LWL #264 July 17-23

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  • HOT! HOT! HOT! It's supposed to be 100 degrees here for the next two days . YUK! no outdoor cardio for me, lol.

    Today is leg day, and I'm scooting off to the gym now to get it done. My next to last leg day in that gym Gyms here usually close suddenly. We gave our members 3 weeks notice, which they are not happy about, but the industry standard seems to be that a truck or 2 pulls up in the middle of the night, clears out the equipment, and the doors are locked the next day when people show up for their workouts. I've been pretty frantic trying to help my clients finish out their pre-paid sessions before the doors close.

    The stress level finally got to me- I don't sleep- just have sequences of nightmares, and have started eating crappy. I NEED to stop that. Life will go on.

    Fru- Glad you are back with a new 'tude!
    Nelie- keep cool- you're probably a few degrees hotter than I am!
    Fran- Hope the sunburn is letting up!

    Hi everyone else, gotta run!


  • Did running, did super-sets on the Lat Pulldown, did most things heavier than usual by 5kg (approx 10lbs), got to do some kickboxing practice tonight before class. Feeling groovy

    It's 91F here, approx 33C Not known it so hot, the grass is dead. However I'm really cool and chillin in my little strappy racer-back top
  • Mel - don't remind me about the heat! My first summer out east is not looking too good My BF says though that I only have to live here through 2 summers if I decide I don't want to live here. I think I'll survive though I am sorry to hear about your gym closing down, that really does suck. Don't let it get to you too much.

    hrbabe - take care of yourself, put some aloe on that sunburn. I actually got a little too much sun myself when I went to California. My own fault, thinking I only needed sunscreen on certain spots, like my face. It was actually the first time I got burned (my shoulders basically) since I was 16.

    I went hiking this weekend at Shenandoah national park. We ended up climbing the highest peak there, which is at an elevation of little over 4000 ft. Of course we started at almost 3300 ft It was very difficult, there was a 740 ft rise in a little over half a mile. Then we calculated that 740 ft rise would equal 74 flights of stairs and I was very proud of myself when I reached the top. My calves and hamstrings are still sore.

    Edited to add: Forgot to mention that we walked a little over 2 miles after reaching the summit as we descended the mountain and circled it. Overall a very good workout

    No gym time yet but it is coming. I am also down to a new low for me and when I lose 3 more lbs, I'll have lost 90 total. More importantly, 13 more lbs and I'll have lost 100 total I'm looking forward to that day.
  • Mel...what are you going to do when the gym closes? Do you transfer to another gym? That's really rotten for the people who have bought all these long term memberships. I am guessing they don't get their money back. Don't let the stress get to you...you are obviously doing the best you can. Make sure you take the time to take care of courself.

    Was going to cook for the week...grill everything, but when I went to start the grill, found some animal had chewed the hose from the propane tank to the grill. Weird. Had to pan fry everything...at least it was nonstick. But the flavor just isn't the same.

    Another hot day in the offing....yesterday, tho' really hot, wasn't brutal because the humidity was down. Was able to get in a walk in the early morning before the temperature started to rise and then focused on upper body. Amazing how much strength I lost during the stroke and recovery...had to back down on all my poundage. Annoying.

    I've got to get myself back on a schedule. I've started back with training, but on a limited schedule. Have two regular clients and a few first workouts, but am not going to knock myself out the way I did before, working two jobs day and night. And I want to get myself back in shape as well. Why isn't it ever easy?!

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Duh! Just went back and read last weeks thread. Ignore my questions, Mel.
  • Very hot here too.

    I haven't been around much but I've been doing well on the food, exercise and sleep fronts. The hot weather has brought out a skirt which last saw the light of day in the early 80s. It seems to be more or less in fashion, it's cool and it fits (for the first time in ages)! It's been 7 perfectly clean days and I intend to keep it up. Confidently and positively, I'm going to buy some more stars for my diary tomorrow.

    I'm off on holiday for a month. South-west coast and London, house and cat-sitting.

    Mel - sorry to hear about the work situation. It sounds as though something swisher is round the corner though. Hang on and look after yourself.

    Frus - groovy is good, we like groovy. (Btw, read about the boy kickboxers in the UK thread. I had hoped we were over that stuff but obviously not. I see part of the future in teaching boys about dealing with emotions - and housework - so things end up a bit more equal. And the same things go for men, too. It's really never too late. You can teach an old dog new tricks, with a following wind. rant over/ But that doesn't help the Bournemouth thing.)

    Nelie - you're doing so well! Onward and upward (I mean downward!)!

    Susan the Artmaker - I was so sorry to hear about your stroke. Glad things are improving but keep taking care of yourself, won't you?

    Hrbabe - sunburn? Ouch. And ouch again.

    Hullo to everyone else. We are strong.
  • Crazy here and you are right too hot. Supposed to stay this way until Wednesday.

    Did some lower body workout stuff, but want to also work more on flexibility - I am not losing the pounds fast enough to make the bending over work very well.

    SILVER - congratz on the skirt fitting, what a lovely feeling.

    HR - poor baby, I hope you get some relief soon.

    NELIE - Way to go on 100. Way to go.

    Food is not too bad, but of course, since we will be gone for 3 weeks, I am not looking to buy too much to have sit around. I am thinking that we will have lots of walking around and not a lot of sitting around being bored on this trip, so food should be pretty good.

    Noticing that my thighs are really getting toned up though, and my calves are not half bad, just have to focus on the food a little more - left over grilled chicken today.
  • Ha! I'm sending you all some cooler weather. It's 45F (7C) here this morning, very overcast. Highs are expected at 65F (18C), so I think you'd all find it refreshing. We had rain Friday night and all day Sat, which is a good thing as we haven't had much the last few months. My flowers and veggies are looking much much happier.

    I retrieved my bike from the shop on Sat - complete with a whole new shifter unit on the handlebars. I've not had it out for a long ride yet, but enough to know that I once again have low gears. We have a picnic to go to tonight with our volunteer fire dept. My DH was a member for 20 years, and we still get invited to their social events. Fun to catch up with everyone. And as long as I keep to the salads and grilled chicken, food should be fine. I have nice clean food for the rest of the day in the fridge at work. Lots of good fruit in the grocery store this week - including a catalope that almost melts in your mouth it's so ripe. Yummmm.

    Have a great Monday everyone and stay cool.
  • Pat can I come and stay

    D'you think it's harder to lose weight in this hot weather? My "water" weight hasn't shifted yet from the weekend. Only up a pound, but from previous experience it should be gone by now

    Never mind, I know I'm on the right track so I suppose it'll happen in its own sweet time!

    Sweated buckets teaching kiddies to kickbox last night, they didn't.

    Got gym at lunch and kickboxing training tonight!
  • I'm on my way, too, Pat! I think I really need a vacation. It's getting harder and harder to drag myself out of bed.

    Sore legs today. I should be doing chest and cardio, but have so many client, I don't know where to fit my workout in. My fridge is empty- cut down on munching but also on real meals! It's a toss up between groceries and a workout during the afternoon lull. ugh, I really want a vacation!

    Have a good one! 100 here again today

  • Poor Mel - take it easy. I would say go for shopping for food rather than cardio. Not doing cardio for one day isn't going to take it's toll too badly, BUT if you don't shop for healthy food, are you going to end up face down in the M&M's??

    Just done shoulders and tris this lunch, nice combination, felt all tingly!! Probably should've done chest instead of shoulders, but I fancied getting most of the arms out of the way before Thursday's X-treme class!

    Am onto my 4th (or more) jug of water - that's more than 8 pints, probably about 10 ish pints. (we're talking UK pints here!!!) Hopefully I should stay pretty hydrated - I've got a good 2L bottle for kickboxing to keep the levels topped up! Last night I ended up with a dehydration headache and had to go straight to bed when I got in I was up at the butt-crack of dawn this morning though, and bored because DF was sound off! I shouldda woken him up!
  • MEL- Grocery shopping, at least the regular old responsible grocery shopping loses every time to everything with me. What I need to do is plan a party and then I am all about the event.

    PAT - I think while we are in Scotland, we will also have cooler weather as we will be so far north. But right now in Boston, HHH and no end in sight. The kids are living in the pool.

    2FRU - How did you know I had a bag of peanut M&Ms in the fridge???

    No workout this morning, working until about 11 pm this evening, so I am conserving my energy. Planning on an interval training round the reservoir tomorrow am before things heat up too much. Then some DVD workouts at home. Makes the dog crazy. LOL.

    Scale is staying right where it has been but with my behavior that is a blessing.

    Resistance bands are in the pile to be packed along with the sneakers. Lots of hiking my future.

    Ninjas don't eat M&M's...
  • Mel - Go grocery shopping, get away from the gym and into... the heat. Ok maybe not the best idea but enduring the heat is only for a short period of time.

    Liza - no M&Ms allowed... my favorite though are those pb ones though... oh my

    Speaking of PB, yesterday I felt myself going towards an all out PB eating fest. Ok that is a little exaggeration. I was eating PB with my apple (sparingly), then I finished the apple and starting eating PB by itself. One small scoop (using a small butter knife), then another. After the second scoop, I realized I could keep going for a while which is when I stopped. Luckily, I keep very little pb with me at work anyway, about 1/4 cup right now.

    This morning, I decided to measure myself. I measured myself sometime last month and hadn't measured since. Between 10 different measure points, I lost 18 inches total. Some places had less than an inch lost (wrists, neck) while others had a large improvement including shoulders, waist and hips but every location had some loss. My waist is almost in the 30s and that will be a good day I also noticed that my shoulders and hips keep themselves pretty much equal. My shoulders right now are an inch smaller than my waist measurement.

    Last night no gym but I did do 15 mins on my lateral thigh trainer machine. I bought it a few months ago for doing exercise at home but never really used it. I don't like it as much as my cardio machines at the gym but it is an ok substitute. Also, the heat is killing me lately. I decided to do the free trial of push.tv workouts for a month. We'll see if I actually do them but I am mostly curious.
  • Hmm, looks like I'd better clean out my guest room! It really is more pleasant here temperature wise. It got sunny and warmer yesterday afternoon/early evening, so our picnic was pleasant outdoors (though I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt!) Eating was not as good though, as they had deep-fried halibut - oh my! I did avoid the desserts completely. My DH more than made up for me though. He could have eaten just that. Not fair that he weighs 140 soaking wet!

    Good news on the lost inches Nelie!

    And Frus, I'd need to move my desk to the ladies' if I drank that much water.

    Mel, I vote for the grocery store. It'll be cool there too.

    Liza - when do you actually leave? I was in Scotland in the sumer 1978, and frankly have little memory of the weather, though I don't think it rained much! I remember London that trip though - it was HOT!

    Lots of paperwork to be done today. Luckily I have a new Dixie Chicks CD to listen to while I sort.....

    Have a good day.
  • Mel, get out of the gym for awhile. You need a different perspective and to get out from under all the pressure and sadness of your gym closing. Grocery shopping in the coldest grocery store in town sounds good.

    Nelie, let us know how you like Push. I followed the links when I read your post but haven't acted on it yet. I'm more of a "do my own thing" kind of person than wanting a set program, but I could be persuaded! lol

    Hopefully back to cardio and weights tomorrow. The heel is almost all better and just fading purple now. My shoulders are still tender, but the rest of me is ok and my back is itching, so we all know what THAT means. Peel-city, so tomorrow I should be able to start lifting again and be able to sweat w/o fearing the need to take a shower on a more frequent basis.