Can't Weight to be THIN !!!!

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  • Hi girls,

    Another busy week for me, starting an hour earlier doesn't sound like much but it does make a difference, then at the gym three nights at week, doesn't leave me much time for the net.....crazy as I always have time for the net!
    Carri, no kidding, at least we are faithful in writing, even if it is just the three of us! I have a couple of other buddies I should invite here to chat. And yes I can understand a cheat day turning into a week....or two...or a month for me once And you will get back under 200 again, you did it once you can get there again! I count calories, I follow what they suggest in the Biggest Loser book for what I should eat for my weight.
    Karen, almost time for your weigh in, I can't wait to hear your results, I am sure you will be happy with them! And yes you will be able to exercise without feeling like you will collapse one day, it may not feel like it now but one day you will be in class and just realize hey its getting easier!
    Well my weigh in this weekend will be tricky as its my TOM so I don't know if I will lose or stay the same.
    Take care!
  • Hello Ladies!! My first weigh-in day!!! Well, I was really nervous. I knew I had lost, but I figured it would be less that what I was hoping for. Of course, my deepest desire would be to just go ahead and lose the 65 pounds in the first month! Well, drumroll please........8 pounds! Yeah!!!! That's about 2 pounds a week which is very reasonable.

    Stacey - it's good to see you! I'm sorry you haven't been able to check in more, but if it's due to time at the gym then I say kudos to you!!! I haven't checked out the biggest loser diet, but I have the first workout dvd and it's pretty good! It kicks my butt!...and I've just done the beginner workouts. I haven't gotten the second one yet. I've read that it's not as hard core as the first one.

    I've decided that I'm going to have a cheat day on Sunday for a Superbowl party I'm attending. I'm worried about the cheat day turning into a week, etc. but I'm confident that with my accountability here, I won't let that happen. I need to try really hard to not go WAY overboard though. I had a cheat day one time that turned to into about 4 years......thus my current predicament!!

    Have a good day!
  • Karen - CONGRATS ON THE POUNDS !!!! You are doing a great job !!!! I too am going to have a cheat day for the superbowl cousin, B Maynard, is the punter for the Bears, but I am from Indy so I am also rooting for my Colts - so I guess I will be happy for anyone that wins ... but I am already thinking about what food i am going to eat for it ... guess thinking about food all the time has got me where I am today, ha ha But we can have that meal and get right back on, keep up the good work !!!!

    Stacey - yes, I agree, as long as we all stay loyal and keep checking in we will have some accountability - but yes invite any friends you want !! When I am on my TOM I am always up 2-3 that week so I usually do not even weigh in, but good luck !!!

    I did have a slight cheat last night but not a big one, we went to this italian place and I had a greek salad but my husbands chicken smothered in alfredo and bacon looked better, so I had about 5 bites of that which I know was totally high in calories...but I dont think I went over too bad I guess.

    I also am excited because we bought a black leather love seat for our computer room, it was on sale at a furniture clearance place, and i was so excited to get it...

    Have a great day guys ....
  • Oh, and I forgot to mention.....1 inch off my waist and 1 inch off my thighs!!!
  • Hi girls,

    Man you sure could tell it was a full moon today everything that could go wrong went wrong! I will be glad when this day is over!
    Karen way to go on the 8 pounds! I bet that was a great feeling! Great job! I have the first Biggest Loser DVD workout also, I can do the low intensity cardio and the strength and sculpt workout but the other two forget it! I looked that the boot camp one and yep that was about all I was going to do was look Enjoy your cheat day on Sunday and don't worry about it turning into a week as I will be here to you back into action! haha
    Carri, I hear you, I count down the days until my cheat day, then plan what I am going to eat days in advance, how sad am I?! *L* Don't worry about having some of your husbands dinner, you didn't order the dinner yourself and it wasn't that much so I think you did a good job!
    Sounds like Sunday it all of our cheat days so we will all have to get together on Monday, compare notes
    Take care you two and one more day till the weekend!
  • well mark it down I have already started off really bad work is having all sorts of Colts things going on today and they had a colts cupcake for everyone and it was sooooooooooooo good, but I am sure so full of sugar and fat, not good for my diet or diabetes...but i wanted one dang it !!!

    yes, we will have to get together on Monday and tell how bad it was for Sunday...I have a feeling mine will be real bad, i am so snacky lately , ha ha

    GO COLTS !!!
  • Those darned cupcakes!! My friend told me that I could bring anything I want to the party on Sunday. I figure since I am going to be eating bad anyway, I should just fix the cake mix I had that I was tempted to make during a panic attack (remember that....when I had yet another busted pipe and no water!) That way it will finally be out of my house!! The only thing is that I kinda want brownies, too. I'm thinking about getting a mix of those to take too. That way I'll get it out of my system, and I can leave it at her house for her family to eat (hopefully, she won't be tempted as she is trying to get back on track too!)

    Carri - I'm a bit snacky lately too. When I give myself permission to have a cheat, I usually go WAY overboard! I'm getting excited just thinking about all the CRAP that will be there!!

    Stacey - I'm counting on you (both) to help me make sure we are right back on track come Monday morning!

    Have a good weekend, Enjoy the game (or the food and commericals - which is what I'll be focusing on ), and I'll see you guys on Monday!

  • Go Colts !!!!
    So lets just say it, I ate wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much this weekend, basically I was having an all cheat weekend with the superbowl !! I was soooooooooo happy that the Colts one, we are all so excited here in Indy, it was a great game !!!

    but yes, my stomach feels like crap today, and I would really hate to get on the scales anytime soon better stay off of them until this weekend, my jeans were tighter this morning, ha ha

    It was bad, but i am back on today!!!
  • Hello Ladies!
    I have to confess that knowing I was going to eat awful on Sunday, I pretty much ate awful the whole weekend. That's pretty much why I can't usually have a cheat day every week.....I lose control. I also didn't exercise this weekend. Unfortunately, I find it easier to talk myself out of exercising when it's cold, and we've had more snow and frigid temperatures!

    On the plus side, I noticed last night that even though I ate very unhealthy food (still have a sugar high ), I seemed to eat smaller portions. Normally, I would eat until I was full and then have 2 more plates full. I probably ate more than it seemed because I was "grazing" for a while, but I think I ate less I normally would have. I was so sick to my stomach last night, but I'm back on track today and not looking back. Another thing I did right was that even though I got home late last night, I stayed up and cut up some veggies and got my lunch together rather than going to bed and having nothing prepared for today.

    Carri - Congrats on your Colts winning!

    How are you doing Stacey? I hope you are having a better day!

    Talk to you later!
  • Hi girls,

    I had a day off yesterday and so I spent the day shopping like I had the money *L* And I had to laugh as it sounds like we all had the same sort of cheat weekend! I didn't even have an excuse as the Superbowl is not a big thing in our household so we were not having a party or anything. I guess I just wanted to celebrate it with the two of you.......yep thats my story!
    But the good thing is it sounds like we were all back on track yesterday so that is great!
    I lost 2 more pounds this weekend so I was very happy, I thought I might have stayed the same so it was great to see that I had lost.
    Oh I forgot to tell you my embarrasing story of Friday night at the gym...I was on the treadmill beside this cute guy, and my mp3 player unsnapped from my armband and fell on the treadmill track, well me being the moron that I am didn't hit the stop button on the treadmill but instead tried to pick it up with it still going. Basically in the end I fell off the treadmill LMAO but did land on my feet, I think the guy beside me thought I was special needs, he ended up talking to me, to which my sister thinks he was trying to pick me up, I personally think he thought there was something wrong with me and was trying to be nice The good thing is I managed to stay on the treadmill with no mishaps last night........*whew*
    I hope you are both getting back into the groove without any problems, I know sometimes after a cheat weekend I find it hard to get back into eating my salads and such. So I hope you both are doing good!
    Take care,
  • OMG, Stacey! Your gym story is hysterical!!! That so sounds like something I would do! I have got to be one of the clumsiest people alive! I can actually see it happening (of course you have my face in my vision ) I probably would have assumed the guy thought I was a special needs person, too! Of course with that said, I wouldn't know flirting if it hit me in the face like a 2 x 4!! I can't flirt, and I never know when someone is flirting with me. Your story made my day! And congrats on the 2 pounds! Thanks for celebrating the super bowl with us!

    I am (was) having a rough morning. I realized that the floor in my closet is wet. I can see part of the ceiling that is wet. The bottom of the boxes in my closet were wet but not the tops of them. I think that maybe the moisture is coming in around the baseboards. There is a huge icicle right outside that must be dripping and creating the moisture. My problem is that I don't know who to call when I have problems like this, and I don't have the money to call anyone. Grrrrr! My house issues seem to be one of my triggers for my emotional eating. Days like today, I just wish I could sell my house and start renting again! Unfortunately, it would take quite a bit of work to get it in good enough shape to sell. Oh, the vicious cycle!

    Another trigger to go crazy off plan is when I get sick....and I'm getting a sore throat! I'm determined to stay on plan no matter what!

    Take care!
  • OMG!!!! Stacey !!! I laughed so hard when I read that, because like Karen said - that would so happen to me as well ...we all have clumsiness in common, and I would so laugh at myself about that ...that is too funny...
    Great job on the 2 more pounds down ...

    I actually got on the scales this morning and it showed my 2 pounds up from the weekend, which I expected, I tried not to get on them but the called out to me, ha ha

    Karen - I hear ya on the house stuff, sorry to hear you are having a leak, that would be depressing ... last year my new washer over flowed right onto my new hardwood floors, the water then went down my heat vent on the floor into my basement and my heater ... it was a huge mess I was so depressed not let it get you into an eat fest...

    Well today we are supposed to get like 3-6 inches of snow here, I am really not looking forward to the drive home in it ...hopefully we will not actually get that much ...

    I actually think that after that weekend cheat and how nasty I felt that I have a new resolve to stay OP ...of course that might just be for today, ha ha, no I mean it dh is going to get the tickets for California so I have to get this butt in gear !!!!

    Talk to you girls later !!!
  • Hi Ladies!
    I don't have much going on, but I wanted to drop by to say hello! I haven't been doing badly on plan, but I haven't done great either.

    Carri - I agree with you that I felt terrible physically on Sunday evening/night and am not really interested in going off plan any time in the near future!

    Talk to you later!
  • Morning Karen and Stacey - well as of this morning I have lost 2 of the three pounds that I gained over the weekend, so that makes me feel a little better, also I got my Valentines Day gift early, a beautiful 3 stone pink sapphire ring with little diamonds on the side and the band is in white gold, like my wedding band, it is absolutely beautiful - so that has lifted my spirits...

    I actually did not do too well Monday but have been on Tues and Weds, and with seeing the two pounds gone this morning that helps out some...but I feel like I have wasted a whole week that I could have lost on, and I only have until July - the plane tickets have been bought !!!!! the pressure is on !!!

    Yeah, Karen, as bad as I felt a cheat like that is very far from my mind...

    Hope you both have a good day, hope things are going well Stacey !!

    Talk to you both later!!
  • Hi you two,

    Well its been a quiet week at the gym...I have stayed on the treadmill successfully both nights I have been there.....and the guy that was talking to me hasn't been back... I am two for two!
    Karen I hear you......I wouldn't know if someone was flirting with me or not either, basically because no one really flirts with me at all! I have always been the bigger girl so even when I would go out with my friends I would be the one that was standing there while my friends would have guys hanging around them and buying them drinks. Didn't help out my self-esteem much *L* So now if a guy talks to me I just figure he is being nice and for all I know he might be trying to pick me up....oh well! Also I am very sorry to hear about the leak in your closet, have you been able to get it fixed or stop the leak?
    Carri I was just writing my reply when yours came up, we must have break at the same time! And don't feel bad if you were not on track this week, you are doing fine you have lost two pounds again......great job! Don't put pressure on yourself.....just take it day by day you will do fine!
    Well my break is way over again so I must go!
    Take care,