Whole Wheat Krispy Kremes?!?!?!

  • I wonder what these can possibly taste like? Too bad they still used the original glaze on them.

    Has anyone seen/tried these? Seems like a bit of an oxymoron, if you ask me!

    I guess they launched on 2/19. The website just shows a picture, says "Only 180 calories!", and coming to participating stores.

    We don't have a store here in Albany - one opened a couple years ago, but went belly up after just a year. This is definitely DD's territory here!
  • I'm glad I don't like donuts... crazy.
  • I don't know if this is truly a bad thing...I'm kind of happy about it. My diet philosophy is somewhere along the lines of "eat the best version of what you want that you can". If I -really- wanted a doughnut, I'd like that I could have one minus the nutritional vaccuum that is white flour, even if still does have the original glaze and white sugar. But its a calorie-controlled item that would probably still solve a doughnut craving, with an added bonus of some fiber.

    Not an everyday item, obviously...hope people don't think "hey, my doughnut is healthy now!" and overindulge.
  • Krispy Kremes were one of the biggest disappointments of my life. I'd never even heard of them until I'd already given up sugar and white stuff, then the craze hit. There were no franchises near here, so we stopped at one at the end of the Northeast extension of the PA turnpike on a drive home from Cornell a few years ago. Filled with anticipation and drooling at the heady smells, I decided to splurge my high calorie meal for the week at KK. YUCK. I didn't like the first one. So of course, I assumed it must have been a freak and ordered a second. After 3 very mediocre but overly sweet different doughnuts, I was relieved to discover I really don't like Krispy Kremes! I'm not a big fan of Dunkin, either. Back when I could eat wheat, it was almost worth the drive to Ontario for Tim Horton's.

    I can't imagine a WW doughnut would really be much of an improvement, but I guess I don't understand the lure of the doughnut.

  • L.A. had a couple of really good doughnut places...I'm glad I don't live there anymore, it's easier to live without them from far away
    But *if* I did decide to have a doughnut, I'd want a real freaking doughnut (read: absolutely terrible for you) I think.

    The thing about doughnuts though is that it's so hit or miss, when they're fresh and hot they can be worth it, otherwise they can be kind of disappointing and I think a whole wheat one might fall into that category. But who knows, it could be tasty fiberiffic sugar high.
  • Mel, were they hot ones, fresh off the line? I don't care for them cold, but the melty ones are pretty good, altho, I do prefer the real DD ones myself.

    Donuts are my downfall. Icecream, crunchy things, no. Doughy chewy bagels & donuts......sign me up.
  • They were hot, Fran. Luckily doughnuts are not my downfall! I'd really be in trouble since I can't eat wheat products now!

  • I think their regular glazed doughnuts are 180 calories also. So, no calorie savings there but the whole wheat *may be* a little better for you
    The thing about doughnuts is I can't stop at 1-I have to have at least 2.
    There was an article in Consumer's Reports about the new Krispy Kreme cookies. They had almost 500 calories each So, that's 2 doughnuts.
    I just need to stay away
