I can't wait...

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  • OMG - Love this thread!

    I can't wait....

    to not have my thighs rub together!

    to not be the fat sister!

    to be able to keep up with my kids!

    to set a good example of healthy living for my daughter!

    to wear my "skinny" jeans again (even if they are out of style now)

    to like what I see in the mirror!

    to be able to walk for miles without my knees aching!

    I could really keep going with this!!
  • I can't wait.....

    To be able to "fit" into a bathroom stall.

    To really look at myself in the mirror instead of a passing glance.

    To not worry about fitting into an airline seat.

    To be able to tie my shoes without gasping for air.

    I could go on....but I gotta run.
  • I can't Wait!!!

    To be able to sit on hubbies lap and not feel like i might break it

    thighs not too look like cottage cheese

    Hold my head up high no matter whos around.
  • Too feel comfortable to wear my bathing suit without wanting to cover up with my towel

    To wear my cute underwear again (I refuse to buy cute underwear in my current size)

    To wear my smaller jeans again. It's just one size, so hopefully soon! I have some 2 sizes smaller too, that I want to wear again.

    To just feel comfortable in my own skin (especially in summer clothes)

    I have more, but I have to think.
  • What a fun topic!

    I can't wait...

    -for my belly to shrink
    -for my thighs to quit rubbing together
    -to be able to ride something at an amusement park without feeling like I'm squished into the seat
    -for my self-esteem to return
  • i can't wait for -

    -getting hit on like i used to ages ago.
    -backpacking with my family.
    -my husband to have a newfound interest in physical intimacy.
    -to be comfortable with that intimacy.
    -to not have to worry about my kids getting teased for having the 'fat' mom.
    -to make my good-at-everything sister a teeny bit envious for once (sorry, i'm not a saint)
    -to buy sexy lingerie.
    -to not look at every other overweight woman in the world and think to myself "my god... that's how i look."
    -to look at every thin/beautiful woman and think bad things, or get insecure in my own relationship (without justification)
    -be able to do things physically that my size alone prevents right now.
    -to outpace my fit husband on anything athletic.
  • I can't wait to. . .

    -Trade in my elastic waist jeans for regular jeans

    -Meet my mini goal!

    -Meet my long term goal!

    -Not be the largest one in the group when going out w/friends

    -Shop at a "regular" store

    -For my friends to stop giving me their "hand me downs" because they are too big for them but will fit me great!

    -Give my too big clothes away!

    -To be perceived as a normal human and not perceived as the fat girl

    -Be confident enough to ride the waterslides at an amusement park.

    -To get back in a 12/14 again from my current sz 24. I'm 5'10" and think that's a great size for me--Can't wait
  • I can't wait to ----

    - Throw away my fat clothes
    - Burn my double D bra
    - Have a flat stomach
    - Never see rolls of back fat again
    - Love to shop for clothes
  • I'll jump in here....

    I can't wait...
    • to be able to wear a suit and feel 'sexy and suave' instead of like a 'fat banker' or 'opera singer'.
    • to not be afraid to take off my shirt in public
    • to see the extra rolls at my belly and chin disappear
    • to be able to workout to tone & shape instead of burn fat
    • to be able to feel good about who I am and how I look
    • to gain the self-esteem I've never had
    • to see myself the way others see me
    • to not be afraid to try something physically straining
    • to reduce the chance of getting diabetes, like the rest of my family
    • to run again
    • to never have my wife pat my belly again

    Some right off the top of my head, randomly written down.

    Resident Rooster

    To be able to look at the back of my thighs in the mirror;
    To be able to go out in public in a pair of shorts;
    To go to the beach in a bathing suit or shorts;
    To compete on stage again;
    To no longer have a body that men find repulsive so I can go on a date;
    To live in a world where men don't care if you have a dimply rear;
    To learn to live with bodily imperfections!

  • This is a really cool thread!!

    I can't wait...

    For the day I can walk down the eisle on a bus without having to turn sideways and suck in my tummy.

    For the day I only take up one seat on the subway.

    For the day my clothing is so small my sister can't borrow my everyday clothes to wear as maternity clothes.

    For the day my nephew stops introducing me as his squishy aunt. (you gotta love little kids!)

    For the day when I can use a public restroom with having to wait for the handicapped stall.

    For the day when complete strangers stop patting my tummy and saying things like when are you due and is it a boy, a girl, or a medium sized elephant!

    Y'all have agreat day!!

  • I can't wait till:
    *My stomache does not feel like it's hindering me from bending over.....
    *My upper arms don't look like tree trunks, as well as my calves....
    *I weigh less than my dh, and he can pick me up if he wants too....
    *I don't have cravings and healthy eating is a way of life....
    *My pants start to fall off and I have to move a size down....
    *I feel sexy in my panties.....
    *I look good when I go to Hawaii next year.....

    This is good to do because it helps keep you focused on the main goal, thanks for posting this!
  • Great answers everyone!! I love this..
    I can't wait:

    For my thighs too not rub together

    Until I don't have to wear spandex shorts underneath my shorts at the gym because my thighs rub and cause a painful rash

    Until I can fit into my size 10 jeans

    I can't wait to wear shorts and feel cute, and not have to wear capris in the 100 degree weather.

    I can't wait until I feel comfortable in a bathing suit. My dh just bought a boat.

    I can't wait until I feel like I've made a lifestyle change instead of just "dieting" to fit in clothes.

    I can't wait until I stop Yo-Yo dieting
  • I cant wait until....

    Food and Exercise is no longer an obsession and just a way of life.
    Im not "too tired" (or too lazy) to clean my house more.
    I can play with my kids like I am one.
    I can look around and not think everyone is judging me.
    I can be called little.
    For my friends and family to say, wow, you look so great!!
    To shop and buy fabulous new wardrobe.
    I feel stronger and even more energetic

    Im like all of you....I could go on forever with this one...

    Lets make these dreams a reality!!
  • MORE I can't waits!!!

    I can't wait . . .

    -to wear sexy stylish clothes.

    -to give my old too big clothes away.

    -to take a group photo and not be 2-3x's bigger than everyone else.

    -to see my collarbone again.

    -to get on an elevator w/a group of people and not mentally calulate my weight and theirs wondering if I'd be the one to tip the scales over 2000 lbs.

    -to shop at other stores rather than Lane Bryant, Fashion Bug Plus, etc. I like all of their cltohes but it sucks to only have a handful of stores to shop at!

    -to not have my shoes bust out on the sides because of my excess weight.

    -get on the scale and have it down below 200 again.