The Shrinking Misfits - September

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  • Hello Everyone:

    So glad that you are stopping in. This new check-in is for people that are wanting to shrink the numbers on the scale and really needing some support. Don't be shy about posting. It will be a very relaxed but motivated atmosphere to help us all reach our health and fitness goals.

    I would think a introduction is in order. My name is Elycia and I am 30 years old and I live in St. Louis. I have twin daughters (check my avi) and they are the love of my life. Unfortunately, those little darlings left me with some weight that I am trying to shed. I would like to lose about 90 lbs, so I have a ways to to. I am married to the love of my life and just trying to build some healthy habits so that as my girls get older, all they will know is "Healthy Habits!"

    So, let me know a little about you and what your goals are. Let's make ourselves a success story!!!!

  • Hello ,

    I have been looking for a good place to post.

    Let me introduce myself, I am 32 years old, married with 4 kids, ages 11, 7, 5, 2. My husband works out of town so life is hectic . I am picking up kids from school and daycare and running them here and there. Oh yea, I also work full time (besides the full time job as mom, chaufer, housekeeper, tutor, etc, etc.).

    I have been trying lately to figure out how to squeeze a teeny tiny hour into the day for me for exercise .

    I have been working on losing weight for a year now. So far I have lost 20 lbs, I haven't been hard core about it just making a few changes here and there. I would like to now kick it up a notch and be a little more agressive.

    My biggest problem is soda, Hi my name is Tina and I am a sugar addict . Seriously, I have to stop.

    I don't want to follow a "plan" or count anything. Otherwise I become totally obsessed with food and everything revolves around food. I don't really view that as healthy relationship with food .

    I simply want to eat better/less and move more.

    So I am going to focus on those two things. Hopefully by posting here I can stay focused.

    Oh by the way, Elycia, how neat is it that you have twins, I would love to have twins, even now. (No I am not crazy, LOL)


  • Hi everyone! I'm new. I just discovered this site last night. I spent hours looking for some sort of active forum for people who understand or are in the same boat I am. I found a startling amount of forums for women (though, I suspect they were mostly teenage girls) that weren't medically overweight, but liked to brag about how they only ate 300 calories a day by skipping two meals. Yeah, not what I was looking for. I eat more than 300 calories a day, and I don't swim for three hours every night. Actually, I probably wouldn't be caught dead in a bathing suit.

    Anyway, yay! for finding this wonderful place. I'm 25. I work full time in a construction company office. I love to read, write, crochet, knit, and collect music. I have a boyfriend whom I've been with for nearly five years. I also have the cutest dog in the world. No kids. I don't mind kids, but I'm convinced I'd make the most horrible mother in the world. Kudos to all of you mothers out there. That's a tough job.

    I've been overweight since before I can remember. I've never felt like I was normal or thin. Just recently, I actually got up the motivation and knowledge to actually change that. I'm looking to lose about 70 pounds right now. That would bring me down to 160, which would make me dance around like a ninny for at least an hour. I'd eventually like to be less than that, but I'm not going to set my goal any higher for now. If I can get down to 160, it would be the first time I've seen that number on the scale since I was in junior high.
  • Hi, I'm Christi and new here. I am starting my journey,yet again, to a new life and a whole new me. My unrealistic goal is to lost the weight overnight, but I am smart enough to know I didn't gain it overnight therefore I know I won't loose it overnight. In the past I have tried many many many times to lose the weight only to gain more. Just recently have I found out that I am hypothyroid and have been on meds to help control it. I am dedicated to doing this and I will become the skinny me...LOL I am looking forward to getting to know you all and to sharing our weight loss journeys.
  • Christi, a friend of mine was diagnosed as hyperthyroid. She was so relieved when the doctor told her that she's wasn't going crazy and she wasn't gaining weight for no apparent reason. The medication she's been given has made her feel much better. I had no idea that such a seemingly small problem could have such a profound effect on your body. It's good to hear that you were able to get a diagnosis on that.
  • It really is amazing how your thyroid can cause so many problems. I was recently diagnosed and before diagnosis I gained 20 lbs in three months, since starting medication I have gained 10 lbs since June. I tend to eat a balanced diet and am physically active. I will be glad when I get my meds straightened out and I stop gaining.
  • Hi everyone,
    Though I would pop in and say HI!. I have been looking around for the past couple of days trying to find some new threads as the ones I had been chatting in have kinda fizzled out.

    My name is Aleecia, I'm 33 married and have one daugther that is 2.5
    I joined 3FC back in February and its been a great help to me so far. I have kinda been in a rut for the past month or say and could really use some extra support and motivation. I am also more than willing to provide any support and motivation to others.

    Good, bad, lose or gain. Let's all do this together.
    Good Luck everyone on your weight loss journey.

    Hope to talk to you all soon.
  • Wonderful! I am so excited to meet you guys and hear about your goals and motivations. I just got in from work and I was so excited to see that you guys had posted. Seems like everyone is motivated and raring to lose some of the extra pounds. That's great!

    I will be back after dinner to chat with everyone a little bit, but I definitely stop by and say Hi! I'm looking forward to encouraging each other along the journey of reaching our goal.

    Tina, so nice to meet you. My little ones keep me quite busy, so I can understand that your schedule can be a little harried. That is wonderful that you are trying to make time to exercise. What type of workouts do you like to do? Treadmill, videos, etc? Do tell.

    Galengail, isn't it so nice to think about how we look when we get to goal? I know that it definitely makes me smile when I visualize myself at goal. That really can be a good motivator as well. Keep checking in and focused and your will reach your goal. I am so glad that you are here.

    SAHMof1, you have a very realistic view of weight loss and that is a definite plus. So many people want the overnight success and the reality of it is ~~ That is not possible. You are probably going to be the one that keeps us on the real in this group. I am so happy that you decided to join us.

    Aleecia, I understand what you are saying abut threads thinning out. That tends to happen, so I hope that we keep checking in because that is where the real motivation comes in. So you are ready to be a Shrinkin Misfit? Cooky name I know. But you know what, we are going to shrink. It's just going to take us a little time. Thanx for deciding to join.

    Well, like I said I will see you all again a little later.

  • Hello Ladies,
    My name is Norma and I'm a 57 yr. old mother of 3 + 2 step children, grand mother of 12 angels. I don't work outside the house. I love crafts, knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, sewing, quilting, painting (tole), woodworking, and anything new.
    Some of the other threads became too overwhelming. I want to be with warm bodies that are like me. I haven't moved in years and it's been tougher than I thought to get moving. I'm a calorie counter who is just cutting back. We have no gyms around here and I want no fancy plans. I'm a turtle who will finish the race. Let the rabbits do their own thing.
    Thanks Elycia for inviting me! Looks like a great group of ladies.
  • Hey Elycia! I missed you on Winning Losers today! I hope we didnt do or say something to chase you away from the group and start up a new one. Tomorrow we start our September challenge I hope you are joining us, here's the link!

    The more we get to join the funner this is gonna be! Have a GREAT September everyone!
  • Hi there Melissa. Everything is cool. Just thought WL was getting too big. I can't keep up. Since WL's is my baby, I will still be around.

    Thanx for stoppin in.

  • Hello and Welcome
    Hey there Norma! How you doing??!! So happy to see you. You have some interesting pastimes. I am not really following a plan either per se, but I am counting calories. I use and it is a awesome resource. It really holds me accountable.

    Okay, again, Hi everyone and welcome to The Shrinking Misfits check-in! My personal philosophy on check-ins is that they should have infectious energy. Good habits rubbing off on each other and gently pushing each person to success. I love check-ins and think they are great! So everyone post as much as you can and definitely feel free to post your ups and downs. How you dealt with obstacles. Recipes that you found awesome. A workout that you loved. All of those things are the type of things that will really make our thread and our minds thrive and be a success. No pressure, but I feel that really is the best way to meet our goals.

    I also want each of your to know that it is really important that you realized that you can't do it on your own. I am a very independent thinker and alot of times try to do things on my own and it really makes it more difficult than it has to be. Losing weight is not easy because it takes time & work, but together we are stronger and can win at losing weight and making healthier food choices.

    So since we are just getting started, I 'd like to know a little more about the eating plan you are following. What type of activities are you doing or trying to start? What do you feel has been stopping you from reaching your goals?

    Like I mentioned, I am not really following a plan, I am just watching my calories and fat and it has been working so far. I am also only drinking water and committed to only baking, broiling or microwaving my food. No frying or Fast Food! I have been maintaining that for the past 2 weeks. I love working out at home to workout videos. I have over 300 workouts. I love them and enjoy working out. The thing that has stopped me from reaching my goals are a combination of things: Busy, unfocused, little laziness, etc. I finally have my mind set to lose the weight and I don't feel I am going to stop until I reach my goal. I'm excited about it all.

    Well, I would love to hear more about you guys. I hope to hear from you soon.

  • Hello Ladies!

    My name is Whitney, I am 25 years old and currently in my third and final year of law school. I am single and I do not have any children. I am away from home (Missouri) for school so it makes it somewhat tough to do this all alone - especially on such a busy school schedule.

    Months ago I came across this website but simply ignored it. Well, Monday i started my weight loss plan and Tuesday night I stumbled upon 3FC again...this time I joined!

    I am very concerned about developing a healthy lifestyle for the following reasons:

    1 - Many people in my family are overweight and have high blood pressure, diabetes, or take many prescriptions.

    2 - I have dieted since I was 11. I have gained and lost 15-30 pounds countless times. I know that I am ruining my body.

    3 - I want a sense of control. I admit, I overeat like CRAZY. I cannot just eat 2 or 3 cookies...I eat the entire box. I cannot just eat a serving of chips...I eat the entire bag. You get the idea.

    My plan:
    Eating -- I have decided to count calories and keep track of my food intake in an Excel spreadsheet that I created. In the past, being accountable was the only way to stay on track.

    Exercise -- I plan to do some form of exercise daily (crunches, pushups, etc). I plan to walk/run 3-4 times per week.

    I am really trying to do this for the long run. So I only want to lose 1-2 pounds per week. Looking forward to OUR progress
  • Hi there Whitney! Welcome to the group. Guess what! I am in Missouri as well, St. Louis. That is so exciting that you are in your last year of law school. That had to take alot of work and committment. Good for you. If you are able to see law school through to the end, I believe you can succeed in reaching your weight loss goals. Sounds like you have a very sensible plan and healthy and that is great!

    Again, Welcome and I certainly look forward to hearing more from you. I am glad that you decided to join this time. Check-ins are a great source of encouragement and can be very motivating.

  • Hello everyone:

    I just got in from work. Phew! What a day. I hope that everyone is doing okay. I am still trying hard to stick to cleaner eating. I did get my workout in today. I did Bust & Butt by the Firm and it was tough. I thought it was a good workout!

    So how was everyone's day? What plans do you have for the weekend. Well,I have to get on to dinner. I will try to check in later to see how everyone is doing.

