Thursday Chatters for February

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  • Welcome to the group, Leigha. Everyone here will be happy to help you along. It sounds like you've made a great first step......16 pounds.

    Tammy, when you get your photos developed, ask them to put them on a disc for you. Kodak does that and I'm sure others will, too. Sometimes it's done for free, even. Our scanner bit the dust a long time ago and we never replaced it. Larry bought me a great color printer, instead.
    I have some photos of Smokey that I'd love to enlarge. I will just have to take them in and have them done.
    But really, get them put on a disc.

    I have felt so sick all day. Tonight I feel better but don't have a voice---very frustrating.

    BTW, those people better buy your house, Tammy.

    Maureen, where are you?????

  • Welcome Leigha!! This is a really great group, and we always happy to have new people to chat with and to help us solve all of the problems in the world.
    My son is a freshman in college, and he decided at the beginning of this semester to start going to the gym and to start eating healthier.

    Tina, putting the pictures on a disc sounds like a good plan! Glad you feel better!! Does Larry mind you not having a voice???? Bob would be thrilled if I didn't!! lol I agree about the people and the house!! I know the people who just put a contract on it really want it. Her uncle was talking to a friend of mine about it.

    It is way too late to be up even though I don't have to get up early except to let Kramer out in the morning. I'm meeting Carol and Melissa for lunch as long as the roads aren't nasty. I am really tired of snow and the cold.
  • Morning,
    It was 14 degrees here the other night. I'm so ready for SPRING!!!

    Pat's band is playing tonight, I think I'll stay here and get some stuff done.

    Amy is right about Pat and Rob having headaches. Pat has a headache every day of his life. Sometimes they last 6 weeks or longer. They can't find any medicine to really help. His grandfather had them like that too. So I always feel bad when I have one but mine go away.

    Our mom calls Amy and I twins because we're so much alike.

    Leigha, welcome to the group.

    Amy, I'm proud of you. Do you have a name for the puppy yet. I like the name BELL. That's my 2 cents.

    Tammy, I'm reading the same book as Amy. It's funny because I said I think I'm going to go get it and she said "I just got it this morning."

    Tina, get to feeling better, Sweetie!
  • Hello everyone! A very quiet group!! It was 44 degrees here yesterday!! A real heatwave compared to the past couple of weeks. The snow is starting to melt, so then there will be flooding in areas. A vicious circle.

    Off to school for the morning. I leave at noon. My uncle passed away, and the funeral is this afternoon. He has had heart problems for the past few years.

    Hope everyone is doing ok!!
  • Morning,
    Tammy, I am so sorry about your uncle's death.

    It is quiet around here nowadays. People are just not posting anymore. I don't know why that is.

    Yesterday was David's birthday. I had a spurt of energy and used every ounce of it. He wanted us to order pizzas and for me to make a chocolate cake w/chocolate fudge icing. We had a fun evening, just the 3 of us.
    Today I'm going to take it easy so I can get completely over this virus.

    Tammy, how many more days until "freedom"

  • Tina, the funeral was tough for everyone. My mom had 14 in her family, and now there are only 4 of the sisters remaining.

    Happy Birthday to David!! It sounds like you had a fun time. Tim's b-day is March 5. We're planning to go over and take him out to eat on Sunday the 4th or maybe we'll just go over on his b-day since I will be finished!! He wants to go to Damon's.

    I now have 6 days left. There are 2 other elementary teachers retiring at the end of the year, so one of the 5th grade teachers told me today that there will be a big party at the end of the year for all of us. Works for me! BUT she did say that she is bringing in one of her world famous frozen cheesecakes on my last day. YUMMY!!!!!

    Sure wish everyone would post more often!!
  • Morning,
    I wish you ladies up north could be here today. Right now, it's 70 with a possiblitly of it becoming 78! Yesterday it got up to 83 degrees. Yep, that's right....right here in February. It was heavenly to wear shorts again.

    Tammy, I know you must be counting the hours until your retirement.

    How is everyone else doing?

  • Hi Ya'll,
    Hope everyone is doing good! I'm ready for spring break. Only a week away! I get a student teacher after spring break. Hopefully, she will be good not like my last one.

    Tammy, I am so sorry for the loss of your uncle. I know that must be real hard on your family. I can't believe that you have 6 days left! We want to come to the celebration!!!!!

    Tina, Tell David Happy Birthday for us!!!!! Hope you are feeling better! If it's the bug I had, it takes a while to get over.

    I have a ton of school stuff to do and don't want to do it. Just wanted you to know that I'm hanging in there.

    I talked to this Chiropractor the other day at the gym, and he was telling me that accupunture would help with weight loss. Believe it or not, I'm thinking about it.
  • Happy Friday,

    Leigha, how are you doing on the program?
    Dee, how is your weather? I saw that y'all had some cool mornings.
    Amy and Susan, I hope your father is doing better now.
    Sis, Maureen, Jodi, Mimi, Brandy.....and the list goes on. We would love to hear from you all.
    Tammy, how many more days?

    I went to the dermatologist yesterday to have a skin tag cut off. Yikes. He said I would feel a little pinch. Nope, I could feel him cutting, twice. Evidently that numbing cream is old. I'm just complaining because I'm glad to get rid of the tag.
    I can't walk this morning because I can't get sweaty, because I can't shower until the 24 hrs are up----late this afternoon. (How about that for a sentence.)
    Everyone have a great day.
  • What a day!!!! The weather was changing and it sure does affect the kids. I'm tired. Then I worked out with Mitch tonight.

    Tina, OUCH!!!!!!! You poor thing! I know those hurt! I love my dermatologist but he sure does hurt me

    Tammy, I know your kids are going to be so bummed on your last day. You are an excellent teacher!!!!!!!!

    Amy, where are you?
  • Susan, a friend of mine has done acupuncture for her back pain recently. I plan to get the information and give it a try sometime. I'll have to ask about the weight loss! The weather really does affect the kids' behavior. I can totally agree with that!!

    Tina, I've never had skin tags cut off, but I've had them taken off with some liquid stuff. Have you showered yet?????????????? lol

    Tim has been sick all week. He went to the doctor at school on Tuesday and got an antibiotic. They did a strep test, and it was negative. His temp was 103.2. We had decided he was going to come home on Friday and just get some rest. If he wasn't better, he was supposed to go back for a mono test on Monday.

    His girlfriend ended up bringing him home on Thursday about 6:30. His temp hadn't been under 100 all week. He went right to bed when he got home. When he got up, he tried to eat jello and drink some broth, but he could hardly swallow. There was no way he could take the medicine the doctor at school had given him. His temp was back up to 102.9.

    We ended up going to the hospital Thursday night about 9:30.

    The doctor at the ER (They don't have Convenient Care anymore! I didn't know that.) took one look at his throat and said it was a viral infection. He took him off the antibiotic because he said it wouldn't help. He also said he should not have been put on that antibiotic because it is super strong. He was glad to find out that Tim was eating yogurt because the medicine would have caused severe diarhea if he wasn't eating it. Yuck! They gave him something to bring down the temp and something to numb the throat so he could swallow and possibly get some food in to him. The doctor also ruled out mono right away.

    He can go back to classes on Monday ONLY if he feels lots better. At least he has a note to give all the professors!! I told him to keep wearing the wristband they put on you so he would have proof he had been to the doctor. He didn't go for that. His temp has been under 100 the past 2 days, and he has been able to eat some food - jello, applesauce, oatmeal, 7up, apple juice. Today the applesauce and apple juice are hurting his throat though.

    We're leaving to take him back to school in about an hour. I think being home was the best thing for him. He was able to get plenty of sleep which he wouldn't have gotten in the dorm. He'll be going back to classes tomorrow with the paper from the hospital to excuse him for classes he missed last week. He isn't planning on working the 2 shifts this week, so that should help he get better too.

    I now have 3 days of school. I'll only be there on Mon. and Wed. though. I'm going out to eat with one of the 5th grade teachers after school on Wed. I know we'll have a good time. I'm already dreading the tears (mine and students) on the last day.

    Hope you are all having a good weekend.
  • Poor Tim!!!! I'm so sorry he was so sick. It's a good thing he got to come home. He would've just gotten worse if he'd stayed at school. Good for Jess bringing him home.
    That viral infection has been going all around Texas.
    This morning, there was no a/c, heat or fan going in our church class room. People started coughing and sneezing. I sure didn't want to get that stuff again. I got up and opened the door into the hallway. At least we had a little air circulation in there.

    Tammy, how is Bob doing without drinking? I imagine that's even harder than not having sweets for us.

    Susan, when is your Spring Break?

    How is everyone doing??????????

    I bought some little bottles of water. That way when I want to grab a diet cola, I'll get one of those things instead. As long as I have some carbonation, maybe I'll make it.

  • Hi all!! Tim emailed yesterday that his temp was 97.6 (his normal), so that was a huge relief. He also was able to eat more food yesterday. He has a makeup test to take this afternoon. I'm sure he'll do much better on it than he would have on Friday.

    We've had several students and staff out for so many different illnesses. I think I'll be even more happy to get out of there!! Smart move for opening the door Tina!

    Bob has done ok, but the other night he ended up drinking a couple of beers. I couldn't believe it. I was so disappointed, but I tried not to let him know. He had worked a fish fry at the Eagles, and everyone else was drinking beer, and he ended up with a couple. Of course, a couple in 3 weeks is better than alot more every day of the week I guess. I'll keep praying for him.

    I've been trying to get in more water too. Some days are better than others.

    I have my pictures on a disc. Now how do I send them?????? I know we have experts on here to give me some advice since I don't have a clue!!!
  • Tammy, tomorrow is the day. Have a great one.
  • Hi,
    Well, I got smacked in the nose again today! Not hard but it sure did hurt. I wanted to cry!!! Then I got the stapler thrown at the back of my head and it hit me. Of course, the aide didn't do anything when see saw any of this! My aide will be back (the one out for surgery) after Spring break!!!!! YEA!!!!!

    I exercised today. I think my trainer is getting ready to quit.

    Oh for some interesting news, I'm playing in the faculty basketball game on Friday. I hope I don't die!!!!!

    Tammy, glad Tim is feeling better! Poor thing! Are you starting to celebrate?????

    Tina, Are you feeling better? My spring break is next week. I'm ready for it. Pat's off this week and then taking next week off. We are just going to play.

    Hope everyone has a great evening or night.