Thanksgiving Streak #9

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  • Yup. New thread. We could push on for #60, but I feel like maybe enough is enough!

    I've been doing well on my WW week (although i do appear to have developed a stutter -- goes well with the tic in my eyelid ) 3 days down, 4 to go 'til weigh in. I WILL do this! I have pretty much been a model of restraint, although I had a second beer last night which put me 2 points over the optimum. Think I had some banked though, so it should be okay.

    We looked at the houses yesterday, and as predicted DH went for the more expensive one that needs a lot of work. It does have some things in its favour, such as location, and the size of its rooms, but I do find the thought of all that work a bit disheartening. Oh well... The other house we could have moved into and not wanted to change a thing (well, maybe put in a kitchen island). Looking forward to getting this over with -- we're going to put in our offer this aft.

    Joanie, my son is struggling with the idea of being a father (do you remember the pregnancy trauma?) and trying to get himself motivated to deal with that and other aspects of his life. He's a bit depressed because he feels like his life was hijacked. I hope he can become more positive; I'm trying to help him see that his life is full of potential, but he is overwhelmed.

    You are sure dropping the weight quickly. Make sure to be healthy!

    Crone, it sounds as if your housework workout is as aerobic as my regular one! Re: binges to ward off anxiety -- oh, me too. And I will eat whatever I can find that roughly approximates something I want to eat. Not too hard to eat a thousand calories at all. I've certainly been anxious this week, but I haven't succumbed yet. Other than the extra beer, but drinking is not really my problem. I know I'd be better off if I didn't drink alcohol or caffeine, but I feel like I am not ready to give up all my crutches, so I drink moderately and try to keep the coffee intake down.

    Hope everyone is well. Have a great day, All!

  • I just had to share this with everyone. Is there a message here for us?

    The L.M. Boyd column in this morning's paper led off with the following quote:

    "In cold weather, your body has to burn calories to warm the air you breathe before its oxygen can be absolbed into the bloodstream. Two hours of such frigid air can take as much as a pound of weight off your body. Canadian military researchers found that out in cold-room tests. They then concluded that the dieter serious about losing weight might do well to spend a lot of time out-doors in the winter."

    As for me, I am still streaking along rather slowly, neither losing nor gaining. Guess that is a plus. Keep happy everyone.
  • Day 7, I think ...
    Really ill from this virus (not the computer kind, Babette! ), so might have lost track of streak days, but actually still on it as haven't eaten all that much and have substituted mind-body stuff for aerobics each day. Still doing weights, as that seems to make me feel better. Actually, I AM feeling better and intend to rest a lot for the next two days.

    JoJoJo2: Thanks for posting the column on the relationship of cold weather and calorie burn. Too bad I can't FIND any appreciable cold weather where I live.

    Seriously, I know for me the weather is a factor in how much I eat. In the heat (which lasts approximately nine months or more here), I tend to overeat, which seems the opposite of what one would think. Some people tell me they don't want to eat at all in triple digit temps, but others say that like me, they eat more. For me, I think it is related to trying to cool down my body by ingesting cold food. Others say it's just a way to make themselves feel better in the miserable temps. I just know it's definitely a factor and I'd think those in cold climates would experience effects from the weather also, including the one your columnist mentions. I wonder if the increased calorie burn results in an increased appetite or if the discomfort of cold brings on a longing for warm comfort food in big amounts.

    Either way, enjoy your snow, those of you who live "up there" somewhere!

    My tatting and a Stephanie Plum novel await ... good-night, all!
  • On day 24 of my streak and I'm pleasantly surprised! I can hardly believe I've had 23 days that I can look back on and feel 100% satisfied with how I've eaten, and I haven't given in to stress or social eating. I don't think I've ever had such a long run!

  • Day 8 & Sunday Morning ...
    ... coming down. That should be in quotes as it's an old song, but I don't have a citation for it ... no idea who wrote it or where it comes from. It does, however, describe my grim Sunday morning mood!

    Weighed in and am UP another half pound. Don't get this, since I'm eating on the low side. But I've been too sick to exercise aerobically for about a week, so this might be affecting things. A half a pound doesn't sound like much but my weight moves up and down very slowly and in extremely precise increments, so I'm sensing a trend here.

    Oh, well! Tomorrow is another day, as Scarlett said!

    Goddess, congratulations on your 24-day streak! I'll bet your body is standing up and cheering its thanks for taking such good care of it!

    Have a great week, everyone. Onward and downward.
  • Eydie YEAH!! Super! Twenty-four days is wonderful and you should feel very proud.

    Crone I'm sorry you've been under the weather. Maybe that has something to do with the gain? I always gain a pound or two when I'm ill or if my allergies are acting up. You've been doing wonderfully so don't let a blip on the scale get you down.

    JoJoJo Maintaining is great! Many people don't realize how much effort it can take just to maintain one's weight.

    Joanie I hope you're not eating as low-calorie as you did the first time. Remember that you have the rest of your life to lose this weight and it is NOT a race. Eating too low calorie may be what inspired you to go off-program and gain the weight in the first place. So don't do it! Doctors recommend at LEAST 1,200 calories (that is the LOWEST you can eat safely) but 1,500- 1,800 is better. Eating this way takes the weight off slowly, but it's a lifestyle you can live with withou binging or having to take a "day off". I hope you don't think I'm "preaching" to you, I just really want to see you succeed!

    Babette It sounds like you'll have a lot of work on your hands when you get that house. But think of how beautiful you can make it! I hope you have a great weigh-in this week.

    Well, just a short note to let you all now that as of this morning, I am six pounds from goal!! I have been doing great. I'll be back later with more details, but I'm excited. Right now I have to run some errands for work. Have a good one!
    Love, Lisa
  • hello all. seems i've missed quite a bit since i was last around. i've been *very* busy lately-this week things start to calm down and i am very thankful for that. i've been doing pretty well. managing to fit in trips to the gym around the craziness here, eating decently-lost about 2 pounds recently (i think-the paper is upstairs) and quite a few inches.
    i hope you are all doing well-from what i have read it seems like it.
    take care all!
  • back again - 161 lbs
    Sounds like I have missed alot too. Welcome back Joanie! I have been eating terribly lately. Sort of using trying to get pregnant as an excuse for eating like I already am. We (I mostly) decided there is no way I want to be pregnant through the summer (allergy season for me) and have a baby at the beginning of the school year. So we are going to stop trying until at least june or so and I am going to work on losing again.

    I weighed in at 161 this morning which is about 5 lbs above what I have been at most of the summer. I am going to stop buying wine. I am going to stop eating lunch at school (I know better than that, but it is so easy). And I am putting an all stops on chewy gobstoppers. I go through at least 2 boxes a day at school. I have been getting the the gym about once to twice a week for the last month, but I want to up it to at least three days.

    We don't have enough snow yet, but I bough XC skis this weekend and hope to do that for exercise on weekends in the morning before downhill skiing all day.
  • hello. just went back and read all that i had missed in the last thread. wow!! you guys are really doing awesome!
    i pigged a bit last night, but i'm not feeling too bad about it as i have been doing so well. off to the gym after class this morning.
    take care all
  • Afternoon all!

    I had a great day yesterday. I had gone to buy donuts for the guys on our crew when I realized I had locked my keys in the car *duh* So I was really stressed because I was already in a hurry and I felt so dumb for locking the keys in there AGAIN. *I'm a scatterbrain*. So I waited for someone to bail me out-and they did. But then I was feeling frazzled and weird and I had a dozen donuts in the car with me. Not good! That's when the evil voice started, trying to get me to eat those donuts! I even thought for a moment that I could just eat the frosting and the fillings and throw the rest out. Eventually I won and not the evil voice!
    So I'm now on Streak Day #8

    Morrigan Welcome back again! Hope to see you posting more often. Congratulations on trying to get pregnant! it's hard to time that whole thing isn't it? Anyways, I wish you both good luck when you start trying next year. You'll have a great healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby too.

    Crone Glad you're feeling better.

    Joanie How are you doing today?

    Babette Do you weigh-in today?

    Hi everyone!

    Like I said, I'm doing super good. This is the longest streak I've had in a loooong time! I'm floating on air.

    I'll report in tomorrow. Tonight will be a challenge because I'm craving fried foods (why?!?!) and we're having a out of work meeting at BW-3's (Buffalo Wild Wings) and their wings are the best! I'm going to try to eat only four wings and maybe a couple fried mushrooms, then just keep myself busy with a diet soda. Or two. I really really want to stay OP. I'm dreaming of being at goal on Christmas day. Wouldn't that be great?
    Stay OP today and have a good one!
    Gotta go for now.
    Love, Lisa
  • 159 (doing bettter)
    I am going to the gym today after school. So far today, I counted up my change pile from which I buy stuff from the candy machine everyday and donated it to a teacher with cancer ($45 - I even threw in $ for the candy I have already eaten this year). I have had kashi with yogurt, split pea soup, and a v8.

    I am feeling pretty good about my chances considering I no longer have $ to spend at school on junk.
  • Day 1, New Streak
    Hi, all! I'm starting over here because I've been so up and down and eating weirdly (a word, I'd say)! Last night I couldn't STOP eating; couldn't journal it fast enough, so don't know how many calories I ended up with.

    Today, I had oatmeal for breakfast, slimfast for lunch (I like it!), noodles with some cheese for dinner and a low carb EAS shake for a snack. I will also have an orange later. This works out to approximately 1500 calories.

    Exercise was my usual Tuesday weights, which I try never to miss as it is so important for bones and muscles to have resistance exercise.

    Morrigan, hello! What a great way to use up your candy money by donating it to a fellow teacher. I don't know if I'd have had the fortitude to do that. A daily candy habit can be very comforting. Good luck with all your goals! You always seem to come out a winner.

    Weeesa: Congratulations on wrestling with the donuts! I often lock my car keys in the car ... used to do it at 2 a.m. when I was a reporter and covered interminable planning meetings that went on into the wee hours. At that time in the morning, I'd have no choice but to call the police to use their slim jim on the window so I could FINALLY go home! If there was any food in the car on those occasions, I simply ate it, no self-control involved! So you have my admiration.

    It would be great to be at goal on Christmas ... I would STILL like to be approximately 15-17 pounds less. But I'd be happy if the scale would just stop blipping by Thanksgiving.

    Sychie: You ARE doing well. Glad you enjoyed a bit of a "pig-out" ... good for the metabolism.

    Everyone, have a great rest of the week! Onward, downward and full speed ahead, ****ing the ammunition!
  • I never made it to the gym. Well, technically I made it in the door, but then I called my DH who said dinner was ready and dinner won out. Also I had arrived 2 hours past when I had planned since I had an unexpected IEP meeting and a forgotten district technology meeting which put me at school until almost 5:30. When I got the the gym I sold a few tickets for a benefit and then left. Now it is 7 and I have to grade papers till I go to sleep, so no exercise today.

    On the other hand, I had a 986 calorie day. I don't plan on being that low all the time, but I definately need a kick start this week. And when my TA showed up with two boxes of gobstoppers (one for me, one for him - like he does everyday) I didn't even eat any - although I did tell him about my new plan and had him count up all the change. I did pick up the box, but he said, "Mrs. Auld - you just said you weren't eating any now put the box back down slowly." It made me laugh and I put it back down and he stuck it in his pocket.

    There are some really long streaks happening here. Goddess 24! and Weesa 8! Good job to both of you. I haven't made it past day 3 or 4 in months.

    Right now my goal is just to stay on track for as long as possible. Getting to the gym is a big deal to. I am really lucky skiing isn't open yet, because I know my knee is not in shape for it, even though I have permission to ski and race again from my knee doctor.
  • UP TO DAY 27!!!!!!
    Good morning! I wanted to check in early this AM before I go to work. Today I'll be making mountains of cranberry-white chocolate chip cookies to stockpile in the freezer for our Victorian Christmas coming up the 2nd week of December. Hey, I made it thru the first round of fudge making last week and I can make it thru this! That's my plan--will let you know who 'wins'.
  • Day 2 of the new ...
    Ending at 1770 calories with Pilates for exercise! Feeling much better but still very tired.

    Goddess: Congratulations on passing the fudge test and hope all is well on the Victorian cranberry-white chocolate chip front! Gosh, those sound delicious. I love cranberries AND white chocolate AND cookies. I know you will be the one who wins, though, not the food.

    Morrigan: You sound like a dedicated teacher with little free time. I think it's great you've done as well as you have in exercise adherence, because exercise does eat up time. What are gobstoppers, BTW?

    Hope everyone else is well and on the downward path ... I'm going off to dreamland now!