Daily Thread for Tues Nov 6

View Poll Results: What kind of dressing do you eat with your Turkey or Ham?
Cornbread Dressing
White Bread Dressing
Other, please give yummy details!
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
  • Good morning everyone! Today is internet police day, but I wanted to sneak on during a smoke break.
    I broke down and ate Halloween candy and Chinese Food yesterday, but TOM is here with a Vengance and I couldn't resist.
    I am going to WI tonight, not my normal one since I'm getting my hair cut...yes, again! But at least I'm going.
    To all who inquired about the Foliage Tour, it was beautiful! It got kindof hot so we all took out the T-tops and put the convertibles down, just in time to drive thru a thunderstorm! So, we pulled off at a lookout point and soaking-ly put the tops back on. hee hee I can laugh about it now, though.
    Well, I must get back to work, but I wanted to post a poll. SO, to get us in the Thanksgiving mood....
    See ya'll later!
  • Morning All,

    Eek, got a midterm back and I did well and am still not satisfied with my mark... grrr... I hate being a perfectionist at times, though on my word processing production test I got an A+ so I was happy (though the course is beyond easy).

    Apparently the BFs mom kept asking my BF is I liked her and all, she liked me so I am happy!!

    Stacey: don't worry, TOM hit me badly this month as well, maybe it's the changing seasons. I don't know.

    Anyhoo, I have 2 midterms in the next two days, but all my assignments are finished for the week so I am happy camper!!

    Have a good day!

  • Hi everyone! Sorry I've been missing for a few days, okay since mid-week last week sometime. I've been busy at work and haven't had much time for posting.

    Ali~Good job on your midterm and good luck with the next 2 you have to take.

    Stacey~Next time you have a sweet tooth, try chewing a piece of gum.

    Well, I weighed in yesterday and was disappointed because I gained a pound back. I know it's my fault cause I didn't watch what I ate over the weekend, ate a bunch of cookies, didn't drink nearly enough water, and barely got any exercise. I'm back on track though for this week and I even exercised last night. I walked for 10 minutes during my lunch (would have been longer but I wanted to read more Harry Potter) and then I walked the dog for 10 min. last night and did 20 min. of aerobics. I felt great last night and I feel pretty darn good today too. I'm drinking more water and eating healthier. All the sugary snacks are out of the house and all we have is fruit. HOORAY!

    I must get back to work. Have a great day everyone!

  • Hello all. I am so tired today. Some days really hit me hard. Also, so sore today. My back is killing me and I am so crabby. I bet you are all glad I came on here to complain.

    I may go home early today to take a nap before my meeting tonight.

    Yummy dressing. My family makes a mix of white bread and corn bread. It is very yummy. I really love the dressing, but I have to be careful to not overdo it. Anyway, I can not eat big quantities right now or it makes me sick. I just eat a few small meals a day. Make me and baby happier.

    Hello Ali, Stacey, and Shauna and everyone else who is to post. I need to go to lunch now.

  • Help!
    I just want to eat anything that's here at the office. Someone needs to smack me or something.
  • Hello Ladies, Yikes apparently nobody's in the postin' mood today .
    Shauna- I'd smack ya but I am having a food day too!! I am not totally blowing it but I am not really doing well. UH it is such a contant frustration. I wish I were born skinny. Ok my wish didn't come true yet but if it does I will let you know!

    Ali-Good job on the test don't be discouraged about the mid-term. TOM was rough for me this month also. I wonder if it is just the accesibility of candy during this time of the year Who knows!!!

    Stacey sounds like a fun filled wknd. weather and all!!

    Trish- YOu can definitely bring your crabiness here Run home and get a nap girl!!!!

    Well I had another nice evening with b/f. He is so tired from working so I spoiled him with a massage. He is so lucky to have me I think that if we stay together I will take some classes on massage b/c he loves them and I would love to get better at givign them. Rina, is that possible to just take a few classes or no???

    Well I will check in later!
    Come out all Lurkers!!!!
  • Mmmm, Thanksgiving. We call it stuffing, cuz it's stuffed in the turkey, and it's an old Scottish recipe of my grandma's that is out of this world. It uses stuffing mix, a variety of spices and other ingredients and SAUSAGE! Yes, uber points! But boy 'o boy, is it good. My mom puts chunks of onions in it, which I don't particularily like, so I just pick 'em out and eat the rest.

    Not a lot of time to write today ... so have a good one, everyone!
  • I ate a fun-sized jolly rancher, 1/2 cup of sugar free choc. pudding, and some sugar free hot choc. How bad did I do?
  • Shauna: I don't think too bad. Look a the nutrition info, I bet the Chocolate was only 1 pt and the rest I am not sure.

    Kim: we call it stuffing too...but we don't stuff it in the bird anymore as my mom read some article about that being a breading ground for salmanela (sp) anyway, don't want to get food poisening...especially this year. But I am now use to the "outside stuffing" as we call it.

    Becky: I am glad you are having fun with your bf. It is nice to find time to spend together. Hubby and I always seem to see each other coming and going. Very frustrating.

    Ok, I am going home soon. See you all tomorrow.

  • Trish: Stuffing in the bird is also supposed to increase the fat content of the stuffing by oodles! Last year, I suggested cooking the stuffing separately and was given a dirty look.
  • Hi everyone!

    Not much new so far... always tough coming back to work after a long weekend. :evil
    I did get my walk in the morning and even watched a movie before work. I think Todd is finally over his cold (thank goodness *sigh*) so things should get back to normal.
    I got some great ideas for handmade xmas ideas so I'm going to sneak out in a bit and pick some supplies up at Michael's. The ornaments look neat and quick and easy to do. I am trying a recipe for cinnamon ornaments... they will smell wonderful!
    Both my mom and sister gave me gift certificates to the same clothing store and my grandma gave me some money so it looks I will be going clothes shopping in the next few weeks... how exciting! My mom also gave me a WW Recipe Cd full of recipes! No points are listed but all of the NI is listed. I also burned 2 other recipe Cds that she had, both are Master Cook... one regular the other is light. And of course it will let you change ingredients, servings, and let you import and export with all NI. It looks great!

    As for the stuffing poll, I said other as my mom makes a wonderful Oatmeal dressing... no bread! It was my Scotish Grandmother's recipe and it just tastes awesome! Always a Christmas tradition.

    Have a great day all!