300+ And Ready to Try Again #1022

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  • We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

    Motivational Monday
    Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
    Thankful Thursday
    FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
    Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Share your Success Sunday

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

    We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

    We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
    we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


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  • OK ladies-- I am on my way to the mall to go walking with my famliy! hAVE A GREAT DAY LADIES
  • Hey Everyone~

    I can't believe I missed almost two whole threads! With so many posts I'll never catch up on replies, although I did try to read them and wanted to make a couple comments.

    First, Luan, I just can't tell you how much I hurt for you! Wish there was some way to make it better. I dated a guy on and off for a long time, we took vacations together, etc. and are still friends today, but when we were first dating, had been for a bit, he said "you know I see other people, right?" and although I tried to blow it off, I hadn't known. It hurt something awful and changed our whole relationship. Although we still saw each other, I knew it wasn't a forever thing and there were times it bothered me and times I was okay with it. Perhaps you should just ask him what he thinks your relationship is? He's making plans with you months away...is he thinking you are just friends? Is he thinking it's something more? More importantly, can you be "friends" with this guy? My fella and I were "friends with benefits" for years...but it something I walked into eyes wide open and you deserve to know if that's what he wants. It doesn't matter how you found out about Virginia girl...if he's keeping her and you on the string, you BOTH deserve to know.

    Ammi-I'm glad you are feeling better about things. I do like the idea of the light shirt over the t...I actually wear that quite often, because I love little tanks, but hate my arms, so I wear it for the sleeves. Would certianly have the jacket effect.

    Well, had a horrible food day yesterday but getting along fine today. Thank heavens for those flex points...although using them all in one day is probably a bad idea! Got the grocery shopping done, so I'm good on food at home at least.

    The nephew lost the thumb on his right hand. So now he's handless on the left and only has the ring and pinky on the right. He is expected to survive, but what a horrible loss for a stupid, stupid prank. My fear actually is for him after he gets out of the hospital. It takes great strenght to overcome such a devastating injury and I'm not sure he has they character to live with this...

    Well, ending on a downer note, but at least I posted. I have to get some office work done today so I better get my butt off the computer and do it! Later all!
  • Misti~Parasailing sounds like so much fun. I always wanted to do that. I would go for it!

    Ammi~ Glad you are feeling better about it! I am glad it doesn't look as obvious as you thought! The layered look really can work. I have a strange birthmark on my arm and I got so tired of people asking me what it was. I would have people in the store constantly stare at my arm if I was in a short sleeve shirt. Its on my upper arm. So what I did was I started buying 3/4 sleeves and there were a lot of button up plain blouses that I could wear with a tank underneath. I usually just don't care what people say but it is nice to find clothes that can hide certain things. Yes my husband has put the scale somewhere in the house! lol I will be taking a break from it!

    Valerie~Sounds like you are doing great staying OP! Oh gosh I better not read the married one. I never even read the first one of "Hes not that into you". Sorry you and your husband are having a hard time. That book sounds interesting.

    Manda~Way to go on the excercise! I always feel so good after walking.

    Brenda~Have fun at the fall festival. That sounds like fun! The pics are great! You are so pretty! And the road sign is too funny!

    Alice~I am not sure about the cardio. But I would "think" you would still be burning fat. I am not sure though.

    Lilion~Sorry you had a bad food day yesterday! Good for you getting back on track today! Sorry about you Nephew..hopefully he will be able to recover and learn how to use what he at least still has left.

    Well its just a cold gloomy day up here at the top of the world! lol We have finally had more than an inch of snow. A little bit of snow is really pretty but when it becomes higher than my car then its gets annoying! We are getting less and less daylight. By nov. we should be totally 24 hour darkness for 4 months!!!! I dunno how I am going to adjust to that. The cool thing is that I will be able to see the Aurora a lot. Thats always a plus! We may be moving soon. My husband put in for a job in Tulsa, OK. It will be nice to get back to the lower 48...you know where there are malls and trees!!

    Well I hope to get my walking in today. I hope you all have a good rest of the weekend!

  • Amy- that is always been my problem, I get so into the future and the total amount I have to lose I mess up today! I’ve been doing much better this time not even thinking about my final goal and having mini-goals. I just need to keep readjusting my thinking to think about today only- thanks for the advice- I let myself get sidetracked a lot. I’m glad you pushed yourself out of bed and went to Curves- I’m sure you feel better for it too! I’m not much of a sports fan, so I can imagine that can be annoying- but at least you have a guarantee of when the store won’t be busy

    Kenya- Your pics look great! You are doing so good- to think you’ve lost 111 pounds!! You are more than half way there!!!

    Jen- I hope you get to feeling better- I hate to go to the doctor so I feel your pain, but don’t let being up 10 pounds from the last time you saw him get you down, remember that if you hadn’t been doing so well you would be up 40 pounds right now- and that would be way worse!! Good luck!

    Sandy- I do need to find a new doctor. It’s not that he’s bad, but I don’t feel comfortable with him-plus half the time you go in you see a nurse instead of him- not that they don’t know what they are doing, but I feel like how I’m I going to accomplish something if I’m not seeing the same person every time? I guess I’ll start the search, seeing as I haven’t seen a doctor for a basic checkup in almost 2 years now. Good luck with the mother-in-law and the wedding! It sounds like you’ve got a good plan and will do just fine!

    Nancy- I’m starting to realize all the horrible mindsets that got me this way- you are right I have used food my entire life as a reward system, and it’s hard to break. I know I’m better, but I still do it! BTW- You look great in those pics!! You should be very proud!

    Ammi- I just realized we have too Ammi(Amy)’s on here ! and you are both right- I need to look at this as a daily thing, I’m killing myself by trying to tackle too much! I’m sorry- I must have been way out of it when you mentioned the trouble you were having because of the Ostomy. I have no idea what an ostomy is (I’m pretty unaware of just about everything real in life) but while I can’t say I understand I do hope that you aren’t letting it get you too down- you are always so positive- and from every picture I’ve seen you look great!

    PPP- I’m so sorry to hear you are taking this so hard- not that I can say I wouldn’t. I don’t know if it would help (it does me) by get a punching bag and take out your frustration- I’ve been known to do that until I start crying. I guess I’m always trying to be so tuff that’s the only way I can let it all out. It really helps me, but everyone has their own thing.

    Misti- I’ve always wanted to try parasailing, but figured I weigh too much! If the weight limit is 300 maybe I’ll make that my reward for getting to the twos!!!

    Valerie-I think I want to read that book-things are great between me and DF but it wouldn’t hurt to read before I make that final commitment. I know you are feeling down right now, but are you sure that you aren’t feeling something now that isn’t true about the past? Maybe you just need to rekindle what you used to have. Of course, I don’t know what I’m talking about- I’m 22 years old and this is the first relationship I’ve ever been in where I truly love and feel love in return- but I hate to see anyone feeling the way you seem to be! We love you!!

    Today is a great day for me!!! I went to the gym as regular on Sunday- and since I hadn't been able to weigh on friday I weighed today- I'm back down from what I had gained plus 1 pound! That means I've offically lost the first 10% of my goal!! Also exciting, I brought a friend with me to the class and I showed her what barbells to get etc. When the class started the instructor asked who was new. My friend raised her hand and the instructor said "I saw Kim showing you what to do, and she's here every week, so you'll be fine- just let me or her know if you have any questions." I don't know why this was such a big deal to me, but the instructor knew my name and considers me a regular!! I don't think i've ever stuck to something that long that I've become a regular!! Anyway- I'm on cloud 9 today- and now it's time to hit the books! Talk to everyone later!
  • Oh- has anyone heard from Zelma? I was curious to know that her surgery went okay and she's recovering well...
  • Ammi:
    I don’t mind you asking that, I know I would be curios too It was just a strange coincidence meeting him really. He wrote me some messages on my cell phone by mistake, he thought he was writing someone else, and we kinda started to chat. I didn’t liked him at all, thought he was too young and very pushy. But it was fun, then after a year I really don’t know why I answered to his call but from that moment things just started to go its own way, we had absolutely no control over it. And I am not a kid and these things don’t just happen to me, I am quite mature and I know it sound pretty strange and if any gf of mine would come and tell me something like that I would probably be telling her to get smart and a life but what can I say, it happened to me no matter how strange it might sound.
    I don’t doubt feelings towards my bf, as I do know what they are and I know they are not what they should have been. I and my bf are together 4y now. And I love him dearly, or so I thought. But we are too different. That’s the main problem I guess, we have different interests. I am way too spontaneous or lively for him, I need action and he doesn’t. I love going places and he doesn’t. I thought about this for a long time and decided I do not want to spend my life with someone who doesn’t share my kind of joy for life. He does know I do not plan to stay with him, he knows what kind of problems or doubts I have but he agreed to stay together on more shallow level for the time being. He loves me and he’s gonna be my friend for ever. But he does not know I have strong feelings for someone else and I pray to god he never finds out.
    I know the next question is why I stay with him Don’t ask me that, but the best answer I can come up with is that I need him for now. I decided to change my life and I need someone to still be here for me and help me get through everything. It might seem like I’m using him but I’m not really, he knows what the situation is and is perfectly capable to leave me if he wants too.
    Guilt sometimes gets to me though (reading what Luan is going through made me think again ) but I usually try to overlook it. I know this would never have happend if everything was ok with me and him.

    As for al the other girls who replied me…you are superb, made me feel better

    Nancy: ‘to keep moving (even if very slowly) in the right direction’ THIS is what I need to keep in my mind!!!!!!!

    Anyway, I need to stop babbling about my self and start reading what you wrote. You all are great inspiration to me! Though I still need to figure it out how to keep in track of everything you write

    So anyway sunday is close to an end now and I was scared I wouldnt be able to follow it through with my diet but I am now happy to say I did it Its my fifth day now ...moving slowly, wish it was 50th or something
  • Hi Ladies - Doing okay today...I checked yesterday morning and those pounds are still mostly holding...hopefully they'll be gone by Tuesday!! So...October is here!! I can't believe it, lol, it all went by so fast! MY exercise goal is 1085 minutes (35 a day) and it does seem I little daunting right now, but I will try!! I also was 100000% perfect with food/calories yesterday - I'm very pleased about that...I've been letting my calories slip a little bit lately. But not anymore!! Hope everyone is doing well!
    Keep your eyes on the prize chickies!!

  • so today i decided that i wasnt going to mope arround anymore and i took some of the neighborhood kids for a bike ride. it was pretty fun, and i had a good time.

    ive pretty much decided that the friends route is the way to go. im just gonna back off for a while and see what happens. im not making excuses for him. if he wants me, he can make the effort too. if not, oh well. someone, somewhere wants me. (if anyone has the map or directions to him, please let me know ha ha)

    thank you all so much for being my sounding board. its hard to talk to my friends about it because they know him and they want to get involved. and as much as that would be good. it would be bad too.
  • and another 10 by myself

    and we shall change the avitar to me and Kevin Smith - hes a director if you dont know who he is
  • Doing a final check in before bed- I did really good today- stayed 100% OP and also did a lot of cleaning. I hate to clean and typically don't keep up, so that was good too. I go back to work in the morning, so i have to fight the problems with trying to juggle work, school, and weight loss--determined to do it! Have a good night!
  • Lilion - I know how you feel about the posts going quickly. There are so many to catch up on. I don't want to leave anyone out

    Michelle - I don't think I'm ready for the snow quite yet. It was 94 degrees here today (really strange for October) and I have the AC on. For the past two weeks, it's been nice enough to keep the windows open all the time, but I guess for the next few days, the AC will stay on.

    Kim - Congratulations on the 10% goal! I'm glad you had such a great day! It's always good to be recognized in a situation like that.

    Lavandel - Congrats on staying on program this weekend! The first couple of weeks were the hardest for me and they've gotten easier over the last few.

    Vilandra - Doesn't it feel good to do everything right? I would love it if all of the temptations just went away

    Princess - Sometimes the friends route is a better direction to take a relationship gone bad. My first boyfriend (dated him 10 years ago now) and I are very good friends now and we're so much better as friends. We got along fine at the time but he cheated on me and I was young and naieve about the whole situation. We didn't talk for about a year besides seeing each other in school and I'm pretty sure at this point that he knows me better than almost anyone else. Things will get better soon and I'm convinced that Mr. Right is out there for each of us. Wouldn't it be nice if they all wore nametags to make it easier on us? Some of them should say "I'm a jerk and won't treat you right." That would make me life easier.

    My day was packed. I went to my sister and brother-in-law's house last night to try to clean a virus off of their computer since they just got the internet and it ended up taking me forever because the virus had really messed things up. I decided to install a new virus san program and just let it run overnight because it was only at 4% at 11:30 last night. I slept on their couch and last night was a really rough night for their 11 month old. He's teething and a tooth was cutting through last night so none of us got very much sleep. I woke up and finished fixing the computer, then came home, showered, and went to my parents. Sister brought the baby to their house for the normal visit and I spent most of the day there. She got him a football player Halloween costume. Had fried zucchini for dinner and it was actually pretty decent. I've stayed completely on program all weekend so I'm hoping for some good numbers when I weigh in tomorrow or Tuesday afternoon.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is staying motivated!!! Happy Monday!
  • Hi Ladies - Got a great start to my October exercise minutes - did 41 this afternoon and just got back from another walk that was 36 minutes!! YAY!! Hopefully I can be this OP tomorrow, too!

  • Amanda- Sounds like I need you around my house a bit- with your computer skills! I don’t know much about computers, especially viruses- I don’t even think I would know one if I had it. You’re doing really well with your program it sounds- Keep it up- I’m sure the FFM will be visiting you soon !

    Melissa- great way to kick off the month with all that walking!!

    I'm off to a decent start today. I know I'm doing well when I wake up without too much trouble- that means I have time to eat my breakfast and sign on here without too much rushing. When I can do that, I typically have a pretty good day *knock on wood*. Planning on kickboxing class tonight- I might stay and do yoga too, depending on how i feel. I'm surprisingly not sore today, after that weight lifting class. I think I've really nailed the secret to not being sore- excercising after the class on treadmll/elliptical. Since I've started doing that I don't trypically get sore. '

    Well I have to go do my hair and go to Work Have a grrrreat day ladies!
  • well i had a bad eating day saturday . i could just kick my butt! oh well guess its a freash new start today!