie?) recommended Fly've been keeping up with it this summer and love it! I feel so organized. Not sure if you all have heard of it, but it's kinda fun!
  • Felicia - for stainless steel to get the cooked on gunk off you're going to need some old fashioned elbow grease! Let some window cleaner soak on it to soften it up then gently scrub back and forth with a scotchbrite sponge (the rough side) to work it off of there. When it's all cleaned, polish it with a small amount of olive oil to keep anything from sticking to it again.

    No judging here.. Just went through a massive cleanup of my own burners!
  • Just got back from WI and I was down 2.6 - YEAH!

    Don't get my new plan until next week though. According to the center's manager they are rolling it out by districts. Her district mngr was there today. She said they had seen it and really like it.

    Hey, those of you that go to centers, do you have to make an appt? When I first started they sold the fact that you could come by anytime and now they are requiring appts. I see why they would but with my work schedule it is just sometimes hard to know what I'll be doing this time next week

    Hope everyone else is having a great day too. We are swamped at work so I gotta run but will try to check posts later.