300+ And Ready To Try Again... #112

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  • WELCOME !!!!

    We are a group of people who are working together to lose our excess weight.
    We are on different plans and are of different sizes.
    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

    Monday........Motivation Monday
    Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
    Thursday......Thankful Thursday
    Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
    Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

    Please feel free to jump right in with us.
    And be sure to check if there is a "second" page.
    We don't want anyone to miss any posts.
  • I'mmmmm Back !!!!!!
    Hi guys.... I am home again.

    We had a wonderful trip. We saw the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes Saturday night and the Andy Williams Christmas Show on Friday night. They both were very good. We saw lots of beautiful Christmas light displays, ate some super meals, got to do some flea marketing and even played some slots too. I didn't win anything this time though. Overall it was a marvelous weekend.

    My food was pretty good too. I was sooooo proud of myself at the Rockettes show. They had these wonderful smelling glazed nuts for sale. Almonds and Pecans.
    When they had intermission I had to go to the ladies room and talked myself into and out of buying those nuts 100 times. LOL I finally won... and walked back to my seat empty handed.
    BUT... when I got to my chair...my darling hubby had bought a small bag of each.
    What can I say.... I am no good under temptation. I ate some of both.
    They were sooooooooooooo GOOD !!!!!!!! I couldn't help myself. They were VERY small bags. But other than those... I did pretty darn good.

    I am writing this off line. I know I don't have time to read all I missed and all my missed email and respond to everyone too.
    Just know that I thought of all of you while gone. And now I am glad to be home again.

    Thin... I saw that option the other day.... was going to experiment with it but decided to wait. Glad to hear it. Thanks !!!

    I will try to post more tomorrow.
  • Morning all

    2 cute: glad your home and had a good time.

    Lets see Motivation Monday: What motivates me.

    Being able to get in smaller clothes.

    My DH saying he can snuggle closer than he used to.

    Having more enegery(sp)

    All my friends here on the forum.

    Well I'll go for now.
  • Good morning everyone.

    It is a good morning. I lost 5.5# on Saturday. I was thrilled to say the least. While my weekend eating isn't great, I did exercise both days. I am totally back OP today and ready to bank some points!!!!!!

    I measured myself this morning and didn't see much of a difference since last time, but I did see a loss in my thighs!

    I sure hope I can keep up the dieting this week too. I got my water here and have already had 2 or 3 glasses, and I have my journal ready to write on. Exercise tonight too.

    Well I should be working as it is 10 after 8am, so I better get going.
  • Good morning everyone,

    Susie: WTG!!!! CONGRATS on your 5.5 pound loss. I want to be like Susie! What are you doing? That point banking is really paying off. I'm so proud of you. YOU GO GIRL!!!!

    2Cute: glad to have you back, You sound like you had a blast. Such an eye full. I love a lot of eye candy too. I'll bet those rockettes gave a good show. I have always admired them. A few nuts can't kill all the hard work you have put in so far. I hope you relaxed enough to enjoy them.

    Thin: I tried that little trick you told us about and now I got 30 posts to a page and this is much better. I also changed skins on my page and I love this. I never would have tried it if you hadn't blazed the trail. Thanks

    For Motivation Monday:

    ~Stumbles and frustrations

    The stumbles you endure on the way to the top of the mountain do not make the view from the summit any less magnificent. In fact, they make it more precious and full of meaning.
    Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Each mistake, each frustration has within itself the power to stop you once. Don't add to that power by allowing it to continue stopping you. Get on past it and never look back. It's relatively easy to get past the frustrations. There's no sense in making it more difficult by adding your own regret.
    The main value of any accomplishment comes from the effort with which it is reached. That's why diamonds, which are rare and difficult to find, are far more valuable than the pebbles which can be found anywhere.
    The stumbles, the mistakes, the frustrations, the difficult efforts all serve to create value in the accomplishment which is sought. Take them in stride. You can get through them and you will, on your way to achieving exactly what you desire.
    -- Ralph Marston

  • Hello friends

    I am not very motivational today. I have been sick since I got up this morning.
    I tried putting up my tree but struggled and struggled and now HOURS later I still do NOT have working lights. Combine that frustration with running to the bathroom in a state of "emergency" and you can surely understand why I am not motivated today.

    But I did "hear" a tale of motivation this afternoon. My husband is also overweight. He "never knew" he was fat until about a couple of years ago. He truly didn't think he was fat... only me.
    Anyway.... today a fellow coworker brought each individual their own goodie bag full of homemade candies and banana nut breads, etc. My husband smelled it and of course justified why he could eat it all.
    He then changed that to the "only one bite" thought. Just one bite won't hurt me. We all know that line.
    But alas...he finally realized that if he took one bite he would eat it ALL. He walked over to another coworker and gave his goodie bag to him without taking a single bite.

    Seeing others pass on their favorite is motivational. If they can do it.... SO CAN I.

    Well... I am getting nausea again. I think I better get off of here. I still have to tackle those &*%# lights again. I will see you all tomorrow.
  • Good evening all.

    Well I got through another dinner and guess what? I passed up dessert
    I ate some turkey and stuffing and lots of veggies.
    Hope you feel better soon cute.
  • Hi everyone! Gosh, I don't know where the last 3 days have gone. I didn't realize it had been so long since I was here until I tried to find my last post. YIKES!!!

    I'm so excited! I was down 1/2 pound this morning at WI. I know, I know, it's not a huge loss, however, it is a LOSS!!! I am not on my roller coaster any more. I have lost now 2 weeks in a row and I will not allow a gain!

    Andria: Your daughter is delightful! I'm glad she wanted to see the pretty smilies!

    Mary: Sounds like you have your hands full with all the dinners. You're doing great so far. Just remember, "you want to be thin, more than you want to eat....." and you'll be fine.

    Susie: Five and a half pounds! Wow! Amazing what a little journalling and banking will do for you. Keep it up. No more yo-yoing for either of us!

    Tazmani: I just love the stuff Ralph Marston writes. It's so good. Thanks for sharing to start the week off with.

    2cute: Sounds like a great trip! And Happy Anniversary!

    I just love my long pages back. The remedy really works! It's wonderful!

    I think I caught up with everyone. If I missed you, please forgive. Have a great night and I'll talk to you all soon. Here's a nice quote for all of my friends:

    "We learn best to listen to our own voices if we are listening at the same time to other women...whose stories, for all our differences, turn out, if we listen well, to be our stories also." - Barbara Deming
  • Good morning everyone,

    Altough I don't follow WW right now as a food plan. I still keep up with my WW principles. I take my Tuesday's tip form the WW change your mind page number 22-23 in the Getting Started book week 1

    Mental Rehearsing:

    " When you mentally rehearse, you practice in your imagination. Public speakers, actors, and athletes use mental rehearsing to prepare for a successful performance. It can help us achieve outstanding weight-loss results"

    I belive that if I can keep my thoughts possitive and forward focused with lots of mental rehersal I can reach my goal too.

    Final tip, Stay positive, if you can concieve it you can achieve it.

    Have a wonderful day everyone

  • Aaaargh! I feel terrible. I started feeling nauseous yesterday around 3pm and I am still feeling it. I think I have the stomach flu. I top of that I still am undergoing my TOM, which is being quite nasty this time (sorry if I am grossing anyone out).

    On the up side, I don't feel much like eating, so yesterday I banked 17 pounds.

    Today, I am eating, but not as usual. I did just manage to eat a can of soup, which my stomach hasn't quite decided what to do with yet.

    I exercised yesterday despite my stomach (30 minutes on my bike). I don't want to get out of the habit of riding each day, so I had to do it.

    TT: Congrats on the 1/2 pound down.

    2Cute: I think you got me sick! LOL! Hope you feel better soon.

    Taz: I am trying to keep up a positive attitude. I even just ordered some new outfits to try and boost my motivation.

    Grannie: Congrats on passing up the dessert.
  • Well ladies ... I am feeling better today but still a little queezy.
    I have soooo much to do today but had to keep myself in a mode of recovery so here I am. If I don't make the time for my commitment in here I will suffer in the long run.
    No matter how busy I am, I must put my commitment to losing this weight #1 on my priority list.

    My state of mind slipped way down while sick. I just didn't care about anything. But today I am getting more back to myself again.
    How quickly we can slip back to our old ways if we are not vigilant.

    Tuesday Tips....

    Make your recovery #1 on your priority list.
    If you make time for your recovery you will have more time to do other things.
    Don't let life get you down. Remember bad days do come...but they also GO too.
    Be grateful !!!! Happiness is not found by getting everything you want.... it is found by appreciating everything you have.

    Sorry I can't respond to everyone again today. Hopefully soon. This holiday stuff is just sooooo time consuming.
    HANG IN THERE EVERYONE. Don't let the pressures get to you... and DON'T get into the no no's.
  • Susie, thats it!! I want to be like you. You are truely the point banking queen and I want to know how to do what you do. I admire the work you are putting into yourself and I want to get on key with doing the same for myself. HELP ME!!!! Can you post what you eat in the run of a day so I can get an idea of how to set up my menu for the week.
    I make a good student so please teach

    Thanks in advance

    2Cute: glad you are feeling better and you got your prioritties back in order. I don't make a good patient at all so I know from which you speak.

    Thin: 1/2 # is 1/2 # gone forever. I'm so proud of you and all the hard work you are putting into getting in shape and staying healthy. I wish I wasn't such a slow loser. You are doing great!!

    Mary: You are doing the do at these dinners. Good for you! At least you will have had the fun and won't have to endure any regrets afterwards that takes away the plesant memories. WTG!! for staying true to yourself.

    I'll check in later on

  • It's me again. Yesterday I was too sick to eat anything. Today I want to eat everything.!!!!!!!
    I just woke up from a nap. I took 2 yesterday and still was in bed by 10pm last night. And for anyone who knows me....they know that is not me.

    I just felt complelled to come and check in. I DON'T want to eat off of plan. I don't want to give into these urges to eat everything in sight. I am doing my best to stay away from just plain pigging out.
    One thing that is saving me is that I don't have much to cheat on in the house. That has been a life saver.!!! What little I do have so far has stayed out of my mouth. I am soooooo glad it is not in the house.
    Here I am sick...and I STILL want to pig out. If that is not a sign of a true compulsive overeater I don't know what is. LOL
    I am just hoping that it is because I am still sick that I feel so weak. That as I get better physically ...I also will get better emotionally. It is like I "NEED" the food, in my mind.

    Enough rambling. I did not get my tree up today either.
    I didn't do much of anything today but feel sorry for myself.
    So... I need to get busy. Be productive. Be grateful. Be more positive.
    I will overcome this !!!!
    Thanks for being here for me. Thanks for listening. Thanks for posting. I needed "your strengths" today because I didn't have much of my own.

    Taz... your avatar is so cute. I love the little bunny eyes blinking.
    Susie...hang in there girl. I am sorry I gave you my little bug.
    Thin...I missed you. I knew how long it had been. Glad to have you back again.
    Mary... you are doing sooo great!!! You are the party girl queen.
    And everyone else who hasn't posted on this thread yet.... get your butts in here... NOW !!!!!!
    We need each other.
  • Sorry ladies I am fresh out of tips for today.
    I have a slight cold and I feel stuffed up.
    I had an orange and an apple for lunch with water hows that. well I'll go for now. I feel terrible.
  • AWWWW, Mary, here's hoping you get to feeling better real soon. There seems to be something going around. A few of the girls on my thread are sick too. Try and get enough rest and keep your nurition good and drink lots of H20 and maybe this thing will blow over pretty quickly. {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}

    I hope you like flowers!
    Get well soon
