WATP ~~ May Daily Check In

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  • I did the 3 mile Express yesterday followed by 5 minutes on the treadmill. This morning it was the 3 mile with 3 pound weights plus the 5 minutes on the treadmill! My goal for April was 92 miles, but with the move to our new high school and getting ready for Spain, I'm lowering my May goal to 80 miles. I don't want to go too low, but I want to be realistic about the time I devote to packing vs working out.

    I didn't get my family walk in, but we are certainly enjoying nice weather!

    Have a great night!

  • This morning I continued with the 3 mile abs workout followed by 5 minutes at 3.6mph on the treadmill! I'm trying to sneak in as much extra with these 5 minutes sets on the treadmill. So far, it's gained me almost another mile this month!

    It's a busy one with PTC today and wouldn't you know it, but the computer system went down! I think everything is back up, but with our entire grading system on computers, that's ALL we need!

    Have A GOOD one!

  • Hi Yal !
    I am still walking some. I broke down and bought a set of strechies as DD2 broke the one that came with the DVD. I had already mended it one and this time I figured it was time to get something a bit more stronger.
    I did the three mile with weights yesterday.
  • Hi
    Its been a fun and busy week I have been doing the 3 and 4 mile walk slim Hubby and I are leaving in the morning for Orlando to visit my youngest stepson and wife we will be back on Monday night ill be doing walking while we are there hope you all have a great weekend
  • I did the 1 mile before work today and walked 1 mile or so around town after work. I might also do the 2 mile in a bit.

    What is good for the next stage. I like my WATP 2 mile that seems older more than my 2 mile express. But I think I need to start it longer.
  • Hi all! I did 2 miles on the treadmill this morning (again) and did the .6 mile jogging all together. I was doing the .5, but on May 1 I added the .1 for the month, but I did it with a brief walking interval. Today I did it continuously. I thought that was good.
  • After spending half the morning on the phone with family, a friend and Delta Airlines, I managed to get in 3 miles (1 w/belt, 1 w/stretchie and 1 with just walking) of the 5 mile dvd.

    I'm glad I did. It helped ease the stress of having to get ready to leave for Pensacola to spend the last days of my mom's life with her. I don't leave until Saturday so I hope to get another workout in tomorrow. It really does relieve the stress.
  • Wow! I guess I'm the only one here.

    In the middle of packing and trying to keep busy, I did the entire 5 mile advanced workout.
  • mare, my thoughts are with you during this trying time. Try to get some exercise in while visiting your mom, it'll help you de-stress.

    I did my usual treadmill workout this am. Perhaps this weekend I'll do a WATP but tomorrow is looking like snowshoeing at Crater Lake.
  • Glad I found this thread...I love her videos! I only do the 1 mile 2 mile walk now. Have been doing them for about a week now. She has a walk/job tape that I really want...has anyone ever tried that one?

    I did both 1 mile and 2 mile today and yesterday...not going to do it tomorrow (but I say that now but I might sneak in the 1 mile..just don't want to over do it my 1st 2 weeks lol). But yeah I love her videos they really do give me a workout! Especially with the weights!
  • I did the 2 mile express with the stretchie today.
  • Hi all, I did the 2 Mile Express workout this morning.
  • I've been helping my sister out so much lately that my meals haven't been inline as they usually are, and yesterday is the first time in five weeks that I missed a workout. Today I did get the 1 mile get up and get started with the 2 pound weights done and it felt great.
  • Welcome wateraddict!!! I have the walk and jog - it's pretty good but in the walk slim DVDs there's intervals of walking and jogging too - and I think those are better.

    Michelle, I'm proud of you for helping your sister so much. I hope she's starting to get better. I admit I haven't wanted to use my brow wax since. I remember someone here mentioning a microwaveable one - I'm going to look for it. And, Michelle, have you noticed how dedicated you've become to walking again??? I have - good for you - you're mother would be proud.

    I went to Crater Lake yesterday to snowshoe. It was great fun. We snowshoed about 3 miles. I was pooped last night.

  • Marie ~~ Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I do see that I've become very dedicated to my walks and I know my mom would be very proud of my efforts and accomplishments, and it feels really good. After talking to my sister and BIL a couple days ago, I found out that my sister was heating the wax up wrong, atleast compared to how I do it, and it make my skin crawl to know this, and if only I had known, I could have explained it to her. She was heating the wax up completely until it boiled, where I only heat it up a small amount and then I push down on the top of the wax that is still hard so that the melted wax from the bottom of the pan raises up and covers the top to melt all of it, and then I immediately take it off the burner. I just feel so sad that she didn't know this and I could have helped her. She's been feeling so down about herself so tomorrow I'm picking her up and dropping her off with the lady that does my hair, and she's going to color and cut my sisters hair, and wax her eyebrows since that never was accomplished before. I'm going to do the 1 mile get up and get started with the 2 pound weights in just a little bit, and I hope everyone has a good Sunday! Your day yesterday Marie sounded like lots of fun and full of exercise!