Good Monday Morning!~

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  • hi all, what's up? I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Needless to say I was not looking forward to coming back to work after having 4 days off.
    I guess it's really crunch time now. That time in between thanksgiving and christmas. For those of us with Christmas goals, this is a really important time. Personally I have to reaffirm my committment to my goal of being 147 by christmas. This is somtehing I must do!!! It is very hard to eat right with thanksgiving, but now there are no excuses!!!
    I guess I don't have much to say, just wanted to say hello and good monday morning and be good today!!!!
  • Good morning!

    Jen3 ~ Christmas is a hard time of year, with candy and get togethers and such. But, take each day at a time and you will get thru it!! This is what this group is for, support!!!

    I had a great weekend. I had Thanksgiving dinner at my house, and did eat my share, but I did eat good things, and only had a sliver of pumpkin pie. Also, since last Thursday I have stuck at 18 points each day and even went out for dinner on Friday night. I started walking on my treadmill too. My WI night is Wed., so I hope to do well. I really think joining WW was what I needed. Having to WI each week is my short term goal and keeps me focused!

    I hope everyone else had a great weekend, and post soon!!

  • I'm lurking today...
    I have several closings today so I'm only gonna lurk.
    My dh's grandpa passed away yesterday. The services are Wednesday and I'll have to take the entire day off so I've got to get a lot of things done today.
    Hopefully I'll be back later!
    Hi everyone!
  • HI everyone. Ahhh, the long weekend was fabulous, but I hate being back at work today!!!

    I ate horrible most of the days, but for the first time, I journaled it. Found out I was only over by 2 yesterday, so all is not lost! I will be in Las Vegas next week for work, so WW will be impossible. I have a very hard time eating every meal in a restaurant. I do this very frequently and still don't have the knack, plus restaurants don't make it easy either!

    Tonya, yah on sucking it in and going to a meeting. I know I get very frustrated with going to meetings, but I guess they are what keep me hanging on!! Oh and thanks for starting the journal thread. It is nice to have others post there too. Whether good or bad, don't be afraid to post!

    I don't think I will make my Christmas goal, but I will do what I can do!! All I want to is to lose something. I am tired of tight clothes!
  • I'm here!
    Hi everyone! After an absolutely horrible weekend of eating, I am back on track. 'sigh'. The scale said I gained 4 pounds overnight after thanksgiving!
    I have been lazy about exercizing, that's for sure......I am back ont rack for WI this friday though...we'll see...I still want to get closer to my X-Mas goal!!!! I'd be happy to be under 150 consistently!!!! I have a good food day planned though...and I am going to cok a healthy dinner tonight.....
    Hope everyone is well..we had the tasting at our catering hall on Friday-yummm!!! we picked out the menu-it's really good
  • AWOL returns (again...)
    Hi Guys! Wow, it's been so long ... we still don't have internet at home (and I am starting to get really p***ed off with phoning the computer people for help), so I am only online once or twice a week at the moment. I've been trying to keep up with everything that's going on, but it's been so quiet it hasn't been too hard. It sounds like everyone's been so busy!!! I have been - still writing up my dissertation, plus doing some teaching as well, which I love. I'm looking forward to getting a job where I can teach my own classes instead of just filling in for other people. Next year ...

    Sooooooo, this can't be too long, but just wanted to let you all know I'm fine and thinking about you all a lot. I have to confess, I've given up going to WW, for lots of reasons, but Blokey and I have invested in scales and printed out journal sheets and we are doing it our own way, after a month or so of going right off the rails. And guess what? We have our very own little furry baby, a hamster called BUFFY who is the most adorable little thing EVER, though she keeps us awake all night running on her wheel and playing with her other toys. I am a devoted hamster-mommy

    Anyway, better run - I will try not to leave it so long next time,

  • Hey guys!

    Thanksgiving went okay for me. I only ate one plate of food with reasonable portions on it. I avoided all snacking on the usuals but desert got to me. I had 2 small pieces of pie initially but towards dinner time when there was no other food left and I was hungry I ended up eating two other small peices of pie and then came home and had some of my mom's leftover stuffing that I obtained once I left hubby's family thanksgiving. Friday was a disaster. I could not quit eating! Then I had another thanksgiving celebration to go to and I heaped my plate (one time though) and had two peices of pumpkin pie!

    Saturday I got back on track but because my tummy was soooo hungry I went over by 7 pts. Yesterday I did much better and only went over by 3. Today I am planning to be right at my maximum. Sometimes it helps me to allow myself to cheat a little each day while reducing my points until I get down to what my maximum should be. I know it sounds weird...but I cannot do it cold turkey! If I do that I usually end up bingeing cause in my mind I supposedly " can't" do it. It's hard to be reasonable with yourself when you are hungry!

    Lolly: Hey there! being a mommy is so much fun. Buffy sounds adorable.....

    Stacey: I am so sorry to hear about your DH's grandfather. Were you able to see him before he passed? I'll be thinking of you guys....

    Jen: my christmas goal is to just lose weight to. I don't care the amount. I would love to be able to fit back into my size 14's which I have seem to outgrown in the last 6 months. So sad!

    Well gonna run. DS is sick today so I will be back when I can! Hi to everyone....sorry I could not respond to everyone! Chat with you soon.
  • Hi all ...

    Back after an eating weekend! (I only had TWO pieces of pie, one Thurday, one Friday!) Trying to recommit myself, and even brought my workout clothes with me so I can go to the gym after work today. Another wake-me up: I got some photos developed Sat. and I was astounded at how I looked. I don't think of myself as THAT overweight, but then I'll see a photo ... and ugh. I actually hid some of the photos so my mom wouldn't see them, like that helped!

    B/f and I had some discussions over the holiday with my parents about possible wedding plans. He was kind of steamrolled on the whole thing, granted, but I think he's committed to next October, which is great! (Another reason to lose weight. I don't want to hate my wedding pictures. )Now I just have to get the ring out of him. I don't know why he's dragging his feet on the actual proposal. I keep telling me I don't need a ring, but he insists that's how he wants to do it. I say, so ASK ALREADY! I should just start planning, but I guess I'd like to know for sure.

    Stacey: So sorry to hear about your DH's grandpa.

    Hi to Lolly, Lori, Tonya, Emily and the Jens. I'm off to get some good, healthy sushi for lunch.
  • Hi!! Sorry I haven't been around lately. I was in Las Vegas last week but am back to work now and it sucks! I ended up in bed with the flu most of the long weekend, and then went to the Hootie and the Blowfish concert last night when I probably still should have been in bed, so I feel pretty crappy today. But I will survive! Hope everyone had a good long weekend (or normal length weekend for those of you not in the US!)

    Tonya- Congrats on officially joining ww! Hopefully you will find the motivation that you need.

    Jen3 - I've read some of your posts, but don't think we've met yet. Hi! You sound so dedicated - I hope it is contagious!

    Stacey - So sorry to hear about dh's grandpa. I lost my grandpa in July so I know how hard it is. My thoughts are with you.

    Jen - Will you get to have any fun while your in Vegas?

    Lori - I'm sure the 4 pounds will come off as quickly as they came on (although it won't be as much fun!)

    Lolly - Good to hear from you! The hamster sounds like fun!

    Kim - Do you think the ring may be coming for Christmas???? Keep us posted!!

    Have a great day. I'll try to stop by later!
  • Hey Jen... Hope you enjoyed Las Vegas. I have been there so many times that it doesn't matter what I do when I am there. We have the convention during the day and usually eat at night. I don't gamble much, just some slots when I am in the mood. My hubby is always jealous when I go because he has never been there. Oh well! I could get Emma a little outfit from Ceasars Palace. Those crack me up!!

    Oh and I forgot to share my great news. I worked out today and weighed there.... SHHHH.... I am back down to my before vacation weight. YAH ME. That means the overly long holiday weekend and 2 family dinners did not get me!!
  • I hope the ring comes by Christmas!

    Well, I made it through lunch, still on program. I had a California roll and a salad. For breakfast I had an English muffin, and I have a leftover meal from a WW recipe (scallops with rice) waiting for me for dinner.


    I'm actually considering not going back to my WW meetings. I haven't been in a month and really wasn't getting much out of them. You guys help me much more than my meetings ever did. It is nice to get the stars and other do-dads as recognition, but is the price really worth it? What do you guys think? Is it possible to lose without the meetings?
  • Kim, before getting PG I did WW at Home. Yes it works, but it takes much more dedication. You don't have the WI's to keep you honest and you don't have a leader in person!! It is a case of "You gotta want it". You need to motivate yourself. Yes the internet helps, but we are only on-line. It you want something bad enough, you need to make the change.

    Hope that helps. Oh and Since Jan. I have been going to meetings and they are much more helpful combined with the internet, than just doing it on my own!
  • Kim,

    I did WW at home for 2 years, and lost all the weight I wanted. But, then as the months went by, I slowly started to lose my motivation. Now I am up 15 of those pounds. So, I joined WW and go to weekly weigh ins and meetings and it is the motivation I needed. Everyone is different. Maybe a new leader would help? Could you attend a different meeting??

    Just a thought!!
  • Hello all. First, JenK: I am not only jelous that you saw U2 twice but now Hootie!!!!! Man, if I was not PG i would be there...but I just don't want to do a concert PG. Sounds too much.

    Kim: I think I would stay with it and try a new meeting time or something. I say this based on me...but I was at a place like you were I thought I did not get much out of meeting and they were so much etc...but when I stopped going I gained so much. It was hard when you were not accountable. I could always justify things to myself and push stuff off. Now I know many people do great on their own. But for me, it was not working at all. I need the meetings only if to have someone look at me when I weigh in.

    Hello to all else. I am off to the dr. Talk with you tomorrow.

  • Trish - I actually saw U2 three times this year (twice in Chicago and once in Vegas) - not to rub it in!!! Hootie was at the House of Blues and I was about 20 feet from the stage, which was awesome, but there is no way you could be there pregnant - it was hard enough for me to stand that entire time. I went with my sister to a concert when she was about 6 months pregnant and she didn't really enjoy it. If you can't tell, I am kind of a concert junkie! I have been to 7 this year.

    Jen - Yeah, I enjoyed Vegas. I love it there - have been there 8 times. With all of the new hotels going up, it seems like there is always something new to see. I never feel too bad about eating while I am there because I always end up walking so much. Emma would look so cute in one of those outfits! They are really funny!!
