Weekly Chat// July 17-23

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  • Well, didn't do so well this weekend. Not sure why I can't seem to stay OP during the weekends. Have to increase the water. Even though Saturday I had plenty of it. So just going to have to continue trying
    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • Good Morning

    Its suppose to get really really hot today. Dh is out on a job site, which means dd and I are home to fend off the heat with no car. So Im going to clean out the kiddie pool, refill it, and get in

    I bought a bathing suit yesterday This is the first time in 6 yrs Ive bought one. This is also the very first time ever I bought and liked the very first bathing suit I tried on!! Can you believe it????????? Its black of course halter type top with some very pretty egyptian type decoration banding right under the halter. Its really pretty. Even dh liked it when I brought it home

    Keep cool today ladies, and get your water in!
  • lady_adnerb: Is it for lack of LC stuff in the house? Or lack of motivation? Or do you just like letting it "all hang out" during the weekend?

    RobinW: yay... bathing suit! I'm so not ready for a new suit. Have fun in the kiddie pool!

    The weekend went well for me food wise. I'm going to need to up my fiber intake. Started TOM today. bah. The first day is always a killer. I don't feel like doing anything but sit on the couch and bead.

    Could be worse I suppose.

    Happy day all.

    - Jux
  • Hi everyone, it is very hot here too. I didn't mow the yard yesterday, plan to do it tonite. I did go get the gas for it and caught a man looking down my shirt while I was bent down. I thought this was funny. I am 46 yrs. old and I haven't had a stranger take a peek like that in at least 10 yrs. LOL, I told my DH and he just laughed. DH used to look down my scrub top all the time when I was worked in an ER and he was one of the ambulance drivers.
    I called and made an appt. to see a gynecologist next week and think maybe she might have some answers to all this pain in my right lower side. I know that I have PCOS and am concerned that the cysts might be getting worse.(TMI, I know, but sex is extremely painful and causes me to hurt for days afterwards.) DH acts like it's "just an excuse to get out of it". That's not fair , I haven't told him to "cover me up when you're done" in at least year. LOL
    I have went furniture shopping and decided to wait a week to decide if I really want/need it. I am trying not to impulse buy.
    I totalled my carbs last night and only had 13.5 for the day. Most days this week have been 20-25. I am planning to eat some watermelon today, I need to get in a few more carbs. Some of the maintainers suggested for me to weigh daily, but that makes me nuts, so I am still weighing twice a week.
  • Lillybelle, I needed that laugh today! Thats a good one. I swear that i noticed men checking me out now. (at least looking at me not through me!)
    IT is so damn hot here too. went in the pool but it wasn't refreshing at all. temp said 92 degrees! Good luck with the Gyno. I need to get my butt there too!

    Robin congrats on the suit! my problem still is if the top fits good the butt hangs on my like I pooped my pants! so now i bought a seim dress so that hides it. I hope I lose more in the top!!

    Brenda - I don't know what to say about you and these weekends! You can do it! you can do it!!

    Jux - hang in there. THis too shall pass!
  • No problem with not enough carbs today. I made home-made chili and had a bowl of it. I guesstimated 25 carbs for that one bowl plus ate Oats for breakfast. My weight is holding steady at 143 and I mowed the yard and sweated like a pig tonite.
  • Good Morning

    Lilly~ sounds like you've got it planned for today. Good going!

    I did good yesterday. Not enough carbs, but you know....it was just too hot to worry about it. Too hot to even eat...kwim? Today isnt suppose to be nearly as bad, and a few t-storms are suppose to blow thru. Hopefully it will help drop the temp a few degrees.

    Hopefully this weekend my mom will be coming to spend the weekend with us. Dh is going to install the extra airconditioner in the spare bedroom for her. This weather and hot flashes just dont mix!!

    I havent been exercising at all...........kudos to those of you that can, in this heat. Im not going to worry about it right now. I will make a point to get to the gym when it drops below 80! Even in the a/c at the gym its still too hot!!

    Not much else happening in my little corner of the world....have a great day ladies!
  • Robin: WTG on getting a suit you like! That's a big step right there!! Hope you get some rain. Every time they've called for t-storms it's passed us by. When we DO get rain it'll be a major storm system (tornado's, etc). It has been the last few years.

    Jux: I totally understand how you feel about the first days of TOM. I get the same way. And I've got legal stuff in the house. Just never home on the weekends when I cheat. Then I figure "oh well" and just continue one and start over on Monday. Need to change that attitude!

    Lily: What a way to get a compliment, eh? Let us know how the gyno appt goes!

    NTL: I hear you on the pool not being refreshing. Unless we dump water out and add fresh it's like a sauna in there!

    Well, did good yesterday. Didn't eat much because of the heat. But that's ok. Was interesting to see the scale go UP after that. So not sure what the deal is. Not going to think about exercising either until it cools off. Started to feel dizzy, headachy and sick yesterday (heat related) so I won't be doing much today to try and get my body to recuperate (before the next heat wave). I HATE this type of weather!!
  • Lilly, I posted a "stories" thread under Goal. No one answered . Wondered if you could. Thanks.
  • Hi everyone. I hopped in my truck to go to town and it said 106 degrees. I had planned on mowing the back, fenced in part of my yard tonite, but I say forget it. DH can do it in the morning. Besides, I saw a big, black king snake out there last night. I don't like snakes or spiders. My DD touched the snake thinking it was a dog leash that was just laying in the yard. She freaked completely out. I had to get off the mower and calm her down. The snake moved on out to the pasture with all the screaming going on.

    carolr3639, I saw your post has been deleted. I am sure there are many others who have reached goal, but not written their story up yet. It took me a few days to write mine up because I was babysitting my grandson and he keeps me busy. Maybe others will get theirs written too.
  • HATE snakes! Ick! Black widow spiders too! And I'm adding ticks to that list now after finding a couple on my dogs this month.

    It is hot, hot, hot here too - 107 when I was driving home from work. My boys were supposed to play baseball at the high school at 5 today but they are crapping out and I don't blame them one bit. They have played plenty in the heat and just didn't feel up to it today (Cody has had a bad tummy today - probably caused from the heat. I've been feeling punk today too)

    I'm having a time of it with my eating in this heat. Not much appetite. Can't figure out what I want to eat. Don't want to heat house with cooking. Just a light salad goes down well but I'm kinda/sorta hungry again shortly. I get soooo sick of being the one to shop and cook meals and be creative with the meal planning - and that is on a regular basis! Add in this heat factor and I'm completely lost!

    Well, I'm going to wander around the house a figure out something to do since I seem to have gained a few hours where I thought I would going to be sitting in the blistering heat watching teenagers run around, hitting and throwing a baseball. Maybe wash the poor hot dogs. I've been trying to keep them in out of the heat but unless I block the doggie door the silly things will keep going outside and run around like ninnies then come in and colapse in a heap like they're about to die. Silly dogs!

    Stay cool-

  • Lol, my dog does the same thing. She'll come charging back inside and lap up a gallon or more of water, then want back outside to play. She won't drink out of her water bowl outside, it isn't clean enough for her. Lol, but then she will lap out of a toilet if her inside bowl is empty for any reason. I try to make a point of keeping the bathrooms closed but with kids it isn't always possible. We have a problem with ticks sometimes too, but not lately, I think they all got roasted from the heat.
  • We use frontline for the ticks/fleas. And I'm glad we don't have snakes like that! Sounds Creepy!!!

    Need to drink more water myself. Animals aren't the only ones! I agree about the eating as well. Nothing that's warm sounds good. We had BLT's (LC bread). And I had a salad as well.
  • Thanks, Brenda! BLTs are a great idea! The boys will like those - see, that is part of the problem. I would be happy with some thin sliced deli ham or turkey, cheese, cucumber wedges or other raw veggies for dinner but the boys would NOT think that was dinner! Tuna on toasted bread with lots of letuce is another one I could feed them.

    Hey - this why I love this place. I can always come here for help!

    Oh, and I just got home from the store, it's 9:45 and its still 95 degrees out! Yikes!!!

  • Or make up a noodle salad. They can have a sandwich with it. I've done that also. And if you make a big enough container full..they can munch away for days

    Was tempted to step on the scale this morning so drank some water right away. My rings are feeling tight so I'm hoping it's just the humidity and not weight gain. I've been good so I would HOPE that the scale (and the swollen fingers) would go down. I've already had to remove most of my rings because of it!!! And I know LC bread isn't on induction, but had to do it!!