merry meet

  • Hello everyone I’m Kelly, new comer to the community. My story isn't epic but it is my own. I began the battle of body and mind about 6 years ago, my 14th year I was hit with depression that opened up the door of masochism. What a deep dark world that is (in this case at least). I wasn't conscious of my body until I was 12; I went shopping with my mom and bought a pair of junior size 9 pants. In my adolescent mind I still believed the thought of "oh this item is bigger, that means I’m bigger and older-like" reflecting I see this was very out of place. I was a tall 12 year old thankfully so that size clothing wasn't horrendous, but it still reflected some negative affects. I was an extremely picky eater, subsisting on frozen meals, cheese, and bread with not a fruit in sight (well on the orange tree in the backyard). I remember going to the doctor and my cholesterol and BP was extremely high, especially for a little girl. In the midst of puberty and experiencing public school (was home schooled) for the first time, my eating became more compulsive and began to show in my body shape. After a hellish road trip with my mother and old best friend for a month I became very suicidal and had gained 10 lbs over that month from living on junk food and sitting on my ***, to counter these things I developed an eating disorder, bulimia. Over time it became increasingly severe and tangled with drug abuse.
    When I met my Boy things calmed in me for a bit, but that subsided after a while and I fell with a nasty bout of Anorexia. Dropping about 20 lbs in the course of a month and a half, I was enveloped by my OCD mind. I attempted to recover about two years later which brought me back to bulimia. Finally in 2004 I made a full attempt to truly recover, seeking professional help and all (wasn't worth it, just made me realize how little faith I have in the medical community) for almost two and a half years I’ve been pretty stable. That is until I left home, I know it's common for people to gain an average of 15-20lbs first year away. Thing is I gained that 20+ in about a month... not so average.
    I’ve long held on to the thought of getting back to my low weight in a more healthy manner but it's always been driven by the disorder masked as reason.


    So what has changed? Well I have recently become very objective about my self image. I see that I am not any of the horrid terms I used to label myself (fat, ugly, etc) I am technically in my healthy range for my weight but I am not comfortable in it, so I’m changing it. What is driving me now is health, I want to live a long long time and I realize that my body has to be prepared from now on to live long. So I’m setting out on an epic journey I’ve dreamt of but never had the courage to commit to.
    I know this is going to be one of the hardest things I ever do and I’m going to need support and that's why I’ve come here :]
    This is one of the most supportive communities I’ve ever seen and am very excited to get to know everyone.

    Love light and blessed be
  • Hey Pinkrobot! I just wanted to let you know that i've suffered from anorexia since i was only about 12 years old and now i'm 18 but doing much much better after going to 7 different doctors. I still go to my nutritionist every few weeks. I was about 90 lbs. about a year and a half ago. However, during the re-feeding process i got up to almost 150 and though it's been so hard to do it the right way and not to extremes, have gotten down to and maintained 110-113-ish pounds and am as happy and healthy as ever. So if i can be fine, so can you. Just surround yourself with good people and never think you're alone. With people like us it's all about moderation and realizing to never think you can only have all or nothing and that there is a gray zone there. That's alot of what weight loss is all about. Good luck, just wanted to say hi. By the way, are you a wiccan? Your greetings sound a bit that way. Take care!
  • hey, thank you so much for the reply. i'm so glad that you're happy and healthy, that's all we can ever wish for i believe. you're words are very encouraging and they qualify joining this community. i believe i've finally seen just how bright the light of balance and moderation is and realize there's no turning back now. i'm only a few days in but i'm feeling more empowered every moment, it's amazing.
    to answer your question, i did study wicca at one point but i don't label myself as wiccan now, if anything i'm a practicing celtic/norse pagan. but it's all the same really :] all for one and one for all right

    hope to see you around
    love and light
    blessed be